locker room question

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Question for you all. If you were a pre-op male to female trans person, would you be comfortable using a woman's locker room? For example, before and after a gym class? I know my answer, but what do you guys and gals say?


I did. Mostly I cycle for

I did. Mostly I cycle for exercise, but pre-operation I took swimming lessons at the local YWCA (which didn't help) and used the locker room every week.

This is just my opinion

and I want you to know that I have not and will not transition, despite a strong feminine side balancing out some of that testosterone nonsense. But for me, I am incredibly uncomfortable if I make others uncomfortable. When I was a teenager my family took me to nude beaches (70's, California, so...) I never had a problem because no one else had a problem. But simply walking around, if a woman gives me a look, like she is uncomfortable (I'm tall and male, so of course it happens once in a while) I get very uncomfortable in return, despite having done nothing to deserve it. So my answer is specific to how others perceive the situation. I would never make one of the strong women characters you see in the stories here.



Id use the mens room with the triangle on it of course. Still do. Whats your point?


as usual. It's the symbol for men. After all I use it.

As for who else uses it? Ehh never paid any attention, why should I?

I agree

You are a woman, very much a girly woman actually, but since I'm not even remotely girlie I'll use the mens room denoted by the triangle covering our manly parts.


Dottie's being bad again!

I'm just tellin the truth. Sniffle

your the fibber

I'm telling the truth!

Your the big meanie, fibbing just to get me in trouble!

Dottie is telling the....

Truth and it would appear that you must have bumped your head if you can't tell the difference between the male and female signs on locker room doors :) Besides, you are in Canada not Scotland :)

Oh, and as you are quite girly it would be inappropriate for you to enter the boy's locker room.


Extravagance's picture

I would never set foot in one, unless I had changed my legal identity and done as much as possible to feminize my physiology. I am not one to leave such delicate matters to chance.
I could overlook this, if I were invited in by a woman with significant political weight who took responsibility for my presence.

Catfolk Pride.PNG

Hi Dottie,

Pre-op, I used a wimyn's locker room for a few months at a big physical therapy (sort of) gym. They had a lot of resistance or weight thru cables and pulleys machines to build specific muscles. I was having back muscle problems and the exercise therapy plus ice packs and trigger point (centers of a muscle spasm) treatments worked quite well. I had some glue on, silicone breast forms I wore, but they weren't a life like color. I used a toilet stall to change bra and panties. I might have been doing my RLT at the time, but I can't exactly remember.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

I would not...

Ragtime Rachel's picture

...simply because getting dressed is more difficult for me in general, especially since I have a wheelchair I'd have to navigate through there. It would be impossible for me to be discreet, which would make others there uncomfortable. The local "Y" is only about half a mile from me, so there's no reason I couldn't wait until I got home to shower.

Livin' A Ragtime Life,


well i fit all the criteria so....

Teresa L.'s picture

while i have not started transition yet, i would depending on the locker room. some have separated areas (i have seen them, for cleaning) and in that situation i would be ok. if not, if it mainly in the open i wouldnt for two reasons. i would not be comfortable with strangers seeing my "plumbing" problem, and it might cause them discomfort. now if it was a work situation and i was known etc, would be a different story.

just my personal view on this of course



Teresa L.

Oregon law

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

In Oregon, I have the right, by law, to use the women's restroom when presenting as a woman. Oregon law, § 659A.403¹Discrimination in place of public accommodation prohibited, is inclusive of transgendered individuals I hesitate to put other people in the position of questioning whether I should be there. I have a mental list of places, like Walmart, that have "Family Restroom" and prefer to use them.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann


I'm not sure. It would depend upon just how far I am into transitioning though. The more female I looked, the less of a problem I would have.

Honest Story

My ex and I were with our just six month old older daughter. We were taking turns eating and caring and feeding the cub between us. Suddenly our little cub smiled and laughed telling us a diaper change was in order. I was marched with child in tow to the lady's room and told bluntly it was my turn.

Some how when I finished there was no screaming masses of irate women bearing torches and pitchforks awaiting for me when I was leaving. The only thing that happened was an elderly women told me that she envied lesbian couples as there were two of us to care for the dirty chores. Quote " Men have no stomach for the evil stuff that comes out of there lovely child's body."

When I had to use a women's locker room for the first time I was just careful to use one of the enclosures like many other very bashful girls. With 48 DDD breasts I could not use the men's locker room.

Mine are all natural no fillers or plastics for me.


With those with open eyes the world reads like a book


Funny story

Ive told this before. Im preop have been for years My mother who was completely unsupportive but tolerant bought me a one piece with a skirt and demanded i accompany her to the public pool. We both changed and she was shocked that the other women didn't bat an eye at my presence she grudgingly gave in and we started to enjoy going swimming.

One day she went alone and her hernia was bulging more than normal and this older bitty screamed. ITS A MAN and demanded my mother leave immediately.

I about busted something that day!
