Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

Tomorrow is another day

Tomorrow starts the first day of my eighth decade. I'll celebrate by going to Fort Smith to visit a manufacturer of farm equipment. I'm not sure where I'll eat lunch. In the afternoon, I'll visit an advanced care organization that is surrounded by a hospital - nice people. They take care of post operative patients and patients recovering from serious illnesses. As far as celebrating goes, I'm not much for it. Maybe I'll celebrate if I make it through the next three decades with my mind and senses intact; so far so good.

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Bad mood

I find myself in a VERY bad mood. So much so that I am actively angry but have no cause for it or direction. I am trying hard to not lash out at anything and I am on the edge of screaming should someone provoke me.

I hate these moods as they come on for no reason except that it is also carrying a definate element of fear.

Since I automatically disassociate and reassociate things the cause could have started very early in the day and only hit me now.

I am contiplating putting on some leather gloves and actually breaking things. Old tvs, some walls in house, fence outside.

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Credit card recommendations?

Can anyone recommend a credit card company that will let you sign up with your legal (male) identity and billing address but issue that same person a (second) credit card with their female name? I'd like to be able to buy stuff while I'm out en femme without dealing solely in cash and without having awkward questions about the obviously male name on my current card. My current credit card's web site will let me request additional cards, but they want a social security number for each one, so I thought I'd ask here first in case anyone has advice.

Many thanks!

-- Michelle

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The end of days is coming!!!

Stay a while and listen...
So for those of you who don't know In round about a week from now ( 6 days and nine hours, but who's counting?) "Diablo 3" is being released.

Aside from the normal hell and the destruction of Tristem (Again) it would release the Doom days curse on the world ( and in Doom I mean the game not the "end of all life" and the likes): A drop in human productivity . In my group alone there are 6 people who hold prime jobs in major companies who took a week off for the sake of helping man-kind fight against the forces of hell.

so my questions to you are:

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I had my session with my rape councilor today, and among other things we talked about boundaries. Its something I struggle with, tending to go back into passive-aggressive rather than state my needs and wants clearly.

But, bit by bit, I'm getting stronger and more confident, and I hope to continue my growth in this area.

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Another Freebie on promotion.... Queen of Hearts

I'm just too good to novel - Queen of Hearts is on a Promotion today (May 8th) and tomorrow with Amazon Kindle Select.

Queen of Hearts
Find it here > Queen of Hearts

Grab it while you can.

Honest, I don't mind if you forget and have to pay for it :)


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Where Angels fear to tread or my life is a Monty Python #2

Where Angels fear to tread or my life is a Monty Python skit.

To all who took the time to read my first blog Thanks, I have just decided to move from my old Novawoman99 ID to a newer more up dated one suggested by a dear friend and writer on this board so now I will Be Drum roll cymbals crash. Misha Nova. Its about time the Novawoman99 name was created to describe my self when I had just gained enough momentum to go Full time at work and therefor the world.

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I Think Someone Stole My Book!

So, I have been slaving away for years, secretly writing a romance novel. When I write, sometimes I really get into the story and actually try to live it, mostly to write the realisim. Sometimes I worked so hard that the windows in my office would fog up, depriving me of view of, harbor with huge plastic boat sitting in it. Or maybe I was sitting in steaming tub with rubber ducky and writing with laptop? Man, I got the good stuff this time! Woooeeeee!

So, I called the book "50 Shades", goodness those are a lot of sunglasses to carry around.

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A little Spanglish for my brother this morning

Sing to the tune of "Desperado":

Desayuno,  ¿por qué no vienes a nuestras mesas?
You've been visiting other places
Son casi diez.
 ¡Ay, haces tan frio!
You don't have any more pancakes.
Me gustan aquellos tanto.
 ¿No hacer má¡s puedes?

Con abrazos,

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I have been very sick...update

I have begun to feel a bit better, but am still down with this whatever-it-is. I've been to the VA health clinic and have gotten some anti-biotics which will, I hope, kick this thing in the ass and get me feeling better.

I thought to post this to update anyone who might have been concerned about me. Thanks for caring.

hugs and love,

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I ... fit

I had a spiritual moment today on my way home from watching "The Avengers". All of a sudden, I felt .... connected to everything around me. That me being trans isnt a mistake or sin but exactly what I'm supposed to be at this moment. I cant do justice to it, but it was amazing, and comforting.

