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Developing slang for Destiny: Triumph of a Spellbinder

Developing slang...

Well, I've developed a few slang words for the final chapter in my Ragnarok Rising trilogy and I've become a bit conflicted on one particular slang word.

First, let me explain. The protagonist for this story is eighteen and I figured that he and his friends would be much more prone to using slang words than other previous characters. So I developed some terms like splurged, thatched, maer, frizz, and Rekk.

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Amazing gift to start off the new year

Well, when I got to work last night, I was called into the manager's office. Of course, I started panicking, thinking I must have really done something wrong. Imagine my surprise when all he wanted to do was give me a new ID badge - with the name "Dorothy" on the front. I proudly wore my name on my chest, and I don't think I could have been happier all night long. In fact, looking down at my name helped short-circuit a flashback. I'm so up about this, I may not come down for a week.

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J Edgar Hoover

A very interesting story about a strange and complex man whose talent for double dealing and perfidy knew no bounds yet who seemed to persecute those who shared his sexual proclivities to avoid attention to his own. A thoroughly wicked person, and not one mention of vacuum cleaners - unless one relates it to Tricky Dicky's comment!

I'm sure this isn't news to our readers in America, I suppose it isn't to me either, except in the amount to which his corruption permeated the US government. As one psychiatrist said, Hoover would have made a first rate Nazi.

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The Club

There are a lot of clubs in the world. There are dance clubs, and country clubs, athletic clubs and book clubs. And then there is this club. Some famous people are members. Oprah is, for example. Its not exclusive, but it sure can cost to be a member. But once you're in, you belong for life. There isn't a secret handshake, but some members say they can recognize a fellow member without them saying a word.

What is this club?

The sexually abused.

One club nobody ever wants to join, but estimates say 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will become members.

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On line friends are nice....but

In my years of trying to connect with someone to be my friend and confident I've made many online friends, some just for a season, some for a particular reason and some who have been with me a lifetime.
I enjoy the blogs and the stories and I often comment or leave a remark on a blog. There are several here who pm me, but what I miss the most is face to face contact with someone who is like me.

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Is the cat out of the bag?

Well, last night, as I was talking to my mother, she mentioned that my ex had said that "you treat him like a woman, so that's why he acts like one", referring to me. I did a double take, and asked her when this came up, and she said it happened during their fight the day before. I'm not sure quite what to make of this, but it could mean things are about to come to a head with her on the transition issue. Wish me luck.

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Happy New Year

A Happy New Year to both my readers. I don't do resolutions these days, the only one I've ever kept was not to make any more. However, I intend to finish Snafu and Whatever Next, do some more Charlotte and Bonkers and the occasional short. I'd like to do a whodunnit sometime as that requires a different sort of writing, and may or may not be tg.

So from Bonzi, Whizzo and yours truly, a healthy and happy 2012.


Don't forget, comments are what keep the writers writing.

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I want to wish everyone a great New Year!

I heard that Henry Ford said that if you believe you can't do something, you'll find that you're correct. I figure that it works the other way, too! Believe in yourself! I believe in you! Well except for Bailey Summers...nobody can write that many good stories in that short a time. There has to be something fishy there!

Love to all (Bailey too!)


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Religious Bras, FYI!

Religious Bra
Do you need a laugh?? What Religion is Your Bra?

A man walked into the ladies department and shyly walked up to the woman behind the counter and said, 'I'd like to buy a bra for my wife. '

' What type of bra?' asked the clerk.

'Type?' inquires the man, 'There's more than one type?'

'Look around,' said the saleslady, as she showed a sea of bras in every shape, size, colour and material imaginable.

'Actually, even with all of this variety, there are really only four types of bras to choose from.'

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Happy New Year!

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.

Happy New Year Everyone!

May 2012 bring you increased peace, happiness and joy.

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unlearning "learned helplessness"

I am coming to recognize how I have allowed the events of my past to make me paralyzed in the present. After having my ability to act or think or feel for myself broken, its going to take some doing to learn how to take charge and to no longer be a victim. Its not going to be easy to break this, but break it I must, if I want to be more than a pinball in a pinball machine, as a friend said. I have to learn to trust myself to make decisions, to live with the consequences, and to stop being a deer in the headlights, because we all know how that turns out.

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Lady Fairburn's moles

Lady Fairburn’s moles

This is for all the readers of Susan Brown’s wonderful Penmarris stories who somehow believe that Lady Fairburn’s problems with moles are, how can I say this, somewhat exaggerated.

If the link below works, you can hear that Baroness Bety Boothroyd, former speaker of the House of Commons has a similar problem.

