Can anyone suggest why it takes so long to load the Category Browser (link in the right hand column on the home page) on my iPhone?
Using WiFi I typically get 10Mbps and a normal BC page loads in a few seconds. But the Category Browser typically takes 2.5 minutes.
The page appears in stages, with the authors taking most time - once they are complete the rest quickly follows.
On my laptop, also using WiFi, it loads in a few seconds.
So why the problem?
my iPhone does not seem to
my iPhone does not seem to like it ether it also took about that long to load I never use that feature so it is not a big deal for me
Lots of Stuff
That is a particularly LARGE chunk of information, from a heavily used table. There are entire groups of sort information we don't have enabled on the category browser because loading all of it, WILL crash desktop web browsers.