work again

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It official euhmz in a non-official way. My HRM is getting the paperwork ready for an apperance by yours truly before the retirement commission (civil sevice -> always with commissions >shakes head<) and will normally file them friday, just before the weekend. This means I should get my copy of the filing letter somewhere around monday or tuesday next week. If al goes to procedure I should have an advisory from the outsource health/sick service in the 2 weeks following (which can be only a letter or a doctor visit, the later followed by a letter).

I'm 33yo and turning 34 next august. Although my general health is subpar (can't commplain to mutch 'cause my body still works mostly as designed/advertised although at the lower end of the curve >think someoene about 20 years older ten I am now<), they haven't got any medical grounds to start the procedure. The only fact they have is that I have been on sickleavve for more then 2 years now in one go due to it being an agreement between one of the HRM services and my shrink so I wouldn't be absent without cause. This agreement was made because it was a general consensus that I couldn't return to my, current, offical workstation due to various ( mostly interpersonnal problems brought on by my ASD wich resulted in a depression<. So they have been trying to give me an other workstation. In those 2 years I was ready to go to work almost at the drop of a had if they found a new workstation. On the 35000 CS's workstaions >very broad figure< they have the haven't found 1 place in those 2 years.

Conclusion this procedure is a waste of tasmoney to put me under presure to gently go back to my old workstation (which isn't going to happen after all te stuff that's been going on te last 5 years). I just can't

My biggest worry is that they don't regard the medical side of things but go politcal even if the commission is supposed to be an independent organ) and put me on retirement on request of my current departement. If that happens I lose everything. The house (minimum retirement isn't even enough to cover my morgage), the pets because renting something that allowed pets that has room enough would be to expensive, my 'credit' (blacklisted because of the problems with my mortgage). Stressed out about it and seeing rather red at moments. Got nobody to fall back on sigh<

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