Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

The Daily Wail, shows its true colours re: GID kids

Well, it had to happen, after a fairly sensitive article in the Sun, the self-righteous Daily Wail attacked, showing the forces of repression are in fine fettle. Makes the one in the Guardian look wonderful, hell it makes the one in the Sun look good.

For those with hypertension, maybe not a good idea to click on the link.


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VHA Directive 2011-024 for transgenderesd veterans

I was on line earlier today and found a site that had a report of a Trangendered person harassed by the VA Police because she used the womens bathroom she was ejected from the hospital and given a TRO. She currently has an attorney and is seeking damages.
One of the commenters on the article talked about Veterans Health Administration Directive 2011-024.

AS an intersexed individual or fro any veteran who is using the VA Healthcare system tthis directive tells the VA Health care system how to treat transgendered patients.

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A comment on gender dysphoria - Guardian 24.2.12

The link below is of a comment in today's Guardian by psychotherapist Philippa Perry, who just happens to be married to the eccentric ceramic artist and potter, Grayson Perry - yeah, the one who likes to dress as a little girl, when he isn't belting round in leathers on his motorbike.

The article is very balanced and concerns gender variant children of which there have been several articles recently. See what you think.


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Help and Support

I just sent Erin a question regarding the February Short Story contest. It had to do with word counts. I was wondering if there is anyone other then Erin to ask (actually bother) with questions like this about the site operation or problems. I know that there is a group of folks here who help run the site, but I do not know who they are.

Perhaps something can be done to identify them so questions and concerns can be sent to them and not Erin, especially if they are not critical issues.


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I never learn

On the radio today, I listened as an announcer read out the transcript of a statement made during the sentencing hearing for Graham James by NHL star Theo Fleury. For those who dont know, James raped Fleury repeatedly while acting as his hockey coach when Fleury was a teen.

I know I shouldn't have listened, but I just had to hear what he said. Even if it hurt, because in some ways, he was speaking for me too, since I will never be able to do so in a court of law about my rapist.

But, dont worry. I'm okay.

I hope.

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A Susie and Jeffrey Vignette

"Stop it, Jeffrey."

"Stop what, Susie."

"Obsessing over whether 'a' or 'the' makes the line funnier."

"One wrong little word can kill the comedy, Susie."

"Not with me, Jeffrey - I could read from the list of Huntingdonshire cabmen and still raise a horse laugh."

"I think that may be a joke too far for here, Susie."

"As is a lot of our stuff, Jeffrey, but we can't do anything about it now, so let's expend our energy on some pre-publicity and see if we can waylay a few new unsuspecting readers."

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Removing certain "FAVORITES" stories

After reading Dorothy's Blog, I decided to go to My Account to see how I was doing (Yes, I am that vain. I'm weak, I know. Somebody spank me?). Anyway, I noticed a Favorites that really shouldn't be there, but I can't seem to remove it (I don't have permission?). I know what happened, sometimes when I hit "comment" I accidentally hit the Add to Favorites tag. I really do need better glasses! How can I clear out my favorites file so I can add the stories I really love? If I keep adding favorites, will the old ones be pushed out of sight?


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About my story "Our State Fair"

Folks who've read my recent story "Our State Fair" may be interested in some of the background information that I, uh, fictionalized. As one commenter on my story has noted, a uterine transplant was apparently performed in Turkey last year. The medical communities of several countries are, in fact, vying to be the first to perform viable uterine transplants; I thought I'd make it easy on them by having the transplant occur between siblings. But now let's talk about food ...

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Rihanna/Chris Brown

Well, I guess we know how seriously Rihanna took being beat by Chris Brown. She has apparently done back-up vocals on a song of his, and had him do the same for her.
I dont care what she does, but I worry some woman will say "Well, if she forgave him, maybe I can forgive my boyfriend?" and end up in a terrible situation. I wrote a little piece on the subject, and here is the link:


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We are down one writer for Reckoning.

One of the original 5 has decided that, due to issues in her real life, she cannot continue as a contributor to the Reckoning storyline. We will miss her, but we intend to continue. I'm sure we all wish her well as she tries to get her life in order, and we thank her for her participation thus far in the story.

We will continue using her character and powers, but her part will become more like that of an NPC in a role playing game. We all want to thank all of you who are sticking with us to see how this experiments turns out, and we thank you for your comments.

