Saless's blog

Hello again!

Hello again all! For those who remember me, I used to post all kinds of stuff here. Sorry I've been gone so long. Kind of got burned out for a while and then got addicted to a game...where I met my fiance! ^_^ So got kind of distracted there... ;)

Anyway, all is very well indeed with me and my fiance has been prodding me for months to write again. She's a fan of Kittyhawk. ^^ So, I'm finally getting back into writing. No promises on when or how much, but, I do have 2 chapters ready to go now. First will be a chapter of Chrysalis because it links up with Kittyhawk. ^^

Wyld Revision or Oops!

After reading AoifeM's latest Wyld chapter and reviewing the Wyld Universe Rules Page I realized I goofed! I'd mentioned somewhere, probably in one of the 'Wyld Conversation' blogs, that Wyld transformations are instantaneous. They are also supposed to be without pain and usually accompanied by a flash of light. I totally forgot to include that in the rules page, so I've now added it under rule #9. Since I goofed on that, I'm giving AoifeM a pass for Ryan.

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Wanna go Wyld? Take 2

Hey everybody, my Wyld Universe is officially open! And yes, this is my second blog about it, but the first got pushed off the front page so fast hardly anybody saw it. :( But I found a message in my inbox this morning expressing interest (How cool is that?!) but not knowing the universe is open and figured I should re-post.

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A Wyld Conversation - Part 2

Hello again. If you're wondering where the first part of this went, go here. I imagine a lot of people will have to click the link since I only got eighty some odd hits. :( (Half a dozen blogs were posted within an hour of part 1 so it got pushed off the page before hardly anyone could see it.)

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A Wyld Conversation - Part 1

Hi all. You can just blame EOF, Lilith and others here for this, but I'm going to try getting in on the Universe creating thing. Not that I don't already, but this time it's going to be officially OPEN! I thought I'd post this blog, and perhaps others as I finish getting things ready, to see if there's any interest.

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Bottom of the cycle, I hope!

My emotions seem to follow an irregular cycle. Sometimes the ups aren't all that high, and the downs are pretty darn low. I had a moment around the beginning of this year, on the drive home from work, when the idea popped into my head that all I had to do was put my foot down on the gas and let the car drift over into the trees lining the road and I wouldn't have to feel that bad ever again. I had to fight to keep from doing it, too. Scared the #*!@ out of me, as you can imagine.

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Late again!

I keep losing track of time lately! Sorry about being a day late to post again, but The Watcher #7 is up now. Things get a bit complicated for me at this point, because Watcher, Who Watches the Watcher, Toil & Trouble and Venus Cursed! all come together to some extent. There will be a fair amount of overlap between the various series for a while, though mostly between Toil & Trouble and Venus Cursed!

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I just realized I never posted anything yesterday! :( Sorry! I go and announce a schedule, and then I don't even stick to it. As soon as I'm done writing this I'll post Toil & Trouble 15. And I'll go ahead and post again on the 25th, so as to make up for screwing up my schedule like that.

Can you believe, that I totally forgot it was time to post something? By the time I got home yesterday I was totally washed out, and I still had to walk the dog and make dinner. After that I was really wiped out!

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I finally made the last payment on my credit card today! Shortly after going full time I had something like $16,000 of credit card debt, but as of today it is $0! ^_^ I've been working hard towards this for a long time, so I'm very happy! Especially since it means all the money I was putting on my credit card can now go towards paying off my car loan. And once that's paid off (which won't take too long, now), I can finally start saving up for surgery!

That's still a while off yet, probably a couple years or so, but it's a step in the right direction.

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Uh oh, I've done it again!

Here I am working on getting T&T caught up with VC (and I'm getting real close!), and now I've come up with another side story for VC! It's an idea I've had in the back of my mind for a while, though not necessarily as another side story. But much of what happens to this character will remain separate from the rest of the gang, so a side story really seems like the only way to go. So, Friday I'll be posting the first chapter of A Father's Rebirth.

