Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

Fun Week!

So the last week has been a little slice of hell...Mixed with a little slice of affirmation(leavened with some idiocy). Anyway, step 1 of getting hubby healthy has been accomplished. Full mouth extraction(Which his cardiologist insisted on prior to surgery to repair a congenital Atrio-Septal Defect). He tried to chicken out and I had to gently bully him into going.

The surgery itself went just fine, although he almost didn't survive check-in. Not from any medical issue aside from my intense desire to strangle him...

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Been reading "Bike" and got to the place where Cathy has her SRS, and it got me thinking about the surgery in general. If you've been through the surgery, would you be willing to share the experience? What was bad, what was good, how painful was it?


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Is being trans a blessing?

I was listening to the radio the other day, and this woman was talking about being able to see blessings even in some hard times. Now considering she had been raped by her father, that's pretty amazing ability. So it got me thinking, can I find a blessing in being trans? Well, maybe there are some. I think I've become more patient of the failings of others, and more grateful for the moments of femininity I get than I probably would have been if I had been born fully female.

Maybe, as I grow as both a woman and a Christian, I will find even more blessings. I pray it will be so.

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Are we our own worst enemy?

A friend forwarded this on to me for comment, and so I thought I would seek opinion from the women here. A company named Chrysalis has launched the first lingerie line designed for, and by, transgender women.

Because of family pressures, she is an MTF crossdresser and very much on a journey that I so hope results in her transitioning because I know that is where her heart is.

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Electro convulsive therapy.

If anybody ever tells you that Electro-convulsive shock therapy is not painful go to this site.

I endured this sort of stuff from 1952 to 1958. It hurts! It hurts like hell and it is abuse not therapy. They might as well just have beaten me with sticks.

No requittal. No f-----g requittal!!!

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The power of persuasion...

Firstly let me apologise for seeming to commit a type of blackmail in order to extract some response through the comments system.

However, I genuinely did not know whether to continue with DREAMER, as it finishes in a place that might seem appropriate. Her life is all ahead of her, and although I agree, there is mileage in the various challenges she will face, they are relatively ordinary and the sort of thing that everyone could face.

I am truly humbled by the amount of comments and the passion displayed in some of the responses.

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I'm finally there!!!

Help!!! I just read about the top three worst female health habits and that’s me!!!
1. Wearing high heels
2. Carrying a heavy handbag
3. Sleeping in make-up
Could I finally have crossed over? OMG let’s hope so.
Who cares about 4. Matching men for drinking? Maybe No5. I should worry about that is wearing the wrong bra size. [Surely I’m bigger than 38C.
Nobody is interested in 6. Harboring regrets but 7 could be a concern that is being obsessive about my appearance. No 8 No emotional eating for me. Too many pounds to lose!!

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my life at the moment

I'm not sure how best to describe what its like for me, to finally be able to push past fear and live as the woman I know I am, especially on days when I can get a little bit femmed up. I just feel so at peace with myself, so nice, so RIGHT ... How did I ever go so many years without it? Ah, well, better late than never, right?

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Well, Singing to the Moon is finally finished. Mainly because I kind of ran out of things to do to -- umm, do with Cindy just now. I'm sure my muse will find other interesting things in that nature as time goes on, though.

Now, Carmilla has been waiting patiently, or at least as patiently as she can, for her turn again, and Dahlia has been beating me about the head and shoulders with chaos to get attention. So I'll get back to those two for the time being just to keep the peace.

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Hello and help wanted

Hi there my name is Dan (hi, Dan!) and I wanted to share a few comments about my story 'down the rabbit hole' as well as a few personal points. The initial premise came to me about two years ago with a dream that ended in me falling through a portal into a park. I didn't see any further in that dream because I woke up right afterward.

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New BBC2 Series - Divine Women.

Historian Bettany Hughes relates the story of the contribution of women to the origins of religion and spirtual beliefs before they were written out of history by a male dominated society. Part one has the intriguing title, 'When God was a girl.' Starts tonight at 9.00pm BST.

An article by Bettany Hughes was in today's Guardian. The wisdom of women written out of history.


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a lttle shaky thanks to a conversation online

well, I'm a little shaky thanks to a conversation with someone on the support site I belong to. She told me she was being used by her own father for sex, something she described in some detail, and she refused any idea of reporting him or stopping him.

