I like my highs, most of the time.
They beat the heck out of my lows, which are awful.
But there are risks involved in being high like that, and one of those risks is that my judgement can be impaired enough that risky ideas start sounding like good ones.
Like, for example, after church on Sunday as I was driving home in my sexy LBD, I had this urge to find a bar with a dance floor, and go dancing.
Its a good thing I didnt follow that urge, because that could have been really bad - I could have ended up in a place that isnt tolerant of trans people, and I could have gotten hurt.
Fortunately, I wasnt so far gone as to do it, so probably that's a whew.
I still wanna go out, but I got to make sure I pick somewhere that's as safe as possible.
Assuming such a place exists ...
Ah, well.
Keep On Dancing
Watch the skyline
I'll always be your friend...
How T girls die.
I'm not one to talk. Last night I was in Hijab and at a popular all night coffee shop in Beaverton. Much to my surprise, a Saudi guy from several years ago followed me out of the shop. This was safe place to be, and practicing Muslims are not known for going to places dangerous to women.
I miss Muslim culture, a lot.
Still, I ask myself, just what in the hell did I do that for? I just wanted to get out, and to have a piece of very yummy cake they make there. Today, my actions make even less sense because I am not supposed to be Muslim any more. I see my counselor tomorrow.
THere's not a night that goes
THere's not a night that goes by that I don't feel like that myself. It's the confidence of passing.