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Well, its a blizzard out there ! Going to make the trip to work tonight interesting. I hope Mom got to work and will be able to get home safely.



Shorts and fingerless gloves and no windproof on the bike today!

bit more

Maddy Bell's picture

seasonal up here, it was a nightmare out earlier with galeforce winds, my three and half hours in the saddle felt like much more! I guess the sun did show its face this afternoon and its only dropped to about 0c now.



Madeline Anafrid Bell

Yep Lovely and warm in the good ole' U K.

Hi Dot.

Yep Lovely and warm in the good ole' U K.

Where the heck are you livin' gu-url!

We got 12/13 degs celcius today Didn't go cycling though, that's for tomorrow. Gorgeous sunshine today and forecast for tomorrow as well.

Stay warm gu-url.

Hugs an' kisses'




Beat me to it!

As with Steph and Bev, it's been nice and sunny over here in the English Midlands - getting up to about 11°C. My garden's actually starting to look a bit more respectable now, with pretty much all of the clutter taken to the tip (well, household waste and recycling centre).

There's a rather tall cherry tree I'd like to prune (with the aid of a ladder), a couple of fence panels that need replacing, and a couple more that could do with either replacing or replacement godfathers as the existing metal strips preventing them falling over are leaning at a crazy angle. My landlord's been promising to come round since early December to sort them out (well, prune the tree and replace the one panel that has been totally destroyed by wind - for some reason he doesn't want to replace the partially destroyed panel or sort out the posts...) but hasn't yet - then again, as he's selling his £800,000 house he's probably got other things on his mind than non-essential maintenance for his tenants...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

i can answer that

dot lives in alberta canada about 2 provinces from me in manitoba. We had that snowstorm a few days ago it lasted 3 days and dumped 8 inchs of snow total which is about uhm 30cm or so. temp is aout -9 high to -18 at night

Snow levels

Which is about 20.30cm more than UK drivers (at least in the southern counties) can handle) according to all the news stories I keep reading. Of course, we seem to have the same problem drivers here in Massachusetts these days. Back when I was in school we would not get released early unless there was at least 4 inches on the roads. There were 8 inches on the roads when we got released during the Blizzard of "78." Now, schools get cancelled the day before a possible snowstorm.


Well it is 38 Celcius here. I've never seen a blizzard. Want to swap?