I ache in grief for her, but I had to let her go because considering my background, it was all I could do to not throw up while she was talking, and I got very upset at her lack of interest in helping herself.

Ah, well.

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a good session at the rape center

well, I had a good session today at the rape center, and I fell as good as can be, considering. We talked about my nightmares, and my therapist said it actually represents some signs of progress, because in each dream, I intended to act, rather than simply freeze. Baby steps, I guess.

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I was just looking through my list of stories and its like wow who wrote those. Can't be me I am not even a talented amateur. Still is quite a few. I blame the muse that keeps filling my head with story after story and my hand that itch to type away.


upcoming project in the "E-girl" universe

I'm noodling a project for the "E-girl" universe that would open it up to others to contribute to. Basically, one of the basic ideas of the universe is that most people cant become heroes, that it takes help from a god. Well, someone is going to show up to counter that idea by offering superpowers to all. Who takes him up on the offer? what do the established heroes think of this?


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two nice moments last night

Well, had a couple of very nice moments yesterday. First, while taking out the garbage before going to work, and the person who lives at the end of my row came out with a small dog, who had to give me a sniff. He said, "Dont worry puppy - she's a nice lady."

Now, I was dressed in my work shirt and pants under my coat, no wig, no makeup, and this guy who has no idea about me called me a lady which made me actually start to cry with happiness, and then when I got to work a co-worker complimented me on my hair which just about sent me over the moon.

Things are getting better, yes?

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Princess for Hire - The British Kid pt 5


For those of you who've asked me to do some more of this, I can reveal I'm about half way through the next episode of the 'Perils of Pauline.' I would suggest that at the current rate, it might be next weekend before I get much chance to finish it and do a check through.

So those of you who wish to renew your acquaintance with my fanfic of Melanie E's saga, can start re/reading now.


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Gah! Crashed computer during writing....all was lost!!!

It's been one of those days! I had been writing a very effective dialogue between two people and it was just clicking along. I couldn't get over how well the story was coming along...and then, kaaaapooooowwww! I got the blue screen of death! Lost it all...sigh! Trying to remember what I typed once again...remember, save early, save often!!!! Gah!

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Coexistance and Happiness

Since arriving here, I have to tell you that I am one happy tomboy! I really have to admit that the fact that I actually have had people reading what I've written (as well as that which my friend Koz has allowed me to share) has really gotten my juices flowing in the mental and, pardon me, physical sense. (with apologies for the not so subtle joke there).

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This is not Facebook

BigCloset is not a social media site, it's not chaos and it's not a place without rules. One of the rules is don't post as a story something that isn't a story. A piece of a story that doesn't have a title yet, that's perhaps posted to draw comments and be developed later into a story should not be posted as fiction. It should go probably as a blog or as a forum post under one of the writing categories. There are places here for such posts but they don't belong with the stories.

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I didnt know a easter could be so sad

It started last night, my grand mother who is over 90 had a heart attack. She is still alive but she got pneumonia this weekend and then had a heart attack. She has been going through kidney failure for the past year. So this isnt good at all. Why is this happening over easter :((

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Shave and a haircut -- two bits

It was a great day here in Where-ever-ville yesterday. Spring is here and I am a happy tomboy. As the sun gleamed in through The first sight I saw was my GF Sparky laying there in all her butch beauty wearing nothing but a t-shirt and pair of Obviously for Men briefs just as she had worn last night when we fell asleep in each other's arms after making raucous tomboy-love.

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Lost: Construction Diva

I seem to have lost track of a story I wrote a few years ago. I think I published it here as "Construction Diva", and it was one of the few stories that I have written that actually attracted negative comments with a few people insisting that it could not happen in real life. LOL Well, I beg to differ, something quite similar DID happen to me.

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Wild Magic temporarily on hold

I apologize to the readers of my story, but I'm stuck! I have about 90 percent of the next chapter done, but I'm having some issues with the remaining parts. I've been working on several different endings, but I can't stand any of them, and I won't post crap (well, not intentionally. anyway). I'm going to back off for a while, do a little editing and read a few stories I'm way behind on, and then attack the story again. Hopefully this won't take very long. Once again, I'm sorry!