I hope it works, it is quite entertaining

Love to All

Anne G.

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another stress-filled day left me with a headache

Well, yesterday was a pretty tough day for me. It went well until I got a phone call from my ex asking me where my mother was with Sam. I knew mom was taking her to a show, so I told the ex they probably are running late, maybe picking up some food for supper. Now, I was supposed to go to my ex's and pick her up and take her to her job at the doctor's office at 6, and she phoned twice more before then, getting more angry that my mom hadn't shown up with every call.

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Football Girl UK footie fan editor needed!

Hi Peeps,

I write a little thing called Football Girl. Since losing our lovely Gabi last year, I have not had an editor. I have just re-read the last chapter and am a cringing wreck as I have noticed several bloopers of the first order.

Being dyslexic means that I miss things, forget things, misspell lots and generally lose the plot.

I have a dent in the wall where I keep banging it with my head with frustration sometimes. The occasional glass of wine helps dull the pain - well that's my excuse anyway!

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Alternative story download format

Hello everyone,

I love reading the stories posted on this site, but unfortunately my E-reader does not really get along well with plain HTML format documents, and copying them into a RTF/plaintext manually would be a big pain in the butt and probably butcher the formatting. I was thinking of creating something for my personal use to convert stories (given their URL) to an epub document to make it easier to view on portable devices.


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The world gets better for us.

OK folks, listen up. This is really good video series by ABC and I think it is important enough that I wrote them to thank them for running such a complete and caring series. The world is getting better for us. Be brave.

There are I think 6 videos in this series.


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Sorry to clog up the blog with this question.

Hi there. I was enjoying a story about a hebrew sniper who transitions while still in the military. At one point she is on a protection detail on a boat (big big boat) with some important politico and his daugher. She kills all the bad guys and escapes with the daughter in an inflatable boat.

I was wondering what is the title/author of such a story. I'm curious if its been finished or abandoned.


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Who am I?

think we've all asked that question on occasion. But maybe it has special meaning for trans people like me. More than anything, I feel a need to know if my gender issues were caused by my rape, or would I have them regardless? I believe I was always going to be Dorothy, no matter what, but I don't know that there is any way to be 100 % sure while I'm still alive. The only real proof I have that I am on the right track is that I have made significant progress in dealing with my past, and there's no sign of a decrease in how much I want to be a woman physically.

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BCC Fan Fiction

Did you notice that someone wrote a BCC fan fiction?

Seriously, how cool is that? I mean, it's one thing to hear characters talking in your head, but it's a whole other thing to hear them talking in someone else's head.

That's a heck of a compliment. And in case anyone was wondering, I think its awesome. No one needs my permission to write anything.

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First Year

Today is the anniversary of my first year here. I have found a lot of acceptance for my stories here. I am so grateful to the readers and the wonderful people here. I also love the encouragement I get as a fledgling writer. I am working on the next part of Alexandra's Story. I have ideas of where I want it to go. I am thinking of moving it from the forced aspects into a more romantic tale. I guess as I get older I am mellowing out. Anyway, I can't believe it has been a year already. Thank you for letting me share my stories here.

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bad day at work

Well, I know I wanted to keep this blog more positive, but today was not a good day at work. I ended the day accidentally slicing through a water bottle, spilling the contents all over me, and the floor. To add insult to injury, I was running so late I ended up having to leave the skid for the day staff to finish. Worst of all, my response to all this stress was to get very angry, and I almost said something nasty to my supervisor, but reined myself in in time. Here's hoping today goes better, I have a headache now.

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Lost Soul II

Christmas time seems to be the time of year when the truly Lonely people are even more then usually alone.

I know why that is but it doesn’t change the fact.

Most people who have intact families are drawn back to them and they seem to gravitate to heartwarming thoughts and warm fuzzy feelings of love and family, and yes this is a right and proper thing. It is so nice to hear of those really genuine feelings being expressed and shared, I even like it.

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If I act like a little girl now, blame Tels

She and I were talking on the BC chat site, and she made me a pretty little Lolita dress. Since then, my mental age has been about seven or so - I spent the rest of the night on the chat site looking for my teddy and trying to get people to join me for a tea party. Okay, so it was fun to let my inner girl out like that, but now I worry she wont want to go back in ....

Ah, well.

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Beyond belief

No wonder the bosses of banks get away with huge bonuses - those lower down the food chain seem rather dim.

The story in yesterday's Daily Wail is astonishing, it should have been in the Fortean Times,
how a preop transsexual impersonated glamour model Katie Price and stole from her bank.

At least they used correct pronouns. The same story on the BBC makes no mention of her gender status.

