I was listening to the radio the other day, and this woman was talking about being able to see blessings even in some hard times. Now considering she had been raped by her father, that's pretty amazing ability. So it got me thinking, can I find a blessing in being trans? Well, maybe there are some. I think I've become more patient of the failings of others, and more grateful for the moments of femininity I get than I probably would have been if I had been born fully female.
Maybe, as I grow as both a woman and a Christian, I will find even more blessings. I pray it will be so.
I've said this before
I think by being transgendered you tend to be more in tuned with people in an emotional sense. Man or woman I love people more for who they are. While I may find men or women attractive in a physical sense, those who I seem to communicate and get to know are the ones I go head over heels for. I seem to appreciate the little things in people.
When I was younger I felt it was a sin to desire to be a female. Two failed marriages and the loss of so-called friends I grew in my Christianity and spent more time talking to God. As I lamented my displeasure of rejection because of my diagnoses as a transsexual I was still leary of any religeous sect.Once I was told I had been born intersexed and spending some time on the computer I began to understand more about myself. Then one night while in prayer I asked why was I different. The answer came in Isaiah 55 verses eight and nine. Then I understood I was a creation of Gods just as others are. I began to understand humility and humanity.
We are who we are to teach others humanity and acceptance.
I now attend church as a Christian Female, I worship just like ny other person and I have that right to do so.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.