Saless's blog

Story Update

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Well, I tried to get Kittyhawk 11 done in time to post today, but didn't quite make it. I got inspired from my dream and wrote a lot on it this week, which took a lot of time away from Kittyhawk. Oh well, I shouldn't have any trouble getting it out next week, at least.

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Milestones & Kitties

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One of my stories (Boys Will Be Boys, Chapter 1), has reached 100 votes! SQUEEE!!! *happy dance* Thanks to everyone who voted on it, and all of my other stories! Chapter 2 isn't even close to that high, but I'm too happy about getting a hundred to worry about it!

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VC Logo help

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Based on Erin's suggestions, I've reworked my new logo a bit. Here are four versions of that, please let me know what you think (Even if you don't read Venus Cursed!).

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VC Update

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Well, I've finally finished re-reading all of Venus Cursed! and the side stories so that I could get back into it. I have some new ideas on how to proceed, and will be starting with yet another side story. This one will actually begin around chapter 23 or so of the main story. Once it catches up with the main story line I'll continue it, and the other side stories. As usual, I'll have links at the bottom of each chapter to the appropriate chapter in the main story, and will add links to those chapters of Venus Cursed!, as well.

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SacAnime anyone?

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SacAnime is a fun little anime/manga convention in Sacramento I go to every year. It's twice a year in January and August or September. This year it's September 3rd through 5th. If anyone's interested, they have free registration for anybody who gets a room at the Radisson Hotel where it's being held by March 8th. You can get more information on that here.

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Writing & posting plans

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Well, I finally got a story up. It's probably not very good, I've been writing it in bits and pieces for two or three months now, but it's up. I'm still not back in the groove, but my muse is back and talking! Still having some trouble getting the stories written, but I think that's mostly just a matter of being out of practice.

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Don't Let Me Get Me...

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Hello again! That song was just playing a bit ago and should give you a clue as to how I've been feeling the last few days. I'm really getting tired of it (the feeling, not the song. I rather like it ;).

Anyway, I thought I'd drop in and let you lot know I'm still around, if not as active as I'd like to be. Seems like every time my muse makes an appearance and I start to get some writing done, I get all depressed again! What's with that, I ask you?!

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This is getting old, isn't it?

Just when I thought I was getting it back together my muse decides to mutiny! Well, to be fair, the story she's stuck on is one that's been in my head for far longer than any of my others. I may have to write some of it, just to get her off my back about it! ;)

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Back in the saddle again?

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Hopefully, anyway! I've posted part 6 of The Watcher, at last! There's a link at the bottom for Venus Cursed! #112, as I always do, but since #112 isn't done yet, it won't work. I'm hoping I might have that up sometime today, too, but we'll see.

Since my last two blogs have been all whiney, I thought I'd post something a little more positive. Especially since I'm feeling a little more positive! I wanted to thank everyone again who commented on my last blog entry or sent PMs. I really appreciated it! ^_^

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I am sooo pathetic!

And the lameness continues. Sorry folks, but I'm not going to be able to get Venus Cursed! up today, either. I haven't been sleeping well lately and it's really screwing up my ability to write anything. I took my laptop to bed with me on the off chance I could finish the chapter (it's half done, but that's two days works!), but it's not happening. So once I get this posted I'm off to sleep. Hopefully I'll sleep better than I have been and will be able to get lots of writing done tomorrow. Cross your fingers!

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Sorry, again!

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Sorry for my lameness, but I'm not going to get VC up today. I've got a good start on it, but I just can't keep my eyes open to finish it tonight. Sorry!


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Future of VC

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Well, I've finally/suddenly reached 100 chapters of Venus Cursed! Wow! I want to thank everybody who's been reading (and commenting, and voting!). My plans when I started this story were that it would probably only be 100 chapters long at most, and would end just about where it's at now. However, things have changed quite a bit since then, as they usually do, and that's not my plan anymore.

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VC Woes

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I just wanted to apologize for my slowness, and occasional missed updates lately. And yes, today's going to be more of the same. I haven't had any time to write yet, and I'll be leaving in ten minutes. I won't get a chance to do anything until I get back around eleven. I can make no promises!

