What happened to the story where this guy was dying and went down a worm hole and wound up a Princess with a pet dragon? It is recent within the last 6 months and I do not think it was finished. They were just getting ready for war with humans that had found them.
Snakes and Ladders
I think you are looking for "Snakes and Ladders" by Bailey Summers.
The latest chapter 28 appeared two weeks ago
That's not the story.
I was not aware of this story, so I'll need to read it also.
This guy is dying of cancer and walks into a snow storm to end it all, and winds up switching with a princess that ran away from home. Her Dragon is telepathic.
I know what story you're
I know what story you're referring to, and you have confused some of the details. (can't remember the name or author right this second)
The guy has cancer, but didn't go in the snow to die.
Basically - princess (Non-human) ran away from home, went to do a quick switch with a human, was going to go _back_ to an empty body, but died of cancer before being able to return to the same place to go back. The human's sister then travelled to the other world and became the soul of a newborn (basically dragon), bonded to the current princess.
Hopefully someone else remembers the name of the author :)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Yes, this is the one.
I loved this story and my only excuse for letting it slip away is that my own brain is, "Slip Sliding Away". :)
welcome to the club of
welcome to the club of feebleminded ones I am originating
I think I remember this one too, his sister also crosses over and ends up being a dragon?
Alex in Wonderland
Try this one! I do hope she is okay. The last I heard, she had computer problems and no way of fixing them.
All of her stuff is really great!
Yesssss !!!
Yesss this is it !!!
Was the pet Dragon ...
... His sister Michelle by any chance?
He smokes like a chimney, is as you said dying of cancer, christmas break and goes to a cabin in the mountains for last christmas with family and to tell them he is M2F, dad goes loopy, he rushes out without a coat and nearly in the snow dies of hypothermia
If yes 'Alex In Wonderland' part of the 'The Greylands Universe' by Amethyst
Hope this helps
It was at chapter 13 posted on Thu, 2013/05/02, eagerly awaiting next chapter myself
Gwen dear...
That would be Alex in wonderland by Amethyst. She's been mia since june. I was trying to find out if anyone's spoken two her about a week ago, but appearently no one has.
Thank you alll.
Well, we must find her and ...
Thank you.
Amethist in the UK ?
In looking at some of her comments, not her story, some of her word choices lead me to think she might be in the UK. Does anyone know her?
Her story does not seem to reflect the same word choices but I assume that perhaps she had run it through an editor to pablumize it for American audiences. Some are of the opinion that the only correct English is the peasant dialect that Americans speak. :)
Realistically, UK english and
Realistically, UK english and US English are identical in grammar. Spelling is different for some things (ou instead of just o, z and c vs s) and a few word choices - lorry vs truck, torch vs flashlight, windcheater vs windbreaker (one is to protect you from the wind, the other stinks up the place).
So, therefore, you can't accuse US English as being UK English reduced to pablum. In fact, if you're talking Geordie or Welsh English, you'd be saying 'UK English reduced to intelligibility'.
(Yes, I _really_ do like the song "Why Can't The English Learn To Speak" from My Fair Lady)
Anyway - if she's in the US, I can probably provide some hardware. However, it's not cost effective for me to send used computer parts across the pond.
BW (Who writes in Canadian English)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Amethyst is originally from British Columbia and moved to Montreal after having problems back home. And yes, the last we all heard from her was that her computer basically blew up and she had no way of replacing it. Especially as she was having difficulty in getting her Estrogen proscription taken care of. I really, really hope that she is ok because she is a very good writer and I like reading her stories.
Ah. Bon. Well, I can probably
Ah. Bon.
Well, I can probably afford to ship to Quebec, if someone gets in touch with her up there.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
British English ...
... derives from medievil times when royals and nobles married from royals and nobles around europe, didn't you ever wonder why in those medievil period dramas why Fernch, German, Italian and English all spoke the same language hundreds of years befere the universal translator was even thaught of?
Thus the Uk english spellings of certan words are the european spellings eg. Centre is the french spelling.
Etymology of torch, late 13c., from Old French torche, originally "twisted thing," hence "torch formed of twisted tow dipped in wax," probably from Vulgar Latin *torca, alteration of Late Latin torqua, variant of classical Latin torques "collar of twisted metal," from torquere "to twist"
The early electric torches had to be pulsed on occasionally hence the word "flashlight".
I just like UK English.
Now that I am sat at my computer after spending the afternoon doing a bit of shopping, I can fully explain myself. It took me longer to do my shopping because I left my credit plastic in the local pub and had to return to get it. The bloke there was quite nice when I did return, only scolding me mildly, not giving me the full bridle as it were. :)
I am sure the grammar rules may be the same but the spoken words are quite a lot different actually in a really charming way. It has been some years since I lived with a woman from the North of London, and before she left my speech was quite corrected mind you. :)
I believe she's.....
Canadian. I think Tels said she ment her once...
Maybe Erin could call her if she's not on line to just check on her if possible?
She is Canadian
Her last known location was in Montréal in the province of Québec.