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Late entry

I actually managed to finish (more or less) my Summer Romance contest entry last night. It's kind of rough, but done. I still need to do some minor formatting stuff with it and give it a title. Then I'll go through it one last time and probably tidy up the ending a bit. So I'll probably be posting it sometime between eight and ten tonight (Pacific Time). A bit last minute, I know, but this one has been a bit of a pain.

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zzzzzzzz...ugh, what? Oh, yeah, I'm writing something, huh? What was it about...zzzzz...ZZZZZ...zzz...Whu? Oh, yeah, just a sec...*BAM* (smacks head into wall). OK, I'm awake, for now. So, uh, what was I saying? Oh yeah, writing stuff. So, I haven't gotten any writing done in a couple of weeks now. Really busy lately. And haven't gotten a good night's sleep in, like, a month or so. Camping was fun, though...

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A warning about 'Throw Me Away'

I haven't posted it yet, but will do so tonight. I just wanted to give a warning because it's rather depressing and not very good. But I don't have anything else to post and it's been sitting on my hard drive for a month or so, so I figured I'd post something, no matter how bad. Yeah, really makes you want to read it, doesn't it? ;)

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It seems there is some kind of error in the html of my latest posting, The Chronicles of Mana - 2 - Deja Vu. Erin moved the break code to the very beginning to keep it from screwing up the front page. So on the front page it shows the name and an empty box. If you click on it, though, the story is there. Some browsers may have trouble with it, but it is there.

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Dream Fears

I know, I just posted one blog, and now I'm posting another! But this one is quite different, so I thought it best to keep it separate. I had the strangest dream the other night. I was online visiting the sites of transgender fiction authors in my dream. I had come to a site that updates regularly (It wasn't any real site, but it reminded me of Maddy's site), and there was no update. I was surprised, so I looked into it and found out the author was dead, murdered! Another author who posted on that site who, in my dream, was another favorite, was also murdered!

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Comment Games

There have been some blogs lately about wanting comments to stick to the story, rather than meandering off on specific aspects of it or whatever. Which is fine by me if that's what the author wants. Comments on my stories have often devolved into jokes and general playing around. I just thought I'd make it clear here that not only am I okay with that, I encourage it! I often get in on it myself, especially when I'm in a mood. ;) So by all means, have fun!

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Boys Will Be Boys Chapter 3

I just posted the real third chapter to Boys Will Be Boys (with "The Real Story" added to the title to help clarify things). I added "The April Fools Edition" to the name of the previous version so it should be clear enough which one is the real one and which one the joke. Hopefully no one's too upset with me for my little April Fools joke! It's the first time I've done any kind of April Fools joke, anywhere, so I'll blame inexperience if I went too far with it or offended anyone. ;)

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Sorry for the delay

I tried to post Toil & Trouble 3 yesterday, but my internet connection had gotten so slow I couldn't get the page to load to post it! I tried for two or three hours before giving up. I had to go to my grandmother's house today to help clean it up so it can be sold (she died last month), and I just got home from that. But it's up now, and the links to/from VC are up, too. It's kind of short, as it was a last minute thing because none of the other story chapters I've been working on were ready for posting yet. I'll try to do better next week.


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A year already?!

Wow, it's already been a year since I registered here (my first story went up only eleven days later, seems like it was longer than that...)! Time really has flown by this last year. I've actually been a regular visitor here for three or four years longer than that, but I'm shy. ;)

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So busy!!

I just keep coming up with new ideas for stories; which naturally slows down the posting of old ones. It's kind of irritating in a way, but fun, too. The latest addition is a spin-off of sorts of Kittyhawk. I'll be posting the first part of Chrysalis Friday for sure, as I've already written 5,000 words of it. I'm not sure how big the first part will be. It may be the entire 5,000 words, or I may break it down some. I may even add more to it before then and post all of that as the first part, but I doubt it.

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