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Bike research

In the interests of accuracy, historical and otherwise, I mounted an expedition to the uncharted wastes of Hampshire yesterday. Bonz had offered to come as bodyguard until he realised where I was going, when he suddenly discovered he had an urgent appointment at the mouse agents. Whizzo was busy with the washing up, so I had to go alone.

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Honeymoon Inn Universe of Kyrie Hobson

In October of 2008, Kyrie Hobson wrote Honeymoon Inn at Fictionmania. In October of 2011 Kyrie followed up with Honeymoon Inn: The Senator's Wife, also at Fictionmania.

In December of 2011 Kyrie released Honeymoon Inn Factsheet, a factsheet/bible for authors who wish to write stories based in the Honeymoon Inn universe.


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Chat happens...

... and it's happening tonight from 8 to midnight EST! Okay, it happens at other times too, but that's the target time for this effort to raise awareness of the chatrooms, so come on in and chat with us! You can use the link in the banner up top to connect through your browser, or copy the information there to your favorite irc client. If you have any questions or problems, send me a PM and I'll do my best to help.

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Just when you think christmas couldn't get any worse

Just returned home after spending christmas in hospital, had a stroke on christmas eve causing me to lose my mobility and speach, turns out I have a tiny hole in my heart, probably there since birth that caused a clot that blocked the vessels leading to my cerebellar for long enough to kill a number of cells that control movement, speach and balance.

My speach and balance are better now but my left arm has problems with fine motor control. I've been told there was evidence of a previous stroke and will need to have the hole in my heart blocked to prevent further risk of stroke.

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The Family Girl #022: Road Trip

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #22: Road Trip

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Hi.   Moe n I decided on going on a spur-of-the-moment road trip.   She had just resigned from her job and yesterday was her last day, whereas I am having a mild case of cabin fever.   So, crazy or not, we're going on a road trip to cheer ourselves up.   So we're getting an early start on the day, and just drive around, just be a couple of tourists, check in at a hotel, and be back tomorrow.   Or maybe Friday (wink wink).   Weather seems good, save for the 40-degree temp.   But we'll be okay.

So seeya in a day or two!

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Assassin Part Eight

Thank you all that have read Part Eight of Assassin, the first post. Imagine my surprise when I returned home to the bay area from Los Angeles to find the second and third parts of the story already edited by Holly. She must have worked without sleep over Christmas. Needless to say I will be posting them, number two in a day or two and the third after the reads go down on part two. These are the last parts of the story and it will be complete. Thank you for the kind words you've all written as comments about the story.

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Let's chat ... again!

We had a very good, active turnout for chat last night, so let's do it again! No topic is off limits, just remember Rule #1 -- be nice. Use the chatrooms link in the top banner; from there you can connect directly through your browser, or use the information provided to configure your choice of IRC client. #MainRoom and #GabyZone are where most of the people hang out; if it's quiet when you come in just say 'Hey, Breanna!' to get the attention of the hostess. If you have any questions, please PM me and I'll do my best to answer them.

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funny and cute moment at work

We were on coffee break, and one of my co-workers told me this story: She had tried to explain who I am and what I'm doing to her daughter, who is 11. The girl said, "So he is a boy who wants to be a girl?" Then she paused and said, "Smart." I thought it was kinda cute and funny.

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Green Fields of France

oh how do you do, young willy mcbride
do you mind if i sit here down by your graveside
and rest for a while in the warm summer sun
i've been walking all day, and im nearly done
and i see by your gravestone you were only nineteen
when you joined the great fallen in 1916
well i hope you died quick
and i hope you died clean
or willy mcbride, was is it slow and obscene

did they beat the drums slowly
did they play the fife lowly
did they sound the death march as they lowered you down
did the band play the last post and chorus
did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

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A New NonTG Xmas Story by Way Zim

Happy Holidays, All.

For anyone who's gotten a kick out of my contributions to the TG genre, you might enjoy a different type of transformation story.

Yes, it's a female regression story which I created as a favor for a friend and an exercise in guerilla writing(three days to write and edit ) so that Alec could post it by Christmas.


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Yes I am still up and moving

Okay... I am still moving and stuff. The semester has been pretty intense and class has been pretty intense. Thinking I was going to fail two classes can do that to you. I managed to pull off an A and a B in the two classes, so I clearly don't suck at the school thing. My GPA is really decent and that was a nice relief. Having a Grad school mentality with Undergrad classes can be problematic. ;)

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Let's Chat

I'm launching an effort to get the chat rooms active once more for the new year. If you're interested in chatting, just use the link at the top of the main page and come in to #MainRoom, #GabyZone, or both if you like, and say hello to my chat alter ego, Breanna. I'll be there for certain between 8PM and Midnight EST, now through the end of January, and probably at other times as well. Just be certain to say my name, Breanna, when you come in so I'll get an alert that you're talking to me, and I'll be happy to talk about anything you like.