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STILL open for (editing) business

I hope shalimar's blog the other day didn't put off anyone's sending me anything to edit.

I poster before that, that I might be a bit slower than usual getting to a story, but I had only one day I was so weak i didn't make it to the computer, or feel like even having them bring one to me. I looked forward to having to get up, walk to the computer room ( Family Services) and check my emails. I needed to get up and walk, and sit up, and time at the computer was better than just sitting on the couch in my room. I did receive and returned 3 edits while in my quite pleasant gaol.

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Can anybody tell me why

Can anybody tell me why it is, that when I click on a story name, I get the "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"? I thought maybe it was just one story, but I have tried clicking on them all that I could see on the main page, and I get the same thing for each story.

Love & Hugs,

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My new neighbour

Hi folks.

Well as you know - or maybe you don't, since my car accident last year, things have been a little odd up top for me; you know, forgetfulness, lack of concentration etc, etc.

Odd things have been happening, but usually they have simple explanations and usually, it's down to my head playing tricks on me.

Not this time.

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The truth may not set you free

In Fort Worth a cruiser with the Cop's show crew responded to a call.

Complaining victim: female crack head

Complaint: she paid a lady twenty dollars for a rock of crack and was given a piece of sheet rock. Victim called the police trying to get her money back. She told Fort Worth City police that she paid twenty dollars for a rock of crack and the lady gave her a piece of sheet rock.

Police then talk to the lady. The lady denied agreeing to sell the complainant a rock of crack. Her statement was; "I don't sell crack, I am a prostitute."

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The Family Girl #030: about Jetlag and Writing

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #30: About Jetlag and Writing

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I always hear a lot of stories about people having to cope with jetlag, and all the little tricks one can do to overcome it. Well, did you know, besides being a wonderful website, BCTS is also good for avoiding jetlag...

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Family day

Well, today is Family day - a provincial holiday here in Alberta. The ironic thing is I dont have mine - Mom's working, and Sam is with her mother. I just tried phoning them, but Sam was in the shower as they had just got back in the door from swimming. I've been thinking a lot about relationships. The fact is, much of our identity is tied up in our relationships to others - we define ourselves as someone's child, or someone's spouse, or what have you. And whether I want mine to or not, they will all change as my gender changes.

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Bible and organised religions views on cross dressing.

Whether you pay any heed to it or not, the bible comments on homosexuality. I was wondering if there are any specific references to cross dressing in there as well.
There cannot be, I would imagine, any mention of gender reassignment surgery as it probably could not have been envisioned during those early days in the development of our medical kowledge. However crossdressing was, if the literature is to be believed, not unheard of, and seems to have been a feature in many and varied cultures and eras.


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Dizzy! I'm so dizzy, my head is spinnin'

I just have to say this, and I can't resist any longer. In Part 9 of The Girl Most Likely To ... there is a couple of comments about the story being fast paced, almost warp speed.

Well, the way these other stories are being posted must be faster than that because Part 10 was posted earlier today and already is on page 4. I mean, that is faster than war speed.

Love & hugs,

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Victims of our own success?

I put on another chapter of Football Girl 23 hours ago. Having just looked at the home page, I note that there have been no less than 25 new stories put on since then.

Is this some sort of record? I wonder if that 'other place' with the initials FM get that sort of new story count.

It's a great testament to Erin and her hard working co-workers that this site is so successful.

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Writing again

Ok, I managed to add a bit more to Morgan earlier today, and will hopefully get more done tonightr.

No promises though.

I *did* figure out how to use that outfit I came up with. Minor alterations make it a sports bra and and a pair of *tight* spandex bike shorts. So Morgan can wear it while biking. Maybe over to Chris's house. :-)

And for anybody who cares, Morgan's bike:

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From today's Observer Magazine

This is the true story of a family which was totally devastated by the outcome of bullying on a son who might have been gay. I read it and wept, it is so sad. It involves suicide so please if this pushes your buttons don't read it.


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Reckoning. The story and the experiment.

I've been noticing that the counts, comments and kudoes have been decreasing as each story segment goes up, and I'm wondering if the story is moving too slowly for a lot of you. I know there's been a lot of exposition and conversation within the story, but I thought it would be a good thing to let the heroes get to find and begin to know one another, and for you, the readers, to get comfortable with them as well.

