A little back ground on me first, those of you that read my blog regularly know I am about 5'8" and about 230 pounds. I am working on the weight thing. I am Hispanic and since I was twelve have had facial hair and I mean ab lot like a five o'clock shadow at eleven in the morning, not a trait I am proud of and one I wish I didn't have. Nobody other than my friend FO knows about me and I present as very male, you could find a B2 bomber on radar before you figure me out. It comes from years of hiding in plain sight.
So on to the thing that happened yesterday, a very attractive woman walked into the store having battery issues with her device. She was wearing a blue fitted long sleeved button up shirt and black slacks. She was curvy but not overly so a very pleasant shape, everything I wished I was. All the sales reps were busy so I wound up asking her what she needed through the glass that separates the sales area from our tech room. She explained her battery problem and asked if we could help. I stated we could and would help her out I asked her if her billing address was correct so could send her a battery, she said it was. I completed the transaction and told her when it would arrive, then told her about our customer satisfaction survey. I felt the interaction was positive and gentle reader this is a metric I get paid on. I am telling you all this information to illustrate that we had been talking for over five minutes. After I mentioned the survey she stated (in quotes folks) "Yes ma'am you'll get a good score from me I always come to this store everyone is so nice." . We both looked at each other and laughed she apologized and I said jokingly I get that all the time and laughed it off. Keep in mind there is no way I could ever be mistaken for female. Inside my heart was doing little flips all day and a bad day turned better, sometimes its the little things that get you through the day.
women see the real person
and not so much the mask we try to fool others with; it happens when even we, ourselves, can no longer believe the lie we are living. It is our interactive skills that presents who we are, in more ways than others. great on ya!
Hugs, Diana
Hang in there
I'm not the most attractive woman on the planet, by a long way, but I transitioned 10 years ago out of pure desperation.
Having asked a friend if the novelty ever wears off, she said an emphatic "NO!"
Hang in there; at least I'm only 5'9", size 18, 200lbs, size 9 feet, 66 years of age, I have very poor eyesight and fall over a lot. I live alone (who'd want to live with me?)
A weird thing happened at the store yesterday O.o
The way I see it, you got paid the best compliment possible.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Work sucks very much, if
you're a- ...wait, have I used that one before?
feminine vibe
she must have picked up a feminine vibe ;) k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
the real you shone through
Yep, it feels good, dont it?