Where is Aardvark

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Has anyone seen or heard from Aardvark. The last I heard of him was over a year ago and that he was looking at finishing a new story. Has anyone heard from him or anyone who knows him???? Readers want to know



I miss him also.

He's written lots of wonderful stories. My favorite is of course "Warrior of Batuk". It was the sort of life that I would love to have lived at the time it was written.

I have made effort to contact him without avail.


Warrior of Batuk

Is my favorite story of all. His ability to relay what he has in his mind and not only set the scene but make his readers knowing without a doubt what each character is about and thinking is phenomenal. Our chat about internal conflict between characters is epic in this story. Tyra thinks with all certainty that her older brother betrayed her but she was never allowed to confront him by her dad made her brother leave. But and here is where Aardvark did such a masterful job in writing is that he had Tyra keep that conflict to where she never lost who she was in her heart and mind. She used that internal conflict to fight for her freedom and never forget what she was about as Tyr. The only problem and I mean the only problem I had with Aardvark was when Tyra had Ketrick tied up when she finally discovered the truth who betrayed her. I chatted with Aardvark 3 times and I simply asked him why didn't he have Tyra ask Ketrick why he didn't give her brother the Ruk Serum instead of her. Aardvark was finally honest with me and said that question never came to him but admitted that would have been one of the first questions that Tyra would have asked Ketrick. It was and is a true Masterpieces in my opinion/ Thanks for responding Gwendolyn


Men should be Men and the rest should be as feminine as they can be

Exploring our true nature.

I would normally keep these thoughts private, but today I will just say it in the open in the hope that it will help others face themselves.

Owing to my life experiences, and my genetic inheritance, I tend to be obedient, until I don't want to be. My prime experience is to get smacked around and forced to obey. I was raised that way, and it is part of me. It took a very long time to learn adult skills of negotiation, and they still are not and never will be my primary nature, when under pressure, and at times my interactions with others "feel" like I have no choice.

So, this slave story allowed me to explore a portion of my nature that I had been heretofore ashamed of. It's taken years YEARS of psychotherapy to finally begin to understand and not feel shame for that aspect of my nature. I still feel most secure in a room that is locked from the outside. To my knowledge, there is ONE other person on this site that completely understands this.

It is very understandable to me that certain of the slave girls slept happily after being used hard by their master. I can not remember having a choice in almost anything before I was 18, and after that I was forcibly taken into the Army for the Vietnam debacle.

Gee, I think I have to go back and read this amazing story AGAIN, for the third time ! :)

I've unsuccessfully looked for a Master who is not just a straight up creep and pervert. If there is one lurking out there ...