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Forgiveness, Another Talmuld Torah

Recently, two events have occurred that I note forgiveness is important:

1. I went to the CANDLES (Children of Auschwitz Nazi Deadly Lab Experiments Survivors) Museum in Terre Haute, Indiana. I learned three things. I mention one that is important to this Forum blog.

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Here's another bit of 'Spanglish', Erin

This was a sign on the wall of the first and original Round Table Pizza, before Bill sold the rights to the name and menu to some franchisers. ( For those of you est of the Rockies, or outside the US, Round table is strictly a West of the Rockies chain. The original was in the town where I attended high school, and it was THE PIZZA JOINT in the area.

If you could decipher the sign to the owner it was worth a free pizza. Everyone was on the honor system not to give i away, and it seemed to have worked.

OK, here is the sign

Seville der dago
Tousin bosses inaro
Nojo demis trux

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Am I real? Am I anything?

I've been thinking a lot about what's been going on between me and my brother and sister-in-law, and I think I understand their point of view. Essentially, they dont think that Dorothy is real, that there is no woman buried under this male flesh.

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No, I MUSN'T... Can't stop myself... EVIL RANT... Muwah ha h

I love BC.

I enjoy many of the stories here and the commentary.

There is little here that is bad other than the occasional mini-flame war. Fortunately we for the most part don't descend to that here . And Erin and her elves are vigilant the few times we don't mind our manners.

But there is a menace, an insidious evil lurking here.

OLD DOS control characters in titles!

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Do Kids Know How to be Bored Anymore

A minor rant:

Do children know how to be bored and occupy themselves any more? I think the answer is no. They are always connected to something. In the car they get DVD players. When shopping with mom they have handheld video games. Waiting at the hospital they have laptops. In school they have Ipads. We are raising a generation that is not going to know how to be creative. Maybe that's why every movie from the 80s is being remade.

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Throne of Glass - Debut Novel

A relative of mine, Sarah J Maas, is a young author (mid-twenties) writing Young Adult Fantasy fiction.

Her first novel Throne of Glass, will be published on August 7th by Bloomsbury Children’s. She has three novellas currently available on Kindle at $.99 and a fourth to come that introduce her main character.

Her main character is a young female assassin. As far as I know there are no TG elements to the story.

Her Amazon page is:

Her "offical" web site is:

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Changed license

I've changed the license on Kate and the Network to allow other folk to create derivative work.

It's become clear to me that I'm very unlikely to finish it, therefore, I now challenge other authors to finish this story.

I started the story at a time where I was very depressed and on the verge of suicide, and writing Kate and the Network helped distract me from those feelings. Since my transition is going quite well, (I've been Janet full time for nearly six months now!), Other interests are filling my time.

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WOW! and thank you so much

All I can say is WOW! I never realised my writing meant so much to people.
I'm sorry for flying off the handle like I did the other day. I was having trouble with lots of little things, and had been feeling down for sometime, and reading that comment was the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak.

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Free Kindle eBook Behind The Enemy available this weekend

Behind the Enemy
I have entered my novel BEHIND THE ENEMY into the KDP Select system on Amazon for lending through their library system. It is available as a KINDLE eBook FREE this weekend only as a promotion. If you want a freebie, grab it now!
Follow the link > Behind The Enemy

It is also available as a paperback through Amazon, but you'll have to pay for it I'm afraid.

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The loop... you are in it...

Okay... to keep you all in the loop. Still having issues, which is still causing me creative issues. I already have the first eleven chapters plotted enough for me to write... if I would stop hurting long enough to finish 2 and go from there. I am not dragging my feet here, I am being held hostage by my kidneys. Once they get over their bad selves in hopefully a week and a half at the most(fingers crossed) my discomfort should fade enough to stop being an issue.

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The Angel on my shoulder

I'm pretty sure most of you have seen the image - the person faced with a choice with an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other, trying to decide which way to go.

Well, I have at least one devil on my shoulder, whose name is Worthlessness, and today he was very active, listing all my failures, ready to convince me I am only a source of grief to those who dare come close to me. It got to the point where I was seriously trying to figure out if ending my life would be a net gain for the people around me or not.

