Well, I tried to get Kittyhawk 11 done in time to post today, but didn't quite make it. I got inspired from my dream and wrote a lot on it this week, which took a lot of time away from Kittyhawk. Oh well, I shouldn't have any trouble getting it out next week, at least.
Anyway, The Arena is the result of the dream I mentioned. I hadn't really decided on a chapter size yet, so when I realized I wasn't going to get Kittyhawk up in time, I just found a good stopping point in what I had and cut it there. So on the plus side, I've already got five hundred words or so on the next chapter.
The Arena is a bit different to my other stories, but then I try to do something different with each one. It's mutant high-ish, I guess you could say. It's also got a definite dark side to it, though the overall story is a hopeful one, I think. There's a lot of backstory I've written out that will be showing up in bits and pieces as we go, so if it's confusing now it should get clearer later. Hopefully it will be enjoyable enough to overcome any confusion.
I know, another new story? My muse is really giving me far too many ideas lately! ;) I'm still working on my old stories too, though, like Kittyhawk. I've got about half of the next Toil & Trouble done, too. Not to mention a big chunk of POWYHL that's been sitting on my hard drive for months! And a few other bits and pieces. I don't really have a buffer yet, but with all the pieces I've got you could say I do, I guess. Hopefully that will turn into a real buffer of finished stories soon, so I can get closer to being ready for more frequent updates.
Anyway, that's where things are now, and please let me know what you think of The Arena. Or any of my other stories, I'm not picky! ^_^
See my other coment at The Arena but to be brief ...
it ROCKS !
As you say darker than most Kittyhawks, though possibly a related story line a decade ot two in the future or not but with potental for hope.
Nice stuff.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Thanks John! I was a bit
Thanks John! I was a bit worried about this one (But then, when am I not?), but judging by the comments it seems to have gone over pretty well.
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
So let's see - you're currently working on:
1) The Arena
2) Kittyhawk
3) Pass on What You Have Learned
4) Toil and Trouble
And no doubt if/when you run out of ideas or encounter a temporary stumbling block on any of them, there's always the possibility of continuing Venus Cursed (plus spin-offs / side stories) and/or The Chronicles of Mana.
Not to mention reading other authors' stories here. And quite probably some non-BCTS-related web surfing.
And all of that fitted around whatever you get up to in "real life".
Busy, busy, busy!
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Don't forget Venus Cursed as
Don't forget Venus Cursed as well! lol - you have a great muse, no matter if ADD or not!! :-)
Just keep writing whatever works for ya, and I for one will keep reading and enjoying!
Very ADD Muse!
Thanks abenderx, I'm glad you're enjoying my writing! I just checked my Unfinished Stories folder and have these that I've started so far:
And that's just the ones I've already started writing! I've also got the other side stories of Venus Cursed! once Toil and Trouble catches up with the main story line, so that adds The Watcher and Who Watches the Watcher. And then there's Boys Will Be Boys 2, as well! Oh, and I've got an idea for another side story for Kittyhawk, too. So that makes 4 more stories for a total of 11! And I'm bound to come up with some stand alone stories and, if my muse continues her ADD ways, maybe even another series (Actually, I've got some ideas there, but I don't plan on expanding on them until I've finished off a few other stories. We'll see if I hold to that or not...)!
Oh well, there seem to be a few people who like to read my drivel, so I guess that's not all bad, eh? ;)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America