Jaci is gonna laugh at this one

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Well, Jaci is gonna laugh at this one. Writing my autobiography has reminded me of a very strange incident. I was still in grade six, and I was on my way home from school when I saw some of my usual tormentors, but this time they had friends. Friends on bikes. Friends with knives, chains, and baseball bats.

I ran for my life, and somehow managed to get to my door ahead of them. I called the police, and decided I would do something rather stupid - I opened my door and told them the police were on their way.

Most of them decided to take off, and five minutes later the police showed up as the last of the gang slunk away. The policeman told me I should have stayed inside, and to just call if this happened again.

It wasnt until he left that I realized he had been calling me “miss”....

See why Jaci is gonna laugh at me?


That is because,

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

you always were a Miss.
The policeman simply did not have anyone there to confuse the issue by informing him of irrelevant technicalities so he saw you for yourself.

no way, Jaci

you would have been seen as a girl, whereas the police obviously made a mistake in my case.



Your WERE seen as a girl. No mistake there.