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The Family Girl #021: Christmas Aftermath

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #21: Christmas Aftermath -
Tummy Trouble

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Those that chat with me regularly online know some stuff about me.   Among them is that I ain't too tall, I have chronic insomnia and, aside from chocolate, I don't eat all that much.   It's not anorexia or anything like that, or any other kind of medical condition.   I guess I just don't eat much.   But yesterday was different.

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amazing moment at work

Had an amazing moment at work last night. I was in a good mood, but then I went from being just happy to something beyond anything I've experienced. I had this feminine energy flowing through me, filling me. I felt so female that if I spontaneously had a sex change I wouldn't been at all surprised. It put an extra wiggle in my walk, that's for sure. I rather hope this happens again. Here's hoping and praying it does.

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I have a rather unusual problem.

I have a house full of booze, very little of which I've bought myself. The problem is that it takes up space, which I'd like just as space or so I can reuse for other things - like books. I have even more books than bottles, possibly more than a small library.

The wine and lager has been accumulated over the months and years from patients who've wanted to thank me for seeing them, or as a Christmas box and so on. But I drink very little alcohol, I drive most days so won't risk it, compared to masses of tea.

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The Family Girl #020: Being Preachy Again

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #20: Being Preachy Again.

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Please check this link:

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038) Merry Christmas!

Afraid I don't have any gifts to give to the folks here, but I just took another big step, though I suppose in a way I'd already done it unofficially anyways by simply not logging on...

Many of you may recall that I've mentioned I used to be a massively addicted MMORPG player. I had what even other players called an "army" of alts.

I haven't played these since June.

I just gave them all away.

The majority of my army was given to the last guild I'd been active in, and the lone remaining bard went to the guild before it.

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Thank you and Merry Christmas

Posting of Assassin was a Merry Christmas from me, Holly Hart, and Sephrena. After trying to post the story I made nothing but a mess of it. Holly knocked out the edit in one day and Sephrena posted it even though she has issues that are between her and people that are special to her. I want to say thank you to both of them and hope you enjoy this special Christmas gift, Arecee

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suvived dinner with my ex

Well, I've just about survived Christmas dinner with my ex. I'm glad I had Sam, but we also ended up having Jason and Joel, the two boys who are the sons of my ex's best friend. Sam sees them as cousins, so they had to be included, I guess.

It wasn't horrible, but I hated having to hide the present Mom got Dorothy, and I dont feel very well, like I'm coming down with something.

I guess it could be worse. By next year I might be fighting my ex for the right to see my child at all.

Ah, well

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The Family Girl #019: Pre-Christmas Mayhem

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #19: Pre-Christmas Mayhem.

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Ma is coming later tonight.   By some artful arm-twisting (not literally, of course) by Ma, Moe n I are playing   host to eighteen people for Christmas tomorrow. And one Shetland Sheepdog.   And Ma's invited herself to stay at the house tonight to help us prepare for the family Christmas lunch tomorrow.  

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Frohe Weihnachten - or - A different Christmas Eve

Here in Germany Christmas Eve is the most important part of Christmas.
Most people go to church in the afternoon followed a big meal and the gift giving in the evening.

In my family we normaly celebrate Christmas Eve without other guests. When my siblings moved out to start their own families they continued that custom.

Christmas Eve is for each family on thier own and then on the two Christmas Days some of us get together at one of their places if it is possible.

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037) Wow, tis the season and all that already?

Where did the time go? It seems just yesterday was the middle of summer still. OK... not really.

Though this year does, in turns, feel like it went by awfully fast, but that an awful lot happened.

Well... the situation at home has pretty well stagnated. Every time I try to push any further, my mother about bites my head off and the heads of anyone who she feels is supporting me too much.

I've decided to move out. First, because I want to. Second. Because I want to. Third... ;)

OK, real reason out of the way, some of the rationalizations:

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Goodbye and Good Luck

So I've had time to give this some thought and no offense to you, Erin, as you are pretty great at supporting the authors here, but I'd like to move to another site. When the owner of the page and her friends started expressing their unhappiness with me in IM's over my stories, I decided to take a break from writing. Now after much thought, I think it is best to move to another site, instead. Thank you all that were kind to me for your help and sorry that in the end it just wasn't a good fit.

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The worst time of the year?

This can be the worst time of year for people like me, who are trans. Far too many of us are either rejected by our families, or forced into the closet to please them, and that stings even more during this season, which is often seen as "family time." How can we endure it? More specifically, how can I?

