Just a little drable, that takes its birth under my fingers:
Today I feel so lonely,
so lonely I could die,
where are you, where?
I need you, to feel you,
hug me my friend, I miss you.
I want to find you, soulmate,
you ´re my hope of love,
without you I ´ll give-up and die.
Can ´t find you love, will I ever meet you?
I ´d give you myself, can ´t give less and more.
But then I tell a word and it ´s all gone,
and I am alone again...
Kind of reminds me of JiÅ™á ´s Schelinger song:
I sing to birds and especially doves,
in valley of mine stood an old house,
flocks of birds flown up to truss,
I did loved this old house, its sill.
Kind girl thrown them peas,
birds circle and don ´t know fear,
I did loved this old house, its sill.
[I search for house of doves,
whoever a way know,
it had stable, built of logs,
and white cross...
Where is house of doves,
and that girl, where she sleeps,
after all she knows, I ´ll live for her...]
Chatty rain tells to drips,
foolish one who searchs for this house,
you can have falcon ´s sight,
you won ´t see lost valley.