had a rather strange moment last night. I went to work a little early, and I decided to read the paper. While reading the sports section I saw a picture of a male swimmer who is going to the Olympics, and I found myself almost unable to tear my eyes away for far longer than what you would expect from someone who has always insisted that my sexual orientation is towards women.
I dont know what to think about this, or what this ultimately means.
Ah, well.
Take it as it comes
Back when I transitioned, in the 90s, the saying was that about half of pre-transition people had a good sense of what their post transition orientation was going to be—and about half of those were wrong. I don't think there were hard numbers to back that up, but more than a few people were surprised by their eventual orientation. Things realign in our heads as we go, and it's best to take as much of it in stride as you can.
My understanding is that it is about 50/50
as to being straight or gay after transitioning.
I don't like men. Then again there are a lot of women I don't like either. But I don't like the physical feel of a man or their masculine attitude so they can never be a soul mate to me regardless if they look okay to me. The hairy craggy unkempt unshaven paunchy male I see when they are middle aged is the final straw as to whether I find men desirable.
The final possibility is that you can turn out pan or bisexual.
I agree with Kimmie...
The whole hard, strong, coarse hairy body and short hair or bald (scalp) thing is something I don't think could ever appeal to me. I'll never transition (medical and genetic difficulties) but I doubt something so close to my core could change. On the other hand that shouldn't exclude or even diminish appreciation of exemplary specimens of the human species.
My thoughts on the matter.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
There was a man once ...
His name was Alan, and he was at least6'4 and weighed I don't know, A LOT ! He was not morbidly obese, but looked like a giant to me. The best part was he was my intellectual superior. I love history, church history, ancient books and anything that did not make the cannon. He had Phd's; several and had been working toward being a Priest, but it just got to where it didn't work for him any more.
We were as intimate as our physiologies would allow, but I did not get the chance to actually fall in love so that I knew it. I called him one morning and a woman answered the phone. He'd had a stroke in the night and died. Today, I believe we would have married.
There never was another, and he spoiled me on men. After one like that, well the rest were pikers; not worth my notice. A couple of men have persued me since, and the most recent, a really big, bearded mountain of a man fit the profile, except that he showed himself to be very selfish and domineering. He asked me point blank if I would like to date him, but I just decided that I'd had enough of takers in 40 years of marriage.
Baring a really direct action by Heavenly Father, there will never be another like Alan. These days I stay as busy as I can doing humanitarian things to keep my mind going. Without that, I can't die fast enough. I've had my last hurrah.
Don't worry, be happy.
Factually speaking, for a T person, your orientation doesn't matter as any sort of coupling you have will be a non-reproductive one, that is after either castration or SRS. Actually, I think that they should make a partial SRS available, for all the good that damn hole is. They could just whack your dick off, reroute the uretha, and use the ball sack to make realistic looking labia. I gotta telly you that damn hole is a pain. You either have to dialate regularly or let the Doctor do it once in a while to clean it out so you don't get a cyst. Yep, great fun, this having a toy warming oven.
And, really who you gonna find to sleep with? At my age, men are just useless slugs waiting for you to get them another beer.
Just do what you think is right,
and go for whoever takes your fancy (as long as they aren't taken). Doesn't matter who or what they are.
Don't worry about it - strict labelling of one's sexual orientation is a male thing. In our culture women are allowed to appreciate attractive persons of both genders without needing to reclassify themselves. Drool or fantasize over this picture all you want; nothing really matters until you're accepting or offering an invitation for sexual activity with an actual guy.
My path might be unusual....
...compared to the rest of you. Had anyone asked me before transition, I would have said I was asexual. No discernible interest in either sex. But afterward, once the female hormones really started to do their work, to my utter shock I started having fantasies about men. The change was most notable in my feelings toward a male friend I'd known for some time, and had no feelings for. Suddenly, if he left his jacket behind, I would put it on just because his scent was on it. It made me wonder, did my orientation truly change? Or did the hormones simply release pent-up sexual feelings? To this day I have no answer.
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

Nothing's fixed Dot.
I've been forced to conclude Dot that nothing is fixed in this life. Not even our own convictions about ourselves.
My orientation in question?
Perhaps you like him and are responding as any girl would.
May Your Light Forever Shine