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The Family Girl #042: Easter Backyard Picnic

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #42: Easter Backyard Picnic

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I am a second-generation Italian-American (well, one-half of me is), and I am sure that those of you who have Italian roots and celebrate Easter in the traditional way, you'll know that the big deal thing is (aside from the morning High Mass) is lunch.   Lasagna, hard-boiled eggs and green salad with asparagus (or salads with tuna), and then roast beef and lamb and roast potatoes, and for dessert - sweet Easter bread and chocolate eggs, and then ending with an espresso or a nice cappucino.

But, of course, none of that for me this time as I'm not at home. Darn...

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Masters Weekend

Since this is the Masters weekend, I thought some might want to read my take on the tournament. The first 19 chapters are the best part. The next four are strictly an 'add on' and will probably morph into a complete tale some time in the future.


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Everyone's button count has been removed. We aren't ready to release the new "product" yet and we said this could and would happen. In fact I want to let everyone know that it WILL happen again, when the system goes live, in order for everyone to start on an even footing.

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help wanted: editor

I am looking for a editor for my story "Down the Rabbit Hole" as well as my subsequent one. I am going to try to make this post kind of like a help wanted sign.
Wanted: Good editor who knows what they are doing and without too much on their plate.
Experience with the anime Bleach is a plus (it saves me from having to write if they do the writing for me)
Experience with the MMO FFXI is a plus (again see above)
Experience with the Whateley universe is a plus (saving me time re-writing is a plus)
Must be willing to put up with my work and not change things without my approval.


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Experimenting with my writing.

Last week I wrote part one of my new series Ithycca. After writing the beginning I needed to find a way to keep myself from getting bored. I guess I'm one of those people that like to read the good parts of a story and sometimes get turned off if a story drags along.

So, I decided to write the story in a different way. Basically I'm writing the good parts in my head first, and then adding in the parts leading up to them as I go along. I actually find it rather enjoyable this way.

Of course that means I have chapter 4, 5, and 8 done, before I even got to chapter 2, but eh.

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The Family Girl #041: Easter Sunday

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #41: Easter Sunday

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter from sunny Manila.

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Ms. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde: The Rarely Explored Question...

Hello there,

I am a recent member, though I have only currently found time to make a first post on these forums. As some may perhaps be able to tell from the title, I am leaning towards a discussion that is far from new, though seemingly lacks expression in this particular respect.


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Sorry but writing stoppage:(

Due to getting biologically assaulted by an 4 year old viral carrier of what must be the Monkey Plague I don't feel like writing. It seems in some circles some parents who shall remain nameless think it's acceptable to bring a knowingly sick child and have then climb and body tackle all over perfect strangers. I'm sorry if I offend but I have the Monkey Plague and am therefore bitchy.

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answering a pollster's questions in a skirt

well, I just had a funny moment. I was just chilling doing my laundry and wearing a skirt when the doorbell rang, and it turned out to be a pollster. I answered his questions, which included the gender of my mom as the only other person living here, but he didnt actually ask me my gender. I wonder what he wrote down?

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Jenna Talackova on ABC news show 20/20 tonight

Jenna Talackova the Canadian Miss Universe contestant that was disqualified, then allowed to complete is on 20/20 tonight;

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Finished Legacy of the Anari - Book 1

Yeah, finally completed the first book of Legacy of the Anari. Hope everyone enjoys it. Has taken a lot longer to do than I planned but I think it's worth it. Now all I need to do is finish moving house, geta new job, carry on with book 2 while working on revising LoA 1 for possible publication and prepare the submission for it. Not too much of a list then. Lol

Thanks everyone for the support and occasional poke to let me know people were waiting for the completion. The story is nowhere near fininshed yet but this is the end for the time being. Thanks again and enjoy.

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We're away to France and I've lost my buttons

Okay so we're off on Sunday for a week in France at our house.

Please try and be good boys and girls while I'm gone.

No flame wars and no pissing Erin off or I'll be sorely vexed.

Jessica.jpg I don't just look it, I can get mightily mean when I have to. I just can't run too fast in these heels.


Where did my buttons go?

I had some, but now I have hardly any. If you see any floating about looking lost, please send them back - I didn't have that many to begin with.