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Sex Advice For A Transwoman

Don't know how many of you are fans of Dan Savage, the sex advice columnist and gay rights activist, but his new sex-and-relationship-advice show on MTV, "Savage U," is one of my favorites. In episode 5, he sits down with and answers a question from Alexis, a transgender college student in Chicago. The segment begins at the 16 minute mark.

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What is good writing?

What is good writing (or good reading). I am a voracious reader, that doesn't mean that I will read anything. Even with the same author depends on the genre, sometime a slight genre change is enough to make me drop some books (for example I like later works of Peter James but don't like the early stuff). How many of us really like those acclaimed writers like Nobel prize winners? I like a few and give majority a wide berth!

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I'm tired of flashbacks

I'm so tired of nightmares.

So tired of flashbacks.

So tired of feeling soiled and broken.

So tired of paying for a crime that not only am I innocent of, but am the victim.

The rape counseling is helping, but the above happens far often for my liking.

ah, well.

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Bread machine

So... I realy want to get a bread machine :) . And am looking at the Panasonic SD-YD250, But this is the same person that can't cook anything without my cast iron skillet. So if you guys could help me out a tad with your opinions and experiences. ie is it something that once the Novelty wears off it never gets used or can't live without it :) etc.

Please and Thank you

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it's that time again

Just a short comment to let you know that page 3 is now up, we have one more page in the buffer and then we shall need to do more, which I shall be working on over the next week or two, I am encouraged by some of the site stats, we are gaining fans and getting reasonable hits but I am curious as to why no one ever says anything - maybe they are waiting for the good stuff to happen - you know, the actual Transformation :).

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Giving up writing

I'd like to apolagise to all the readers here at Top shelf for having to put up with my stories for all this time. I've noticed a drop in the number of people reading my stuff, but I never realised that my writing was redundant and mundane. until it was pointed out to me in a comment, so I'll just stop writing and let other people that can write fill the space instead.

I'll be telling Sammi to post the parts she has left for the three stories that are on going, but after that there will be no more from me.



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Has anyone else had an luck trying to get to story site? None of the bookmarks I had, and used to check it twice daily, are working since early yesterday. I don't know if the two different servers she was using are both out, or if she didn't pay the bill, or if she decided to just pull it since there was no evidence of activity in 3 years. She said she was working on it, but......

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got a compliment about my car today

just came back from a regular maintenance for my car, and the lady complimented me on how well I've maintained the car since I bought it. As someone who struggles with feeling competent, it felt rather nice.

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Page Could Not Be Loaded
We're very sorry, but the page could not be loaded properly. This should be fixed very soon, and we apologize for any inconvenience. Erin, Piper, Cat and Samanatha are on it (hopefully).

I hate this message that comes up too often after I try to post comments or stories.
Am I alone?

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The Gurl & the Secret Recipe

Did anybody see this film on You Tube. I can't access it and I thought the gurl/boy who played the part of brother and sister was so convincing. I also liked the girl who played one of 'her' protectors. But I've no idea about when this was made and for what audiences. Maybe someone can give me a link that is not through You Tube please.

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20,000 Reads

I just refreshed the my stories page and noticed that Chapter 1 of My Mistake has received 20,000 reads. If someone would have told me that it would eventually receive that when I first posted it in 2008, I wouldn't have believed you...

Thank you to all of the people that have read it and left comments. Rest assured that another chapter is coming soonish...


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Title Change.

For those of you who have read Djinn Games, thank you for the comments and kudos.

But I changed my mind about something. The title just hadn't felt right to me, so the story is now 'The Price of Betrayal', so don't jump on it thinking it's another new one and get disappointed, please.

Why did I change it after posting the first chapter?

I dunno, it just felt right?


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What Would You Do?': Transgender Waitress In New Jersey

What Would You Do?': Transgender Waitress In New Jersey Diner Defended By Customers (VIDEO)

The ABC show What would you do is having a segment Friday regarding a Transgender Waitress. Saw the preview (see link below).

They show one person reacting. I wonder if they will show anyone supporting the attacker.

Probably need to wait until Friday night for a bigger reaction.


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Well, I just came back from seeing the gender specialist, and I have great news. He's set up an appointment for me to get my 2nd opinion for December, and assuming that doc signs off on me, He will help me push the Alberta Government to cover the cost of my surgery.

This could actually happen.

In a couple of years, I could be female in body as I am in heart.

I'm so happy I'm crying my eyes out.

