Wren Erendae Phoenix's blog


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Just to let y'all know, I am working on the next chapter of Transformation Blues, but it might be slow. I just learned that my cousin who is fighting a rare kind of small cell cervical cancer is cominjg to the end of her treatments. She can have no more chemo, and is getting to her last radiation treatments as well, then there is nothing more they can do for her. I'm incredibly depressed right now. Becky has been my hero all through this and I'm just heartbroken right now.


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Computer Problems and New Ideas

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Hi, I'm having sporadic computer issues (I think I overloaded it) so while it's up, I thought I would let anyone looking for me know, I'll try to be on, but I'm downloading a bunch of files to DVD discs so that I can free up some memory. I have a 500G backup, but I don't know how to use it!

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I just wanted to comment

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There have been so many GREAT stories being posted, that I cannot keep up. I am still working on A Sweets Life, but y'all are making it hard on me! Thank you so much for the wonderful stories! I'll try to leave comments, but there are so many I want to read, and the temptation to just Kudo and run is very tough. I'm working on it!


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A Sweet's delay

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To both of you that are following my story;

I apologize for the delay in the next chapter. I've had a few problems with this chapter, and my referfences (My kids) are with their other parent. They return tomorrow, and I have several ideas I need to bounce off of them. What I've written so far is so dark that I can't do it. I'll have more for you soon, though!


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Back to work!

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Well, the surgery went well, and maybe now I can focus on writing again. I've been very distracted about this surgery. The surgeon is the same one who cut off my left leg, she's one of the best in the area, and I was worried that they would find osteomylitis in my right leg. Losing both legs would be a real problem!
Fortunately, that isn't the case (YAY!), and I'm much more comfortable (if a little bit sore). I hope to have a new "Sweets Life" chapter posted soon!


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Back To Work!

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Home from the hospital, at least for a while! The surgeon removed a large calloused area on the bottom of my foot (like I have that much to spare!). I have to go in for surgery in two weeks ro "stretch the Achilles tendon" which the surgeon says will be quite painful! I'm sooooo lucky!
If you didn't notice, chapter 2 of my story is up, as promised. I hope y'all like it! If not, be nice and tell me why! If you do like it, be nice and tell me why! I want to be a better writer, suggestions are welcome! (Hey y'all, over there! We'll have none of that kind of talk, thar's LADIES present!)


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Small Delay in "A Sweets Life"-I hope!

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I'm currently in the hospital, using a borrowed computer without MSWord, so it's a bit difficult to write at this time. Apparently I have a bad infection in my foot (the only one I have left!). The Docs are having fun exploring it, and I just pray the infection is not in the bone. Chapter 2 is done, I just need to clean it up some-as soon as I get home, I'll post it. Sorry for the delay!


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No comments

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Sorry I haven't been commenting much. I've been enchanted by SaraUK's wonderful series "You Have It All Wrong". It's such a great story that I haven't been reading the new stuff very much!
Sara, if you're out there, please write more! I'm so taken with your story!


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Working on ruining my life?

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I've been working on writing a letter that will "out" me to one of my sister's and my brother. I'm hoping things go well, but it's such a risk! I have to do it, though, for my own sanity. I hope they react well to learning they have a very ugly older sister than a big brother. I'm sooooo nervous!


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Need help finding a story

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Help! I'm a big Julie O. fan, and I'm looking for her story "Change of Course" (the one with Beth's transformation). I think I saw it on Stardust before, but I can't find it now. Anybody have an idea where I can read it? Please?


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IE 9

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Just a quick question. Has anyone started using Internet Explorer 9? I've had some warnings not to do it, but some of those people are still using Windows 95.


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Goodbye 2010! And Thanks!

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This year has been amazing! I have finally made several moves to revealing the real me to my friends and some of my family. Some of them were very surprised, but they've generally accepted me for the girl that I am inside.
I've been able to tell some of my stories, and it feels so good that they've been fairly well accepted. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the friends I've made, and how much enjoyment I've had in enjoying your wonderful stories! Erin and Company, you do so much for all of us! I'm with Zoe Taylor, this is almost therapy for me! Thank you all, so much!

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For those who enjoy my stories...

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I'm posting a couple of stories that aren't TG stories on Fictioneer.com. Come on over, there are many good stories. I posted Dena a few days ago, and I've started a new serial, Side Affects. Dena is a short with very little TG, and Side Affects has none. They are stories I started writing after my amputations, so they are a little angrier than what I write now.
Fictioneer has some really good stories, check it out!


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A couple of things

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I'm posting the last (maybe?) chapter of Unexpected Attractions, as I have to go to my Aunt's funeral in the morning. Should I continue this? I'm kind of planning on it, but I would welcome some input!
I've also posted my first story on Fictioneer. "Dena" is a future fantasy that we wrote several years ago. I hope people like it!


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Well, not the Christmas I might have hoped for!