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Genderswitching to reinvent classic novels.

A bit of nonsense from the Guardian which I think is art imitating art, it was done here long since. See the link below to read it yourself including a passage of Shirley Holmes and Dr Jane Watson.


PS. I seem to have over 50,000 of those kudo things, will I need a bigger house if I get any more?

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Removal of Transformation Blues

I know it's been a while since I wrote anything, but I've finally relocated my muse. I've asked Erin to remove TB, it was very poorly written and I really hated where it was going. I've completely redone the story, and there isn't really much that I saved. Please forget you ever saw it!
The rewrite, "Wild Magic" will be up soon!


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It's twelve-thirty in the morning

And I just finished the first edit of Assassin part eight. What a drag. I sent it off to Holly to be edited, but it wiil be a bit of time before the last installment of this story is posted. Yeah, I know, why not right away? Well it's almost eighty one thousand words long and believe me reading and rewriting something like this takes time. Hopefully I didn't leave a mess for Holly to unravel. As much as I liked the first parts of the story, I think this last bit is the best.

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Cookies & Then Some...

After recently posting Part 3 of the Yankee Belle and Gettysburg - A TWILIGHT ZONE story, I decided to start my day and set out to make Christmas cookies using my Grandmothers recipe...big mistake, she had thirteen children! I should have had my first clue when it called for 3 cups of sugar, 4 eggs and 10 cups of flour! When I finished, I had approximately 20 dozen Christmas cookies! I could feed them to a small army...I guess most will become gifts to friends and relatives. I couldn't go any farther today and decided to hold off and ice them tomorrow...I'll be able to sit to do that.

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Lest We Forget

Lest We Forget



On the 25th December most people will be celebrating and Christmas with their family and friends.

Let everyone in the Free World spend a few moments for those who are serving and dying in foreign fields,and those that have already make the Ultimate sacrfice.

I know there are a few Ex servicemen and Women that use Big Closet and like myself will know the hardships and reality of war in our attempts to keep our countries safe.

I found a poem on the internet that many may not of heard

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A little good news.

I don't think I can begin to tell all the ways that this
story made me feel really good, but it really did. I think
I chuckled for a half hour.

Still, I feel so badly for several other stories, some from
only a few years ago, when several seemingly Fine officers were
removed from service, for being lesbian. It must be a form of

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a feeling of impending doom

Been struggling with a feeling of impending doom the last couple of days, which is why I wrote "Five years gone". Not sure why, but it might have to do with the stress at work and getting some negative feedback over my speed there from my supervisor. I hope I can get through this feeling, but much more importantly, I hope the doom doesnt happen.

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What is wrong with stores?

So the other day, the 18th, my roommate and I went to Kroger. For those who don't know, Kroger is major chain of grocery stores. While we were there, I made her go down the seasonal isle and was angry to find that they had removed most of the stuff from it already. Found out they've been removing candy and stuff from there since the 10th. Really? We have to put up with Christmas stuff before Halloween and it's not even a week before and they were pulling the Christmas stuff? the Easter candy is already out. the roommate went to Wal Mart yesterday to find the same thing.

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For the more patient or completist collectors

Yes, today you can now get the complete Book 9 - More Changes from the usual sources and as it has an ISBN - 978-1-4710-2194-7, it will soon be available at Amazon etc too!


and don't forget your Gaby calendar too

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The Family Girl #018: Back Home Again

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #18: Back Home Again, or
I'm so tired, I don't think I can
finish  writing this blogzzzzz...

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Due to a very cooperative tailwind, our plane landed early, and I got through customs real quick on account of I only had my wheelie and my wardrobe bag, and I am now home.   I missed my Moe.  

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Jem...There's a debate in my head.

For awhile I've been trying to get to what's going on or not going on between Angel and Raven. So I'd like some opinions from those of you out there.

Can Raven realistically be with Angel with him being a guy and not transitioning?
Can a straight boy even if in costume, living as a woman/girl full time possibly be a lesbian? I'm sorry if that notion hits a button but I'm not sure the relationship if there becomes one would ever be Het in nature.

I'd love everyone's thoughts on this.

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Small steps

About four years ago I suddenly realized that I am female, even if my body disagrees.

The decades before I just thought I was a little different than the other boys, more sensitive, emotional, softer.
More empathetic, I was told that I'm a good listener.

I never got his competitiveness, "I'm better/stronger/more whatever than you" which was going on between the other boys.

Fortunately I grew up in a very caring and (positively) sheltered environment, in a loving family without any real conflicts. (At least I don't remember any.)

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