BigCloset December 2011 Christmas Spirit Contest Voting
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My stars and garters, I never ever thought that I would be writing a blog like this one!
So, um... I never ever thought that I'd ever use my little hot dog wrapper, so I have been really lax about dilating and last month noticed that it has narrowed to far less than the size of a hot dog. When I got it, the thing would take a polish sausage, but due to my own negligence, well you know.
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I wanted to thank everyone who responded to my request for a GG lesbian willing to talk about sexual attraction. Everything I learned re-assured me that there isnt any significant difference between how they feel and how I do. That's a relief, because I was worried about it.
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Girl Scout Launches Cookie Boycott Campaign After Organization's Inclusion Of Transgender Child
Saw this article which maybe of interest here. It was a link from an article regarding the start of Girl Scout Cookie sales season. Anyone selling Thin Mints ;-0?
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Get your minds out of the gutter, because what I need is someone who is willing to talk about how it feels to be attracted to another woman. I know I have my own experiences, but I'm not sure how much having male bits changes that equation, if it does at all. Do you get lust at first sight or is attraction a slower process? Do you find you have a physical "type"? Is there a part of the female body that gets your motor running, as it were? If anyone is, or knows a GG lesbian willing to share, let me know.
Well, I'm in the home stretch with my "quest" story. I think 3 more chapters will do it, maybe somewhere in the 2,000 to 4,000 words to go, I think. If that holds true, it could be ready by mid-February. Of course, I've been wrong before with stories, so you just never know ....
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Anyone have a funny moment happen while transitioning, or a funny story about being transgender in general? I think we all need a laugh once in a while, even if its at ourselves, so share, wont you?
Just posted A FAIRY'S TALE onto Kindle.... A FAIRY'S TALE (.com)
Sexually explicit, involving Prison Rape and examples of abuse. (But she does win in the end!)
PS More soon, I Promise.
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I came up with an idea for a possible shared universe. "The Consignment Shop." Basically, it would be a special shop where second-hand goods are bought, but you get more than the item, you also get the story of the item as well. So a person buying a pair of red FM shoes gets told the story of how they changed the love life of a married couple, and the person buying the wedding dress learns that the last wearer had been born a boy. Stories could be happy or sad, long or short. What do you guys think?
Well, I just got back from the endocrinology doctor, and he has doubled my prescription of estrogen. Maybe now I'll start seeing some results.
As for the letter I'm writing for my ex, I'm still working on it. I really, really need to find to a way to approach this with her. Right now, I'm struggling with finding the right words. Ah, well, it will come.
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Damn I really can't believe that it's been 3 years since I decided to make an account here. More strange is the fact that it's going going to be 8 years this weekend since I had my grs ... Doesn't feel that long for me
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Hi everyone
After all the fuss of the festive season its back to the normal drudgery. Firstly Lulu have got a stunning offer until the end of the month, 25% off! So now's a great chance to get your Gaby calendar or catch up on the books! Click here to go straight there!
25% off any of my books
Coupon Code: LULUBOOKUK305
Coupon expires 31 January 2012
£50 Max Savings
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How do you delete old stories as i am about to post a new version of a lot of my work.
I am wondering if anyone else has had the list of who is online disaper

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For all those who remember my early work, Nibs and the Vixens are back with version 2 of the novels.
I have been busy in the years between my last posting and now. I have now completed 5 novels and have a further 15 on the go.
I hope you all enjoy the new work.
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World's Tallest Transsexual Lindsey Walker On Shoes, Taboos And Tattoos
Saw this article, and thought it might be intersting. She seems to be well centered (no pun intended) with her life. I wonder if she wanted to would she be allowed to play in the WNBA (a professional women's basketball league in the U.S.) or would there be some rule preventing her from playing? If she was allowed I wonder what the reaction would be?
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To all you wonderful AUTHORS first THANK YOU for taking the time to write and post these GREAT stories. I have a small request - can you please put TBC or FINIS-THE END or let us know the story has ended sometimes you can't tell because you leave it open for a sequel.Karen Bishop has got me spoiled with putting down 1 of ? how ever many chapters the story has . I know that some stories grow as you write them so FINISH would be kind of nice
THANK YOU ALL for the enjoyment I get from reading these FREE stories -- LOVE YOU ALL -- RICHIE2
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Well, last night at work I started working on a letter to my ex. Not to send, since she doesnt read well, but as a way to collect my thoughts. I've been getting a little nudge from my conscience about coming clean, and I think it might be time. Only problem is, I have NO idea what I can say to her that she would be able to hear. If I do this wrong, I could wreck my relationship with not only her but my daughter as well. Pray for me, if you would.
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I decided to post this, because I remembered some things and am putting this out here so I don't have a breakdown. I just remembered my initial reason when I was younger for not saying anything and now that I'm wiser it was dumb and I'm so mad and frustrated at myself.
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Lots of stories here feature school life in the USA. I read this article this morning which describes a school life so alien from my own, very long distant, school days here in the English NE Midlands. It reads so much like some fantastic dystopia that I can't help but feel that it's distorting the reality. I'd be interested in reading comments from our US friends to gain a little perspective.
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For the past three nights I've had problems accessing or uploading Bike to the site - it took four goes last night and then I lost connection so couldn't do the continuity link. It seems ironic that because of the numbers of readers, the authors can't actually post stuff. I may have to rethink when I post or browse the site.
This isn't a criticism of the management because it's outside their control, but I do wonder why we're suddenly so popular apart from the genius of the writers and the friendliness of the site owner. I hope there's nothing sinister going on as well.
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Here's some of the fun we have in my home country! Our boys make really pretty girls, and there's no making fun of them! They're having fun. No real need to translate.
I'll never look at my teen idols the same again! So cool! And I promise you won't be offended! :)
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Had one of my female co-workers come into work with the best excuse for missing time I've heard - She was told by her husband of 10 plus years, a man with whom she has two kids, that he couldn't live with a "incomplete" woman anymore. (She has lost the bottom half of one leg to disease and works with an artificial one.) My immediate gut reaction was "Men suck". Afterward, I chided myself, and remembered I know a number of very good men, and have met some pretty awful women.
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