ROO's blog

Sad news


Hi everyone, Alison Mary who was a long time member on Big closet has passed away at the age of eigthty seven
after having spent a couple of months in hospital, after she had an accident and never really recovered from that,
we used to talk on the phone almost every day , she supported me through my transition and im going to miss her
terribly ,( ROO) Carla Bay , authour of Carlas Journey

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Thinking about writing again

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Hi to all the people on this site, when i started writing The Girl inside the boy eight years ago i needed an Outlet for my overwelming emotians , at that stage I haden't come out to anyone about being transgendered. I have now lived as a post op Woman for seven years and have never looked back, apart from losing some famly members life has been pretty normal for me.

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Hi everyone, I have been thinking of writing again, its been a long time and life has had many change for me over the last few years .
The thing is do I continue on with some of my stories or create a new one?

from Roo , Carla Bay :)

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Hi all the writers and readers on Big Closet,

Its been a long time since i have posted anything , I am considering starting to write again and almost thought I would pick up Carla,s Journey from where I last finished writing but then I had probably taken that story as far as I could , There is a hell of a lot of me in that story and I have personally moved on in my own life. Love to all Carla Bay (Roo) [email protected]

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Hi to all the old readers of my stories, namely The girl inside the boy and Carla's Journey, I haven't done any writing for quite a while because life become very busy once you have fully transitioned, I have been post op now for four years and have never looked back. But of course there are always some family members that will never recognise your change, it is their problem not yours. I may in the future do some more writing and being seventy one years of age with a bit of a heart problem I am happy to just read some of the stories published on Big Closet.

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Birthday Girl

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Carla Bay, Namely (Roo) Turns Sixty nine today.
It really has been Carla's Journey in real life the last couple of years, I have been to busy to write any more chapters of Carla's Journey but will start writing again soon.
Hugs to all my friends on Big Closet :)

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Hi folks Just seeing if anyone is interest in me continuing Carla's journey, I have transitioned and am legally a woman and will start writing again Hugs Carla Bay.

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Birthday Girl

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Hi all
Carla, namely the Author Roo has turned sixty seven today and is growing old gracefully just like Carla in the story of Carla's journey, Womanhood is so nice. Love to all, Carla:)

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Happy birthday

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Happy birthday Bronwen Welsh, I wish you all the happiness you deserve, and have many more returns of the day, From one good friend to another, With love Carla Bay:):)

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best present

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Hi everyone I haven't blogged for a while but just had to share my experience I had yesterday, It was fathers day here in Australia and I was invited to my daughters house for lunch, The difference is I am living full time as a woman and I pass without any problem.My daughter took me shopping for make up at the local shopping center. I am still on a high as i write this blog.

Hugs to all Carla (Roo)

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