A lot of dramatic writing can involve the ide of conspiracy, of groups organised for evil, and I tried to get some of that across in a couple of my tales. Young children being offered for abuse, taken from town to town, raped.
Well, the trial is ongoing for this one. May they rot in prison.
Keeping someone in jail isn't cheap.
My decapitating these fuckers (in more ways than one, it seems) with a large sword would be. >:(
Hai ragione come sempre...
Essi possono bruciare all'inferno!
Love, Andrea Lena
I'm with you, sis
I didn't even dare go to the link.
I suspect they will.
Most peoples reaction is young women and girls should be protected, and possibly spoiled. I believe this is an aberration everywhere, but it only takes a few sick types for this to pop up.
I don't know what British prisons are like, but in American prisons these guys would have to be segregated for their own protection. I don't approve, but the fact is prisoners have kids too in many cases, these animals would meet even worse than themselves (as unbelievable as that may seem). If they survived they would leave with a knew understanding of what they did. Unfortunately, I doubt they will have learned much.
How closely does this parallel British prisons, I wonder. Our two cultures are close enough for us to be complacent, but the differences are striking.
Interesting :-(
Looking at the article, I see that one man, 59 years old, can't be named for legal reasons. Yet another quirk of the British legal system. Here in the U.S., about the only reason for withholding the defendant's name is if they are not of legal age. Otherwise, especially in a case such as this, the defendant's name is a matter of public record.
And it is conventional wisdom that child molesters, abusers, and the like don't do well in prison. I can only speak from personal experience but the man who molested me as well as other children came out of prison hale and healthy after serving only seven years of his sentence. He was credited with time served for his stay in the county jail awaiting trial plus had his sentence reduced for 'good behavior'. He actually had the nerve to show up at my home wanting to "apologize"! Hell still hasn't frozen over so that hasn't happened yet. So I wouldn't place too much hope in prison justice.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I suspect the one who cannot
I suspect the one who cannot be named is likely to be a relative of one of the victims. Naming him might lead to the identity of the victim becoming known.
As with Dorothy Colleen
I didn't even go to the link. Any situation of abuse of other people, whatever their age or gender, just makes my blood boil.
I understand that molesters are usually treated summarily by fellow prisoners. There are exceptions but justice is usually swift and often final, whatever the courts may decide. Certainly in the UK, it it rumoured to be so. There is an unwritten code; some crimes are simply unacceptable.
Sorry Steph,
I'm sorry Steph, the paedophiles are running the country.
You may think that I am being ridiculous but sadly, dealing as I do with abuse cases even today, and having tried to address my abuse for over 40 years I know with a sickening conviction that paedophiles are protected by the establishment.
Paedophilia, like rape is as much about power as any other motivating aspirations and those with a lust for control and/or power will, as often as not, reach for other aspects of power; ipso facto they enter into and climb up the establishment ladder.
I will offer that these monsters will not even get jail sentences, I've been there too often and too many times, the legal outcome has been disheartening and frustrating. It happens time after time.
If one Google's, 'Free Robert Greene' or go to any one of several sites on Google you will get an interesting (and sickening) insight into the British Establishment. It is still as sick and perverted as it was all those years ago.
This is just One of the sites. http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?40931-Free-ro... there are dozens more. Sally Greig, a downs syndrome girl (Note how they pick their victims,) was repeatedly raped by high powered individuals in the Scottish Legal estabilshment but when Robert Greene tried to expose these obscenities the Scottish legal establishment organised a show trial and had him imprisoned for a year to try and shut him up.
It's all out there and nothing has changed.
Those paedophiles being tried in Liverpool will probably not even go to jail.
Sorry. Cant say any more. It's going to be a bad night now; I know it is. Sorry.
Ye gods
There is a difference between being paranoid and being scared for good reason. Kincora boys' home...