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There may be no Venus Cursed! today. I'm still upset from yesterday and finding it very difficult to concentrate. I'll try, but I thought I'd let anyone who's interested know that I might not make it today.


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Kittyhawk Goof

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I made a mistake on Kittyhawk 10 that I just fixed. It involves the conversation between Melissa and Tina on the plane. I mistakenly had Melissa saying she's not into girls, which of course she is! Since that affects her relations with Arachne, which Tina says is interested in Melissa, I thought I should point it out. Sorry for the confusion!


P.S. Thanks to John for pointing the error out to me, I really appreciate it!

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Oh well, there goes my perfect record...

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I was really hoping to never miss a day of Venus Cursed!, but that's out the window now, isn't it? Sorry about yesterday, things didn't go quite the way I expected. I went to a flea market with some relatives and didn't get home until four or five, which was as I planned. Not unexpectedly, I wasn't able to get much writing done on the way over and back, either. But I'd planned on spending most of the rest of the day writing. But things kept cropping up to interrupt my plans until eight or nine, and by then I was so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open!

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New story coming soon...I hope!

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I've just posted the title page for a new story I'm working on. I know, I know, what about the other ones that have been languishing? Well, I'm still trying to get to them, too. Venus Cursed! is taking up more time than I anticipated, especially since I've got two side stories going now! I'm not abandoning POWYHL or KittyHawk, really! I'll try to alternate or something and get something out on each over the next few months. I can't promise anything, of course, but I will try!

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Quick update

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I know I keep saying I'll get to KittyHawk and POWYHL, and I will! Really! Unfortunately I've had some muse issues lately, and I'm looking at three busy weekends in a row. This upcoming weekend I'll be at Sac-Anime, an Anime/Manga convention in Sacramento. Then I have a doctors appointment the next day to find out why a couple of body parts I'm looking forward to being rid of have been hurting lately. Then the bowling league I'm in with my brother, sister, and father starts back up again the next day.

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Thank you BCTS! ^_^

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I've been meaning to do this for a while, but I kept chickening out! First off, thank you so much Erin for setting up this wonderful site and keeping it going for us, you're fantastic! :) Also, thank you to Sephrena Lynn Miller and the other administrator/moderators for helping Erin keep this lovely site going and friendly for us all! I also want to thank all the editors who help so many authors clean up/improve their stories.

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Saless Story Schedule

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First off, I want to apologize for my sluggishness with KittyHawk this week, and extreme slowness with Pass On What You Have Learned. I meant to post the next part of KittyHawk Monday, and right now it's looking like this upcoming Monday is more likely. As for Pass On What You Have Learned, it's already two or three weeks behind. I have it about half written, but I'm not sure how long it will take me to finish as it doesn't flow as easily as KittyHawk and Venus Cursed!

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Apologies for my many mistakes

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I posted two title pages earlier, I guess it's yesterday now! ;) Anyway, I screwed up, like a dozen different ways! I should have waited until I had more time, because I had to leave and wasn't able to finish what I started until now. So I had two title pages that just had a title and absolutely nothing else! Also, I posted them through the +Fiction link instead of the +TitlePage link, which caused them to appear on the front page when they aren't supposed to. I think I made the same mistake with Pass On What You Have Learned.

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Old writing question

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I recently discovered that I still have the assignments that I did for a creative writing class several years ago. I was looking through them and was surprised that I actually liked several of them! I expected them to seem juvenile to me, as I often do with my own work. None of them are TG, but I was wondering if there would be any interest if I posted some of them here?

Please let me know!


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KittyHawk continues...

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I've had several people encouraging me, or otherwise indicating they would enjoy, a sequel to my Mayday story, KittyHawk. I've played around with it some and, thanks to the many excellent suggestions made, have decided on how I'm going to continue it. I've already started and hope to have something up soon. I've already put up a title page and attached KittyHawk to it. I hope those who have expressed an interest aren't disappointed with what I've come up with.

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