I swear, I get some of my best writing done when I'm upset about something! Being depressed doesn't usually work too well, but other kinds of upset seem to really get me going. It doesn't hurt any that I've started using writing as a sort of therapy.
I did that the other day, after reading one too many forced fem-ish stories. I normally avoid forced fem, because it tends to upset me. But I was reading through some older stories by an author that I like. They were pretty positive stories, for the most part, but they all had at least some small measure of forced fem in them. The last two I got uncomfortable enough with that I skipped to the end. I do that sometimes when I find a story to be taking a disturbing turn. Once I've seen how it ends I can usually tell if it's a story I really want to read or not.
I think it was just a matter of overload, rather than those stories being all that negative or anything. But on the last story, even after reading what appeared to be a positive ending, I had this really strong feeling of wrongness about the whole thing. And...grief? It was weird, but I couldn't stop crying! Like, someone just died kind of crying. Like I said, weird.
Anyway, that's when I decided I needed to write something to get it out of my system. And it worked. Not only did I get a little short story in that I'll post later today, but I got Boys Will Be Boys 4 finished and a start on 5! And I was feeling much better, so it was a success all around.
So now, thanks to a little bout of depression last week and then this week, I've actually got a buffer of finished stories/poems/chapters/whatever! And I've still got lots of partial stuff floating around, too, so I guess I'm in pretty good shape. Of course, now that I've said that, I'll probably polish the whole thing off over the next couple of super-busy months, but at least I'll have something to post! ;)
I'm so not a fan
of the forced fem genre. I mean forced circumstances can be entertaining and stuff as it goes but I guess it's the forced fem with the femdom man dominating, hating, types in these stories that bothers me, really bothers me.
I know there might be good reasons behind the writing but to me...I'm kinda just gender blind about a lot of things so to me. It's just violent, and in many cases, it's child abuse. If it's a part of the story and the character then fine but it shouldn't be a theme. And I'm all for powerful women, I'm kinda a feminist myself in my own way. These stories though just drag the image of a powerful woman through the toilet when she resorts to those things.
So rant over, sorry. I agree with you about there being a bit much of it out there and I like the more real love type of stories or coming of age stuff.
Bailey Summers
I'm with you,
I used to read everything, because I worried I'd miss out on a good story if I gave up on it. I've gotten a lot pickier over time. Some of those stories, that disturbed me from the start, kept doing it the entire time! I don't need that kind of aggravation! So, yeah, I tend to stay away from forced fem. I've surprised myself with how much I like romantic stories. Especially lesbian romance, yum! ;)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
One day...
...I might actually get around to completing the second installment of Petra - my take on subverting the FF genre.
After all, in several FF stories, the victim is known to browse TG sites - so what would happen if the intended victim had read a few Vickie Tern stories and was clued up enough to realise what their partner was up to before they get blackmailed into following the perverted desires of their partner?
I got up to about 1,300 words, but then (a) a few very good serials started here, (b) I was nutty enough to start summarising every single episode of Bike and (c) a new Whateley Academy Wiki was started, which I couldn't resist contributing to - which also encouraged me to go back and start re-reading all those stories again. So between the three, I find that I've run out of time before firing up gedit.
But one day I will pick it up again and continue the tale.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Sounds interesting...
Boys Will Be Boys is my own subversion of FF, of a less violent sort. I know what you mean about getting sidetracked by all the good serials here, though! :)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
write, dammit!
mittfh, saless -- buckle down and subvert! i imagine you two and many other BCTS authors opening vast new vistas of TG stories that don't rest on or require, or else send up, tired cliches. forced femme has to be the tiredest of all. hugs, Daphne