I guess I will never understand the denizens of this site. "Severance Pay", has in my opinion ALL the elements that would make most of you go goo goo, yet the kudo count is low! How come?
I can see Authors not being impressed with my writing but this is beyond the pale.
Well, I for one
am avoiding it on the basis of the themes listings, which imply that sex is a very major part of the story. That's not my thing.
I'd imagine there are many other readers here who are doing the same. We're a bit more prudish lot than a lot of the other sites get, Gwen, keep that in mind :P
Melanie E.
So far there has been very little and I have seen more graphic in mainstream novels.
No sex yet.
I have not seen it and when it starts it will need to be very mild or I will stop reading it. I did notice the "Lesbian" tag, but have seen so sign of it yet.
I'll give it a try
Sorry Gwen but magic isn't my thing, nor are dildos. That being said, i'll read the first part of this story and if I like it, I'll continue, If it's as good as you say it is then I'll be a happy camper, Arecee
It's a fat old cop gets made into a babe thing. :)
Well I haven't read it but I can tell you that I have come across a problem with the kudos buttons when I read stories there are times that The button is transparent like I had clicked it before but I never did as it was the first time reading it. And if your going to suggest that it was someone else in my family with a similar ip address I can honestly tell you that I am the only one from my family that visit the site. So part of why the count being so low can be this issue with the kudo button it self.
An abundance of riches...
Frankly, there is just too much for me to read on this site. So, I pick authors I have read before and liked.
I've bookmarked it, and has started to read it.
It is a very good story.
It is a very good story. Written very well and well edited. From the "adult" content which would usually make me move onto something else so far I would not rate it above "M" nowhere near "Adults only" or any restricted categories. While more in sci-fi genre it does explore some interesting issues.
Problem with Kudos is that it requires logging on to use it. Many users (I for one) generally prefer to not log in all the time. This probably is a common issue for a lot of stories. I recognize that the outcome is unfair to the authors but I also recognize that there are no easy solutions.
If it helps, I generally read
If it helps, I generally read less than 1 in 10 of the stories/instalments that are posted. So, therefore, I fail to kudo. A few of the stories I read I also fail to grant a kudo - not because they are _bad_ per se, but that I feel there's something off about them, or the story itself turns me off.
Of the ones I do Kudo, I'd say that I only comment about one in eight, when I feel there's something I can contribute.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I think it's an outstanding story. I started reading it on a whim, but I was very quickly hooked on it.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
I'm finding it hard
To wait for each installment . This is an excellent story and I'm really enjoying it. I might not be going Goo goo but I think its one I will reread many times.
Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue
To my everlasting chagrin, I'm sold on Severance Pay.
Chagrin because I didn't recognize the superb writing, plotting and overall excellence of the first chapter(s). Thanks Gwen for waking me up and for bringing this GREAT tale to the attention of all of us who might be getting a bit jaded or comfortable with what is, and not paying attention to new stuff that rivals the best writing I've seen in a long, long time.
This story deserves all the comments and kudoes it can get. I've given it mine as of this morning... and I'll keep on giving them. This is a GREAT, GREAT story.
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
severance pay
What is this kudos of which you speak? And how do you give one?
The story is very good though I admit to not have read one before where the story is told in first person pov from different characters. After my initial confusion the transition between characters was easy to distinguish. I am enjoying this story very much.
Let me also say there are many good writers and stories here and I don't comment enough and should.
As far as ratings go I think it is a PG-13 at this point. This is a good read and story.
I started to read.
Your marvelous series just before you posted this. Sometimes it is hard pressed to keep updates here in order. But thank you for a great story. And I am very sorry for being tardy telling you so.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
On my reading list
but, I want to finish the "October 2013 Costumes Contest" stories.
Peace and Love
Hugs tmf
Thanks for bringing this one to my attention.
As I write this, I have just finished section two or chapter 12. I realized right from the start that there is a considerable chance that I will not appreciate they way the story is likely to end, but I am giving it a chance and holding out hope that it will end in a nice original way that won't piss me off.
Given how long it is, I am setting myself up for quite a long fall. I am doing so on the strength of the story so far.