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The Family Girl #040: Holiday Blues, 3

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #40: Holiday Blues (3 of 3): Poolside Musings

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

The stereotypical image we have of summer (and it's most definitely summer here - ninety degrees, can you believe it?) is a sumer spent mostly at the beach.   But some girls - girls like me - don't look at time at the beach as a stereotypical summer - lying in the sun, lounging around and working on their tans.   But, being "a stranger in a strange land," I felt anonymous enough that I thought I could do some of that without any of the consequences.   We planned on going to the beach this afternoon.

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Passover and Easter wishes

Passover starts tonight April 6, 2012/Nissan 15, 5771

To my Jewish friends at BCTS

May You and Your Loved Ones,
Join in a meaningful and joyous Seder.

Sing Dayenu, Adir Hu, and Chad Gadya with gusto.

Drink all four kos of delicious wine. (don't get drunk it's not Purim ;-))

Eat a wonderful feast. (Knaidels and Kugels)

You find the Affikomen, (instead of your children or grandchildren) and
holdout for the reward you most desire.

L'Shana Haba'a b'Yerushalayim

To My Christian Friends,

Have a Happy Easter, and wear your Easter Bonnet, proudly.

Sincerely ,

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i am still working on Through the years

But I've been a bit busy. Between subbing as a babysitter (was told the other day when Tanya got back the last three times I've changed the kids diaper I've put it on backwards) to helping people move (arms and back still sore and that was last weekend) to helping people shop and plan birthday surprises, I've not had the want to type when I get home.

I know on the 11th I'll be babysitting again. But hopefully I'll have something finished by then.

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If it's not one thing...

Alright, so. As anybody who's talked to me recently knows, I've been planning, and hoping, and planning on a gaming PC build for several months now. I've gone through about fifty redesigns, ranging from under 300 dollars up into the low thousands. I've debated between producers of this and that, what features I needed, even what to name the damn thing.

Well, last week I finally got the money together to purchase the parts.


The Family Girl #039: Holiday Blues, 2

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #39: Holiday Blues (2 of 3): Mall Insecurity

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Wednesday was a regular workday here in Manila, but it was the day before the start of a four-day weekend. Most everyone wanted to go home to their hometowns, so there's usually a massive exodus of people from Metro Manila going towards various other places in the country.

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041) The Stink

The fridge at work has been smelling awful for a long time, when I went in today, it was so bad that the entire shop literally stank and you couldn't tell the stench in the fridge anymore for the odor permeating the entire place. Towards the end of the day, 'Thal decided to once again clean the fridge. This time, he took it in his head to actually take the shelves out and REALLY clean it - that's when we found it. The reason for the stench. The odorous villain. The... Black Mold.


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The Joy of (FTM) Crossdressing

Spring is here and I am in a particularly happy place. Naturally its because my GF Sparky are totally in love with each other and have mutually compatible kinks and fetishes. But, I wanted to list my reasons to be cheerful (with apologies to the late great Mr Lovepants, himself, Ian Dury) about being an FTM crossdresser

1) Being in public and having someone refer to me as "Sir" or "Young Man"
2) The warm soft feeling of pair of cottony y-fronts straight from the dryer as I pul them up my legs to my mid section.

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Opposite Day? Well, a different interpretation...

Ya' gotta admit, this kid's interpretation of Opposite Day is a literal interpretation. Even the cop thought so. Probably wouldn't be all that popular Opposite Day on this story site though.....;-)

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The Family Girl #038: Holiday Blues, 1

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #38:  Holiday Blues (1 of 3): The Pew Mafia

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

It's Maundy Thursday today here in Manila, the Thursday before Easter, and it's almost 11PM as I sit in front of the computer typing all this.

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Jessica's Journey Part 7

Hi everyone,

Its been while since I have put out a new chapter of Jessica's Journey. My personal life has been pretty crazy but I have been working on part 7 of the story and its ready to be posted but I am looking for someone that wouldn't mind proof reading it and making the needed changes so that its more readable. There are 6 chapters and I have already been over it and made some changes to the story. So if your interested contact me.



Snow, and a field trip with my daughter

Well, it snowed here last night, giving everything a wintery look that looks pretty as long as one is inside. But I'm going to be out in it today, as I'm going with my daughter's class on a field trip to the school she will be attending in September. Could be a lot of fun, or not.

