An apology, to all who called me on my being a drama queen over the incident with my car. I just got off the phone with the insurance company, and it turns out I'm NOT going to have to have a year's worth of coverage up front. Once again, what looked to me like a mountain turns out to be a mole-hill, and boy is my face red over my over-reaction.
Hopefully, this is a lesson I can learn for the next time something happens - dont make more trouble than is actually there, and take it one breath at a time.
Thanks to everyone who puts up with me anyway.
Dot the Drama Queen?
As someone else who has a bad tendency to imagine the worst, I feel overwhelmed by life sometimes too, and understand your freakout. (Although I wouldn't call myself a Drama Queen. Drama Princess maybe...) But it's a bad habit we both should learn to overcome, and wait until we know we ARE facing that worst case scenario before freaking out.
A sense of humour helps too. I should get one of those...
Princess Lisa
What's wrong with being drama queen?
Me personally I don't see any problem. And just the stress of the car accident... I had several cases when I've wrongly presented my situation in car accident which resulted with me being oficially in the wrong. And in one of the situations I was giving way at the Stop sign to let through traffic on the main road. And one case was me hitting car coming from secondary road. Being nervous and overreacting in such situations is really absolutely OK.
Don't forget that your insurance company should cover damages if they have not notified you of impeding cesation of coverage in writing!!!
Don't just be glad they made some leeway in they previous position. They are in the wrong. Not you!
Best of luck!
Racer. (Quite manic most of the time ;-) )
Lol things always look an seem worse than there are at times.
I've been in many auto accidents an my first reaction is god this is gonna be expensive(though the only one was when I totaled my truck an had to buy a new one) It just seems like at times things are much worse than they seem. All we can do is roll with the punches. Think of it this way you could have gotten a dui if you had been drinking. I have a buddy that has lost his licencee twice for dui's. So things could always be worse. But I'm glad to hear that things aren't as bad as they seemed.
Just take a couple of deep breaths
But not real quick or you'll hypervenilate:)
Nothing is as bad as you think it is at the beginning. I've been going through the same kinds of happenings.
Never a DQ
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Haylee V
*Kisses Always*
Haylee V