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Confusion reigns because of my ineptitude.

I just posted a story and made a couple of errors. I've fixed them now.

I accidentally posted it twice, then realized a table I'd included didn't make the transition and everything in it blended. I did a quick redit.

If tyou were a first reader, sorry.

Hope you enjoy!

Jennifer Sue

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The Family Girl #029: The Big Move

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #29: The Big Move

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Okay, then.   Moemoe and I are completely packed.   Our wheelies and carry-ons are all set.   The house has been cleaned and shut up.   We've called a taxi service, and early tomorrow morning, a cab is coming to bring us to the airport.

You see, we are leaving and moving.   To another country, in fact.   

So, goodbye, everyone!

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The Girl Most Likely To ...

Everybody is surprised to see a "change" in Rachel. But if you remember in the first part, when Renée and Sandi were passing the door marked Principal, they heard crying from inside. That is all I am going to say without giving the whole story away. Thank you all for reading and commenting, it is greatly appreciated.

Love & hugs,

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Bristol bus driver

I was talking earlier about this, and have posted this link so that people can see what I was on about. The footage is quite shocking, but it is better than some other links because it shows the prelude to what was, really, attempted murder, or at the very least assault with a deadly weapon.

But as it was a motor vehicle, "that's different" is the Daily Hate's article, and the comments are as to be expected. For example:

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a fantastic day, but a tough night

First, the fantastic part. A friend from my trans support group had heard I was struggling with feeling ugly, and invited me to come to her house for a bit of a makeover. It was absolutely amazing what difference a pretty blouse, a new hair style, and some lipstick could make. Then she listened to me as I talked about my situation, and helped me with the memories of my rape.

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Blog 5: Gay bars, Invisible Folders and Short Skirts


If you have read my stories you will notice that I have a wee bit of an obsession for short skirts and socks (otherwise school uniform). I stumbled upon this pic whilst browsing the web and i thought it was really cute so i thought i'd share it with all of you! :)

I can safely say that last night was filled with experiences! Haha. Thursday nights are college nights in Ireland so we all went out on the town to get highly intoxicated (as you do).

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Natural Reader

I just thought I would mention this as it has been a great help to me. The Natural Reader program is a free download easily found on the net. Since I write and well enjoy it, I also strive to make my story's an easy read. Sometimes saying what you mean and meaning what you say can get lost in the writing. There is nothing like having someone read back to you what you have written, if just to see what it sounds like. The Natural Reader is not a great quality program but, it has the advantage of reading exactly what you wrote, as opposed to what you thought you

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Re: Reckoning, Chapter 5, et al.

This enterprise, that of having one story written by 5 very different writers, is the most daunting, ambitious thing I've ever attempted, writing-wise. If the story succeeds, and I fervently hope it does, it is entirely due to the spirit of co-operation, and the willingness to share credit among all the writers involved.

All credit is due to them. Any blame for spelling, useage, continuity, any errors in posting, is entirely on me.

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No Bike tonight

Sorry folks, but I've been out helping some friends lose a quiz - I expect we came last, but I had to leave before the end to catch my train. So it's a bit late to scribble an episode, I know I've said i could write them in my sleep, and it might appear if some were so authored, but they weren't as far as I can remember.

Hopefully, normal service(?) will be resumed tomorrow.



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Once upon a time....

There was a little girl who happened to look like a little boy. His parents didn't knew any better, so they gave her a boy name, and took her home, and raised her as a boy. Eventually, people would have figured out something was up with her, but just at the point where she was starting to figure it out herself, something horrible happened to her.

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work again

It official euhmz in a non-official way. My HRM is getting the paperwork ready for an apperance by yours truly before the retirement commission (civil sevice -> always with commissions >shakes head<) and will normally file them friday, just before the weekend. This means I should get my copy of the filing letter somewhere around monday or tuesday next week. If al goes to procedure I should have an advisory from the outsource health/sick service in the 2 weeks following (which can be only a letter or a doctor visit, the later followed by a letter).