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Where Angels fear to tread or my life is a Monty Python skit

Where Angels fear to tread or my life is a Monty Python skit.

Flying in the face of my fears ,of making a complete and total fool of my self in print, I will attempt to share a bit of what I find funny in my life. There for I am going to attempt to start a blog so I may share my odd outlook on life. Or let us get down on our knees and look at things from my point of view. What did you expect I am a wolf we get around on all four's.

There are a few things you need to know about me before we start this.

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I Fell Again

This is starting to get OLD real fast or maybe it's me getting OLD real fast.Yesterday I fell again same leg gave out and I rebroke my Elbow OUCH this time I shifted the bone a little enough to give me permanent damage . I won't be able to straighten my arm completely straight out. Oh well it could be worse things in life that this. KEEP SMILLING -- LOVE TO YOU ALL RICHIE2

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I have been very sick.

and I still am. I have been suffering with some kind of cold or virus since about April 15th or so. I've tried all the tried and true remedies with little to no appreciable improvement. I've missed a couple of appointments at the VA clinic, and have been too disoriented to attempt to drive there to hopefully get any relief from this whatever it is.

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Blog 9: I really need to be a girl right now! :(

For some unknown reason in recent weeks I’ve really wanted to be a girl. I don't know why but the very thought seems more comforting to me than ever because at the moment I’m in a dark place in my life. Exams, stress, family and life in general. It all takes its toll! But the thought of being a girl seems more...alluring! :( I'm not sure why but I think things would be better. I usually fantasise about being a girl but not becoming one permanently for the rest of my life. Maybe I'm not thinking straight? Does or has anybody else ever felt the same when going through a bad patch?

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Female Warriors With Clothes

Finally I have found an author who writes stories with female protagonists who wear clothing! When I was writing, I wanted some art work with female warrior and all I could find is shapely hot women holding sword like it vegetable chopping knife.

I look forward to seeing this:

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Put Up or Shut Up!!!

If you have been following my blog for any length of time and got around all the episodes of drama, you would've seen that I had started gender counseling about 6 weeks ago. The reason for this was quite simple, I want to know if I am really Transgender, or if it was just some flight of fantasy that let me write some interesting story and gave me masturbatory fodder.

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Four Years Later

Hi Everybody.

I posted a comment under the above heading a few days ago on a story loaded (or reloaded) in November 2008. I want to either edit that comment (or load another) but now I can't find the story. Naturally I have forgotten the title!

I feel so stupid!

Has anyone any ideas on how I can trace the story? All help gratefully received.

Kind regards to all at BCTS.

Kate Grahame

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TG Anime

Earlier today I was bored and decided to look around and see what was out there when it came to TG Anime and came across a series called Wandering Son, There were 11 parts to the video. It's very good series about a boy who dreams of becoming a girl.

I was also wondering if anyone had seen it and might be able to recommend other anime videos that are similar to Wandering Son.


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TGM speaking up about girls as best firends

I find friendships with women to be special. As a TGM I find female relations often go deeper, open to sharing at different levels. If it develops to something more is not as important, Friendship is valued just for self.

I find women in LGBT and not accepting one as a friend and showing me a fuller side of life that I find attractive.


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Jessica's Journey Part 9

Just wanted to give an update on when Jessica's Journey Part 9 will be out. I sent it to Wren to do her magic last night. So chances are it should be posted on the site within the next couple of days. It will be a lot of reading and has four chapters, so it should keep my readers busy for awhile.


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So tired of being asked to choose

I've been having an email conversation with my brother's pastor, who thinks this transition is a sin. I'm so tired of feeling like I'll never be accepted by my faith, and that I must choose between being a Christian, and being transgender. Ask me which leg I'd rather have removed, it would be an easier choice ...

Ah, well.

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can I change the title of a story I already posted in multiple parts

It seems like I can just change the name field but if its in multiple parts, will that cause any problems with the links to the other chapters?

I have written quite a lot but now I am editing it and decided on a better name. When I am ready to post it in place of the old chapters, How do I do that?

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Was just looking at the local news for the week and found

That the Westro Baptist Church had been in town a few days ago. They picketed at the Easter High School on the East side of town (not to be confused with East Lansing though)

They were met with a wall of love and they showed up at 7 to 7:45. Who plans these pickets? What high schooler is really awake at 7 am? Sure they may be moving, but when I was in high school, I can't recall anything before 10 am.

