If you have read my stories you will notice that I have a wee bit of an obsession for short skirts and socks (otherwise school uniform). I stumbled upon this pic whilst browsing the web and i thought it was really cute so i thought i'd share it with all of you! :)
I can safely say that last night was filled with experiences! Haha. Thursday nights are college nights in Ireland so we all went out on the town to get highly intoxicated (as you do).
Now, I’ve never been to one particular nightclub in Galway called ‘’Dignity’’, a gay bar. Myself, my girlfriend and a large group of friends got a stamped for free admission and cheap shots for this particular club after stumbling out of the pub. Now, at first my naíve side got the better of me and I had no idea that this nightclub was a gay bar because well I wouldn’t usually go to such places and I always assumed that it was just a regular club.
We went in anyway and I have to say it was brilliant. Even though I’m not gay it was still a different experience (maybe this was the drink talking?). We didn’t stay long before moving onto another club but in that short time we got talking to some cross dressers and post op transwomen. This was my first time ever talking to such people and I have to admit it was really awesome.
A lot of people seem to have a massive problem with such people (especially in Ireland) but as the old saying goes ‘’don’t judge unless you’re prepared to be judged yourself!’’. Even my most pent up ‘’old fashioned’’ friends thought of them to be just normal regular and I thought that was really nice.
I met one particular woman who was very open and was glad to tell us of her transition into becoming a whole woman (‘’body and soul’’ as she described it) despite the fact none of us dared ask. She was brilliant fun and was actually very pretty haha.
It’s cool to meet these people upfront because we can learn a lot, especially for me because I’ve been very interested in the crossing over between genders and whatnot. Anyway after that we all got incredibly drunk and I woke up this morning feeling like crap :P
What else is on my mind? Oh yeah! I found this interesting trick on how to create an invisible folder for your Windows 7 or Vista, if you know what I mean! Just in case you’re secretive about your fantasies and wish to hide stuff away from peeping Toms. Just copy the link below into your search bar and follow the simple steps! :)
Well that’s pretty much it!
Blog out!
Heh. If they were that
Heh. If they were that secretive, do you think they'd post about it in a public forum?
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Sure i'm secretive and i
Sure i'm secretive and i don't mind posting it because i will never meet any of you and nobody i know will ever see it and if they did (which is like a billion to one) do you honestly think that they would think it was me? The odds are infinite!
Lily Florette
Nope, odds are double
Nope, odds are double infinite, because they run into infinity in both negative and positive numbers!
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Good man yourself ;)
Good man yourself ;)
Lily Florette
Well extremely secretive is
Well extremely secretive is not what I am, but I look out that nobody in my family will ever know ^^ Seriously, if they need to snoop around on my pc, read enough stories to figure that out, than they have no fucking right to ever give me trouble. I guess maybe it's sort of a trap or something ^^
be aware
read comments below in link as much simpler method is described
Ah, Galway
Jeez, it's been like 5 years since I been there. Right at that fountain everyone seems to play at. They have a mall that kind of is hard to notice hidden within all the buildings, kind of like a secret underground hangout there, you wouldn't think it was gigantic until you make your way inside.