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plan for your absence

Reading about Holly Heart's hospitalization has got me thinking. It would be a good idea for each of us to have at least one other author here who has the ability to check up on us if we go offline for a significant period of time. It also be a good idea if we each had someone who could take over for us if we have an idea or start of a story we would want finished if we were unable to write due to health reasons. Just something to think about.


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Walking Funnies!

The Importance of walking

Walking can add minutes to your life.
This enables you at 85 years old to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing
home at  £4,000 per month.

My grandpa started walking five miles a day when he was 60.
Now he's 97 years old and we have no idea where the hell he is.

I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.

The only reason I would take up walking is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.

I have to walk early in the morning, before my brain figures out what I'm doing...

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hormones make Dorothy go coo-coo

I'm having trouble controlling my emotions at the moment. one minute I'm depressed, the next I'm angry, the next giggly - just like a teen girl. For someone like me who normally doesnt have a lot of filter between "feeling" and "doing", its at least a good exercise in using the one thing I have that a teen girl doesnt - a lifetime of experience to damper the extremes. Keep cheering me on, okay?

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Holly Hart Is in Hospital

A message from Holly Hart:

Well, my body has betrayed me once again

It's not as serious as the cancer which seems to be as good as before.

But in the cancer surgery, they had to do a bit of rebuilding on my liver, and apparently it did not heal well.

I've developed an abscess and had to be d\admitted to the hospital to have a drain put in and to get several antibiotics that can only be give intravenously.

I cannot access BCTS on the hospital computers, but I do have email access.

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Underwear fetish?

A recently arrested chap in Thailand gives a whole new meaning to the term "Panty thief". How about a collection of 10,000 pairs of women's underwear?!
He's been convicted of breaking and entering but not theft, as (perhaps unsurprisingly) nobody's reported their undies disappearing...

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shorting out "I hate my body"

I was starting to have one of those "I hate my body" days this morning, but a visit from my dog helped me short it out, and I'm grateful. To give myself something to do, I took some more of my male clothes to a charity, and got my anti-testosterone meds filled. Now, if only I could get writing ....

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It has begun

I started my diet today. I know many are probably wondering why I didn't start from my last blog. Simple answer: I didn't have a fridge or a stove until yesterday afternoon. I know the first three days of the diet will be the hardest as I break old patterns, Wendy's and Checkers will miss me. I am about moved in my new place so writing should commence in a day or two.

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Old News but...

This is old news but still significant. On Christmas Eve last year someone who touched me passed away. Radio host Lynn Samuels, who started at WBAI in New York, moved up to WABC, was fired from there and moved to Sirius Left, died.

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Kids know

Just got back from picking up my daughter, and something interesting happened. There is a boy who for the last while has called me "smiley" whenever he's seen me at the school, and somehow, he's now got other kids doing it too. (I blush like crazy when he does it, I have no idea why). Then the ball dropped. As I was leaving with Sam, I heard him ask, "Is that a woman's coat?" So I guess I'm not as stealth as I thought, and if a kid notices, I'm sure Sam's teacher has noticed too. Oh well, as long as nobody makes a fuss about it....

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How do I "bookmark" or "favorite" something and how do I undo them?

At the bottom of each story there are links to "Add to favorites" or "++Bookmark". "++" means "add". Click a link to add to either list.

Bookmarks and Favorites are two different things. Favorites show up on your My Account page, and there's a tab there to bring up your Bookmarks.


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A Summer,s Odyssey

I have just re-read A Summer,s Odyssey by Jennifer Sue.It is a real feel good story with plots and sub plots to keep the readers attention.Give it a try you shouldnt be dissapointed.Thank you Jennifer Sue for keeping me enthralled for the last few evenings.

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For the rest of us...

As an antidote to all the soppy romantic songs that will be filling the airwaves today, here's a few for the benefit of the happy singletons among us:

Females (pretty unambiguous!)

Males (yes, it's as cheesy as heck, but there aren't many from a male POV!)

In general (miles better than the original soundtrack!)

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Seeking Alyssa Davis

I'm hoping someone has contact information for Alyssa Davis, who wrote several stories that appeared on Crystal's Story Site and Fictionmania. I asked this question last year and the only response was crickets and tumbleweed ...

If anyone knows but doesn't want the info public, please PM me or have her contact me directly through BCTS.


