Due to getting biologically assaulted by an 4 year old viral carrier of what must be the Monkey Plague I don't feel like writing. It seems in some circles some parents who shall remain nameless think it's acceptable to bring a knowingly sick child and have then climb and body tackle all over perfect strangers. I'm sorry if I offend but I have the Monkey Plague and am therefore bitchy.
Oh these are the same people think it's acceptable to give into a 4yr olds demand for cola and sugar...oh and they talk him through his behavior. He's not going to get it, he's 4! his brain is vibrating from sugar and cola and he already knows he's just going to get blah, blah, effing blah from them!
Aaaarg! I'm screaming here because the Monkey Plague has killed my throat and voice pretty well.
Add in I don't get paid sick days thus I can't afford to take time off the get better I get to suffer at work. Then add in end of college classes and the 4 day weekend. And you get why I'm not even attempting to write or comment reply.
Sorry for the rant, hope no one's offended.
I'll resume writing when I don't feel like dogshit put through a magic bullet.
No hugs, You're all safer that way.
feel better soon
I hope you feel bnetter soon. everyone deserves a little rant when their not feeling good.
take care
I hope you told...
the little miscreant's parents what you told us. It's not the kid's fault he's being raised by wolves. Then again Lone Wolf & I would say they're giving us a bad name.
Take care of your self and God bless you.
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
I hope you feel better soon hon
nice, safe virtual hugs.
Get well soon
And maybe you will have a tail erm.... tale for us!
Always let parents know!
Naming their child Romulus or Remus is bad! bad! bad! letting them act that way is worse!