I've been working up to this for a while, and it's still kind of premature, but I've decided to go ahead and change my posting schedule from every 7 days (Fridays) to every 6 days. This means I'll be posting on Thursday this week. I'm going to SacAnime Friday-Sunday, so it seemed as good a time as any. ;)
I'll probably confuse the heck out of myself since the day of the week will change every week, but I'll give it a go anyway. I shouldn't have any trouble keeping up with this otherwise; it really isn't that big of a change. Eventually I hope to move up to every 5 days and maybe even more often, but I'll stick with 6 for now.
Oh, and if anyone here is at SacAnime this weekend, look for a tall catgirl with a tail. >^_^<
don't ALL catgirls have tails?
Okay, except for the Manx ones.
I haven't seen that many
I haven't seen that many tails at conventions (on catgirls, at least). Lots of cat ears (usually on a headband or hat, though) but not so many tails. I had to really hunt around online to find some ears that attach to my hair instead of being on a hat or headband. And finding a fluffy, long tail was very hard, too. The collar was easy, I saw ones I like at the last SacAnime so I knew exactly where to go! :)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America