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Happy Valentine's everyone

hope its a good one for all of my friends. If you're in a relationship, I hope you do something together that reminds you both why you got together in the first place. If you're single, I hope you can embrace it, or figure out what you need to do to fix it and take the first step.

Be well, everyone.

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Why am I smiling like a little girl? ^_^ There's nothing new about that, but I thought I'd share the reason.

I realised this morning... On one of my routes to work, I pass a house with a title. The title has "dyke" in it. ^_^
Despite my hardline MegaTomboyness, I am a Lipstick Lesbian at heart. The mere THOUGHT of being embraced by a "dyke" makes me feel all squishy inside. ^_^

Don't worry gentlemen, I am not 100% lesbian. It's just that "Lipstick Almost-Lesbian" can be a bit odd sounding at times.

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Because it was 5:57 AM and It's Valentines Day.

Because it was 4:57 AM and It’s Valentines Day.

All night really, I though about her.
She’s just “That Girl”.
Y’know that one.
The One.

She Loves Football.
I can take it or leave it.
But I love that she loves it.
I can see the cheerleader there inside.
She cheers me on.

There when I get home, smiling and loving me through the screen.
I can feel that y’know.
It just one of those things that just is.
She sends me out with love and luck and dreamy kisses every night.
We dance too.
We have songs.
And a play list.

She loves her family.
Even when she hates her family.

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missing being able to attend church

I'm missing having a church to go to. I work Sundays, so that's just a no-go. There is one church near that has a Saturday evening service, but I've been reluctant to go because I cant seem to find out how they would feel about someone like me. I may just go, and if I'm welcomed, I will make it a weekly thing.

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Washington State to allow same-sex marriage

Breaking News on Google+ originally shared this post:

Washington becomes 7th US state to allow same-sex marriage, as Gov. Gregoire signs bill into law Olympia, Wash., USA

+KIRO 7 Eyewitness News reports that Gov. Chris Gregoire has signed Washington State's gay marriage bill into law. The measure takes effect June 7.

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What You Don't See

I've been thinking about my latest posted story, Charli and the Girl Cave. As it is my prerogative, I deleted the epilogue. It didn't really fit, anyway. What should have been the epilogue is now truly the epilogue. I think it works much better this way. The part I deleted will become part of another adventure, yet to be written. I do have a number of ideas fermenting about the further adventures of all the young witches. There might be a story in a few months.

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Insights from a trans meeting

Yesterday we had a pot-luck at the trans group I belong to, and what happened there opened my eyes a bit. See, there was a new person there, who had just started to come out, and was getting harassed for it at work. But it was her attitude that made an impact. She seemed to be resigned to abuse, and in fact acted like she deserved it. She called herself a "freak", and all I wanted to do was give her a big hug and tell her, "You are not a freak. You are precious, and beautiful."

That's when it really hit me.

How many times have I called myself names?

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My muse is back!

and Holy Cow, is she talking to me! In starting this new Epic, in combination with several talented writers, my muse has been literally screaming at me to write, Write, WRITE!

The ideas are flowing like never before, being fed with the wonderful input from Ariel, Grover, Erin, Maggie Finson, I can hardly keep pace with my fingers, with what my brain is putting out, word-wise!

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"E-Girl" universe

For those who have read my latest story, and wanted a little background, here you go:

General concept: A long time ago, powerful beings were on Earth, and they were worshiped as gods. When Christianity became the dominant religion, most left Earth, but some stayed. About two years ago, a man called Commander Ares made his debut, and since then about two dozen more people with extraordinary gifts have made an appearance. It seems that most of these are the agents of one god or another, and that there isnt going to end up being more than a handful of these super-beings.



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one small victory

Well one problem solved. Leaving mall with new smart phone. The old one was dying and the battery was swelling in the center. So now I need to wait for next unemployment check to get antenna for computer. But. Will be writing till then and may move. Computer to modem and post thatway

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surviving a tough night

Well, I managed to live through a pretty tough night. Basically, I managed to lose track of time so I was more than 15 minutes late to go get the ex at her job. She had gone, so I tried the doctor's office she cleans, and the closest bus stops, and didnt see her. Meanwhile, my daughter was trying to help prevent me from beating myself up about it. Finally, I had to take my daughter back home to my mom, and ask her to take her to the ex when the ex called, as I was now late for work.

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