It seems there is some kind of error in the html of my latest posting, The Chronicles of Mana - 2 - Deja Vu. Erin moved the break code to the very beginning to keep it from screwing up the front page. So on the front page it shows the name and an empty box. If you click on it, though, the story is there. Some browsers may have trouble with it, but it is there. So I thought I'd post a quick blog to let people know the chapter didn't get pulled or something.
I went through it and cleaned up the html as far as my knowledge allows me, but I don't know if I caught the problem or not. I didn't see anything obviously wrong, but my knowledge of html is rather basic (and that learned from posting here).
I'm sorry for any trouble my sloppy code may have caused for anybody, and especially Erin. And thanks to Erin for catching it so quickly! :)
I think I have it the way you wanted it now
Looks like it needs one more
Looks like it needs one more </i> tag just before the break, but otherwise looks good just at a glance:-D
Edit: Ahh, I think I know what the trouble was, looking at where the break happens. I found out the hard way that the <!--break--> tag also breaks up HTML, so something like
</i><!--break--><i> to continue after the break should do the trick :-D
I'm not sure what you're seeing (unless someone else fixed it)
I looked at it in Firefox and IE and everything appears fine to my naked eyes :)
Someone might've fixed it,
Someone might've fixed it, or my Firefox was misbehaving earlier, because it does indeed look like it's working now :-D