There is a writer here, who, despite making some very good stories, has a terrible tendency to put herself down, and say she's not really a writer.
But I'd like to change that, by having everybody send her some love, and tell her how awesome she is.
You know her as Tels, but I know her as Jaci, my sister, and my best friend.
So everybody, help me convince her she's an amazing author, a wonderful woman, and a fantastic friend, wont you?
Tels is all the above and more. I enjoy your stories Jaci. I know you transition recently and I hope the best for you!
yes, love most of your stuff and like the rest. eagerly looking for more 'Ashley Bash' and 'skirting the issue'
keep up the great work
Ditto on those two stories!
Moar plz! :-P
-- Sleethr
From all I can see, she is a lovely person with a big heart, and a talented author.
I really miss some of my favourite one (in no particular order) Skirting the Issue, Ashley Bash, Belle of the ball, My familiar, Mistaken Girl and The Pink ops.
Please do not make us wait to long for your wonderful story.
Peace, Love, Freedom and Happiness
Hugs tmf
Tels :)
I enjoy all the new stories that you have written and I am always looking for the next story from you. I may not be leaving comments all the time but I do read everything that you have posted.
Keep the stories coming and I will keep reading them.
I must agree with you ...
... Dorothy, I'm just in the proces of reading ' Nightmare in Elm Grove ' at the moment while I had read a few oher of Jaci's stories I thought I had better go and read a few more before passing comment!!
But there is a downside to you asking questions like this you know...
Another chapter in a series that might begin,
'I was reading a Blog enty.. when a turn of phrase got my muse going.. Well this being Bigcloset and well you know...'
Jaci, anyone with a creative instinct artist, musician or author is thier own biggest critic, the secret to being your own critic is don't be too hard on yourself, and definately don't beat yourself up!!!
Also believe people when they give you a compliment, even a slightly BIAS sibling!!
All I know for certain is that Jaci, Tels a great tale!!! ;)
When I see "tels" I read the
When I see "tels" I read the story, no matter what the blurb is. She's the only author here I do that for, everyone else I check to see if I like that type of story first. Not only is tels a good author, her tastes run the same direction as mine.
Let's face it, Jaci,
Tels is one hell of an author! It really is a given and there's no gainsaying it...