Wren Erendae Phoenix's blog

Might be disappearing for a while

I was taking a shower, and when the water hit my right leg, a very large piece of skin fell off My doctor says this could be a sign of infection in my leg and sahe wants me to go to the hospital. If you don't hear from me for a while, I'm probably there!


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Be careful, I'm in a really, really bad place tonight. It might be a very good idea not to read this.

I’m trying to write a story, but I’m so ANGRY! I was visiting some relatives, and I heard somebody talking about “those Transgender freaks, and how anyone who would let their child think he is transgender should have their ass kicked.”

My own family.

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Still writing!

For all my many wonderful fans!

Coff Koff! Ack fooey! Hard to get the taste of Bullshit outa my mouth...

I haven't forgotten Wild Magic 45, but I was inspired to write something different last week, and I just couldn't stop! I wrote a piece for EOF's Dark Realms Universe before it closed, and I'm just waiting for approval. I gotta tell you Eof, Maggie and Donjo made some incredibly helpful suggestions and ctiticisms. I think the story is much better (Even without the Laser-eyed Astro Dragon...). Just Kidding.

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I Been sick!

Sorry, everybody, I've been very sick, and I haven't been online much. I spent today editing Jessica's Journey, Chapter 12 (Sorry!), and now I'm working on the next Wild Magic. Warning-While I was sick, I read a few books on witches, Wicca and Magic, and things will be changing to reflect that. I hope I can surprise some of you!

Once again, I apologize!


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Wild Magic change

Until further notice, I have to change Wild Magic to once a week (So what's new? Argh!) I'm just too busay with medical issues and working with my kids on schoolwork and transportation issues. I hate having 5 teenagers sometimes! Sorry! The next one's almost done, hoping to post it in tne morning.


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Wild Magic temporarily on hold

I apologize to the readers of my story, but I'm stuck! I have about 90 percent of the next chapter done, but I'm having some issues with the remaining parts. I've been working on several different endings, but I can't stand any of them, and I won't post crap (well, not intentionally. anyway). I'm going to back off for a while, do a little editing and read a few stories I'm way behind on, and then attack the story again. Hopefully this won't take very long. Once again, I'm sorry!


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Computer problems and Wild Magic

I have two primary computers, both desaktops, a fairly new E-machine and a custom built unit. For some reason they both simply shut down, and will not restart. I'm no computer expert, but fortunately I recently bought an older Gateway laptop on e-bay.

It's no super machine, but at least I'm online. Unfortunately, all my story notes are on my desktop. I'm still working on it-Luckily I was working on an outline for the next chapter while I waited for my kids, so that's on paper. I'll have a chapter up soon.

Today? Uhhhh...maybe?


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Help! There are too many great stories!

There are so many great stories by my favorite authors going up that I'm having a very hard time focusing on writing! My hospital visit came at a lousy time!

I just want to thank you all for making this such a great time to be a reader here, even if you're making it hard to be a writer!


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Back again

Hi everyone I'm back! I got out of the hospital yesterday, and I've been reading some of the stories and commenting, but I'm having a few issues finding time to do everything. I do have the next chapter of Wild Magic, I'm just doing some editing and polishing before I post it. I'll have it up today.

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Removing certain "FAVORITES" stories

After reading Dorothy's Blog, I decided to go to My Account to see how I was doing (Yes, I am that vain. I'm weak, I know. Somebody spank me?). Anyway, I noticed a Favorites that really shouldn't be there, but I can't seem to remove it (I don't have permission?). I know what happened, sometimes when I hit "comment" I accidentally hit the Add to Favorites tag. I really do need better glasses! How can I clear out my favorites file so I can add the stories I really love? If I keep adding favorites, will the old ones be pushed out of sight?


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I hit that darn save button twice again-can someone remove the second submission? Thank you!


I give up!

I'm sorry y'all, but there won't be a Wild Magic chapter today-I've been working on it, but I have less than a page done. I'm very sorry, and I hope to have the next chapter in the morning.

I'm advertising for a trade-I've tried tying her down, shackeling her ankle, but she seems to like it. Somebody swap Muses with me!


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Why is "Transgender" wrong?

Recently, while reading the comments on someone's blog post, I notices that somebody was talking about hating the term 'transgender'. I realize that it's used as an umbrella term, but that's how I think of myself. Apparently, it's politically incorrect or insensitive to use that term, though.

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Wild Magic-Delayed

Okay, I had built up a buffer of stories, but after a few PM's yesterday, I looked through the story again. I can see what they are talking about, and it's sending the story off the track that I had planned. I'm not changing anything that's been posted already-just the next few chapters. Unfortunately, this means that I have to do some more writing to get what I want, so I won't post today-but I should have the next chapter tomorrow morning. Sorry!


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I want to wish everyone a great New Year!

I heard that Henry Ford said that if you believe you can't do something, you'll find that you're correct. I figure that it works the other way, too! Believe in yourself! I believe in you! Well except for Bailey Summers...nobody can write that many good stories in that short a time. There has to be something fishy there!

Love to all (Bailey too!)


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Removal of Transformation Blues

I know it's been a while since I wrote anything, but I've finally relocated my muse. I've asked Erin to remove TB, it was very poorly written and I really hated where it was going. I've completely redone the story, and there isn't really much that I saved. Please forget you ever saw it!
The rewrite, "Wild Magic" will be up soon!


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I hope for a safe and happy Thanksgiving Day!

For those of us that celebrate it, I hope y'all have a great holiday! My favorite thing to be thaankful for is that I found this wonderful site. I'm thankful for all of those who've read my stories, and those who write the stories I enjoy so much. Thank you, my friends!


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Well, finally!

I'm coming back! There are a few more things to take care of yet, but I'm now able to get in my house safely, so I should be home for good sometime in the coming week. There is now a ramp for my wheelchair, so until my stump is healed and I can use my prosthetic, I can still get in.

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Just a quick visit

Hi Y'all!

Just have a little while, but wanted to let everyone know I'm alive, and I'll try to show up every once in a while. No idea when I can be on reliably again, Docs say it might not be til Christmas. I'm working on the third chapter of Transformation Blues, and some other stuff (tease!) and I hope to have it for you soon. I love you all!


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I'm back! Part 2!

I can't seem to stay out of the hospital! I had an infection in my stump where I just had surgery. Fortunately, no surgery this time, and it looks like I'm back on track. I hope to be using my prosthetic again by next weekend, this one-legged crap has to end! Stairs are a major project! Oh well!


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