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Christmas was very confusing for me. My Dad's oldest sister, the one who held everyone together, passed away after a long illness. In reality, I guess she had been gone for some time, but her actual death was Christmas morning. Was it a good or a bad thing? I'm really not sure, but I'll miss her.
The rest of Christmas went well, I spent the day with the part of my family that doesn't know about Wren, and still sees me as Bear. I'd like to tell them about my writing, but they don't know I do this at all, and I don't know how to tell them. Once again, very confusing.


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Hero? Submitted for your approval

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I hope this one will be okay. I may have been too subtle, but I choose to believe you will all get my little solution. If not, say so! This is another one of those stories that hit me in a dream, and I pretty much just wrote it as it came to me, no fancy titles, just straight story. I hope y'all like it!


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Feeling Down

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Well, I guess I blew it. I "came out" to some of my friends, and I thought it was cool-but none of them will talk to me now. I guess I could have seen that coming. I just feel so down, now. Somedays life just sucks. And people wonder why I'm depressed.


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About Sweets for Christmas

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I've had some requests to consider using Mr. Gabriel in more stories, and I think it will happen. The funny thing is, I didn't know about his "surprise" until I wrote the end of the story. He was created after a very special friend who has now passed, and named after my new nephew, Gabriel. He was just a nice teacher, originally.
Just goes to show what happens when you write from things that happen in a dream and throw in some memories to fill it in.

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Probably only news to me, but...

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Okay, some one has probably mentioned this before, while doing research for chapter 9 of Unexpected Atractions, I came across this, and thought it was interesting. Of course, we are not a target market...however...


I think I have that right. I was looking up GRS and found this about Uterine transplants. Maybe it'll work for us...someday.

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Choosing an editor

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I am amazed. Angela's post that she could not help me edit my stories has left me with a quandry. I have four people who have expressed a willingness to help me, all of them (I think...) whose work has impressed me, and who I think I can really respect for the help I need.
I would never want to hurt anyone's feelings, and I just don't know what criteria I would use to best find an editor, someone to work with successfully.

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And I'm back!

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I've begun posting the rest of "Unexpected Attractions", a story that Melanie E. first suggested as "I Was A Transgendered Craigslist Bride". For the first 8 chapters, I have had the assistance of Angela Rasch, and I think she has made me a much better writer as a result. We'll see what y'all think. I hope you enjoy it.


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My turn!

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I'd like to give my thanks to Erin and the crew that helps to administer and provide this wonderful site;The authors who give from their souls to provide such wonderful stories; and all of the folk on here that have given such amazing support and advice in their blogs, comments and pms. Most of all, I want to thank my friends here, and the folk who have read and (I hope!) enjoyed the stories I have written. You are all such great people! Portia, Bailey, Armond, Angela and so many others who make my daily grind livable! Thank you so much!


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I have to apologize. I have not been commenting much lately, and that isn't like me (I have left kudos, though...). I'm just going through a seriously depressed time. So many bad things happening. I'm holding it together, but I feel like crying all the time, and I didn't want to bring anyone down with my comments. It gets worse with some writers (Bailey, Portia, I'm sorry-you always seem to get the tears going for me!), but I am reading, when I can drag myself out of bed. I'll be fine, eventually, just gotta work my way out of this.


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questions about testosterone

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I found out today that I have low testosterone. Yeah, so my thought was to have them switch it to estrogen, but the Doc said that my condition could lead to many possible and nasty complications, so they want to do injections to bring me back to "normal". Hah! Too late!
Anyway, I've heard several bad things about these injections, I'm just wondering, are they really needed? Is there a real risk if I do nothing? Can I see about switching? Who do I talk to about this?

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Unexpected Attractions Delayed

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I know (hey, I hope!) some of you are waiting for the next chapter in UA, but my editor wants me to wait until I finish the story. It'll be awhile, but chapter 2 is almost complete, 3&4 are just about ready for edit and I'm still working on 5. I'll try to convince Angela that they can be submitted soon, but she's working on making me a better author, something that isn't really easy, but I can see it happening. Ultimately, you get a better story, and that is worth a lot to me. Please accept my apologies, I shouldn't have submitted the first chapter yet, but I did. My mistake.

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My only complaint!

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I get so disappointed when I read on BCTS sometimes. I just get into a story, and it is really getting interesting, when boom! It's done, and incomplete and I feel so disappointed! I know that Erin and the others here have no control over an author's commiment to a story, but could there be some kind of a notiification that the story is not updating after a certain time? I thought the writing for Becoming Christine was very good, but after chapter 5...nothing. So depressing, and this is just one of the stories like that. AAArgh!

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Looking for Melanie E.!

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A little while back, I read a blog by Melanie E., about a story idea for a "Craigslist Wife". I would really like to get in touch with her regarding this idea! If anyone knows her, have her contact me, please! Thank you so much!

Wren Phoenix

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Coming out

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I think I probably shook my Dad today. I finally told him that I have wanted to transition since high school in the mid 70's, and thanks to an analogy by Heather Rose Brown, I think he understands. I used the shoe analogy from "Shoes", the one where you put your right foot in your left shoe, and vice versa, then try to walk. It was great to finally be able to explain how I have felt all my life in a way he understood. Thank you Heather!

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