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Hidden Tags - an idea

Hi, there was a blogpost from Erin somewhere about user tags. I agreed that that wouldn't be a good idea, but I got a similar one. I used the category browser and realized I can't find stories that the author didn't gave the right tags because s/he feared plotspoilers.
Is it possible to add hidden tags for the author? I mean tags that can be used by the category browser search, but that are not displayed on the front of the story.
That would enable someone to search for the story who is interested in the particular elements, while preventing spoilers for everyone else.


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Reversal in Decision Regarding Canadian Beauty Pagent

Trump Wishes Transgender Hopeful Luck in Pageant

Jenna Talackova, Transgender Miss Universe Canada Contest, Will Be Able toMay Compete After All.

See the link below for an ABC News Article.


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learning from a painful memory

Well, last night some co-workers and I were talking, and the subject of sex ed came up. Suddenly, i had something like a flashback of taking sex ed in elementary myself, and realizing for the first time that the equipment I had in my pants wasnt suddenly going to drop off leaving me with a nice girl set. (Until we were taught better, that seemed to be the prevailing opinion on how girls got made) I suddenly remembered being actually sick with grief afterward, but not really knowing why.

Take that for what it is, I guess.

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Sussex Border Stories

Once more I have been asked about the list of characters in my stories, so for my small but select and appreciated band of readers I have put together a list of most of the characters in my stories set around the Surrey-Sussex border. I will do my best to top it up, and it is not in alphabetical order, more in clusters of associated people. I have also added a reading order as per one request. Note that most of the books except 'The Job' are available on Kindle via Amazon. Follow the link on the BCTS home page and search for "Sussex Border Stories"

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Okay...I don't generally advertise my stories here but...since part 2 is doing so amazingly well and part 3 is done. I Will Be posting it later this evening/night once I get home from my family commitments.

2 new songs and tear prone sweet hearts be warned, you'll need the tissues:)

*Great Big HUGS all:)*

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Jen Xing's journey and triumph

A story on this amazing person will be on The Rock Center at 10 (East) 9 (central). It should be about 15 minutes long. In a country like China who still value boys over girls, her father's attitude is perceptive and loving. Even the Chinese government values her, and so does her husband who happens to be German.


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Sex change might not bar wannabe beauty queen (MissUniverse)

This just in- at least in my usual sources ...

The Miss Universe contest may change its mind regarding Jenna Talackova, the transsexual Miss Canada,

""provided she meets the legal gender recognition requirements of Canada, and the standards established by other international competitions."

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Karin Bishop Book Sale

For the month of April, all of my books are at, in most ereader formats including EPUB, Kindle, Nook, iPad, and others. And they're reduced! The "On The Road-Again" series is $2.99 per book, and the other books are $4.99. While it lasts!

You'll have to turn off the "Adult Filter", or search by title:
Fashion Class
Fool Moon
I Should Have Known
The Haight
The XY Axis
On The Road-Again: Parts One through Four

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got a nice compliment at work

Well, last night I got a nice compliment. See, the night before, we were super short, and I ended up being sort of an assistant to the manager on duty. Well, last night, she made a point of telling everyone what a good job I did.

It feels good, you know?

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First chapter of my brand new series!

Hi, I wanted to let you know I just got through with my first chapter of my solo series, called Ithycca. This is the first story I've written by my lonesome, separate from other universes and the like. I hope you guys will read it. I think you'll like it! Comments and kudos are welcomed!

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Anybody heard from Lauran Travis?

Anybody heard from Lauran Travis? She hasn't posted in several years and I haven't heard from her in at least that long. Then all of a sudden I started getting what appears to be the typical spam message from her addressed to me. So I was wondering if anybody had kept in touch with her and had a reasonably current email addy.

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a gift to lift me out of depression

Well, yesterday, I got a gift from a friend that helped pull me out of my depression. I had gone to lunch with her, and talked about my struggles, and she told me I have pretty feminine features and manners.

This is the sort of stuff I need to hold on to when I start feeling like I cant ever pass, or any of the other garbage that runs through my head regularly.

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For everyone who has lost one of their animal friends.

A few days ago, Sue Brown blogged about having had to put her cat, Biscuit to sleep. I commented about having a week earlier having to put my cat, Bleu to sleep, and many other commented as well.

I know it has been hard for me to face my loss, too.

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