well, I just had a funny moment. I was just chilling doing my laundry and wearing a skirt when the doorbell rang, and it turned out to be a pollster. I answered his questions, which included the gender of my mom as the only other person living here, but he didnt actually ask me my gender. I wonder what he wrote down?
This is the Morgue calling.
We've been having trouble with plonkers trying to sell things on line, so at dinner the other night when one called, I answered, "County Morgue, are you stiff? Well, the young caller said, "No, I'm not."
"Well, I'm sorry, you must be impotent."
"Seriously, mam, I want to sell you something."
"You daft fool, don't you realize everyone here is dead?"
At which I had to hang up because I started giggling. :)
LOL Gwen
THAT was pure awesome. I wish I was there when you did that! ^ ^
Abigail Drew.