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Last Sunday I went to the CANDLES (Children of Auschwitz Nazi Deadly Lab Experiments Survivors) Museum in Terre Haute, Indiana. I learned three things. Two are important to us.

1. Although Jews were victims of Nazis, not all victims were Jews. Only nearly 6 million of the 11 million were Jews. Among the other 5 million targeted by the Nazi regime were GLBT individuals. If we were there then most of us who visit this site would be victims.

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Kit and Kin info and stuff

Okay... I have the majority of the 2nd chapter of K&K written but I need to finish it off and edit it before it might come out. Problem is... some more health issues, namely more of the same, as my kidneys are hating life and I still have loads of gravel and residual pain. So... there will be some delay.

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'Oughta be in a museum.'

Oughta be in a museum — we were!




Photo courtesy of wiki

In reading Erin’s trip down memory lane, it jogged my memory of a visit to the Welsh National History Museum at St Fagans, near Cardiff. I had my two children in tow who were probably about eight and six, my daughter being the elder.

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Any musicians around?

You may remember several weeks ago, one of Bailey Summers' original songs from Jem got a very positive reception. At the time, only the lyrics existed.

When I read it, I started to get the inklings of a tune, and with Bailey's permission, have attempted writing some music for it (my first attempt at composing since GCSE Music in 1993-95!). Bailey approves, so now the next stage is to publish it here, in the hope we've got some arrangers / musicians / singers who can take Bailey's words and my melody / chords, and work some magic with them.

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Being a blessing

As I have noted before, I've been amazingly blessed in this journey, and now I would like to turn that situation around, and be a blessing in return. So this is my prayer at the moment:

Dear Lord, make me a blessing. Use me to bring good to the lives around me. And make me into the kind of woman who is a good example of what You can do with a willing heart.


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Uncle Hank and the Cold Potato Part 2


Daddy's brother, Uncle Virgil, dropped in on the New Years party that had turned into an Arkansawyer wake for Hank Williams. Naturally, the story had to be retold about the time he had shown up at Ma Dale's and eaten two whole fried chickens all by himself, with biscuits and corn on the cob and buttermilk to drink. Uncle Virgil stood five-foot-five and weighed about 120 pounds but he was a legendary eater.

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The Family Girl #043: Me? Jealous? Nahhh...

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #43: Me? Jealous? Nahhh...

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

We had a late business lunch with this movie/TV personality & print model yesterday, at a very, very upscale (not to mention expensive) out-of-the-way little restaurant in one of the five-star hotels in the main business district.   She was a very sweet and friendly girl, and had a big fund of funny stories to tell and had most of us giggling and laughing, much to the consternation of her personal assistant, since we were starting to bother the nearby tables.

But what really got us to pay attention was that she was drop-dead gorgeous. As in REALLY drop-dead gorgeous.

Was I jealous? Nahhh...

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043) Excuse Me, Ma'am

Okay, admission time, I've fiddled with my herbal concoction a bit since the last time I talked about it. I'm no longer taking any kind of phyto-estrogen at all. I've balanced and counterbalanced a purely anti-androgen formula and that's all I'm taking right now. Getting hold of strong enough doses of isoflavones was costing waaaay too much.

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not going to happen soon, but...

I'm about 85,000 words into a new novel, which I think will top out around 100-120,000 words. I gave my editor, Geoff, the pick of three 30-40,000 word stories he thought I should expand upon about seven years ago, and he chose one entitled "A Turn of the Cards" as being the most promising.

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Uncle Hank and the Cold Potato Part 1


Mom taught me my letters and how to sound-spell and I would puzzle out some of the shorter words, getting good enough that with my supply of imagination, a lot of people thought I could read. By the middle of the following summer, before my fifth birthday, I really could though I still needed help with some of the harder words.

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about "Cindy's Choices"

As most of you know, I like to try different things with my writing, some work, some dont. With my latest piece, I wanted to create an interactive story, where the readers would determine what happens next. Based on the number of kudos, I'd say it didnt come off as well as I could have hoped.

Ah, well.

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about "Understanding Rachel"

Just wanted to share a bit about my latest piece, "Understanding Rachel". It came about as I was on the phone with Tels, and suddenly I looked at how I was sitting. Without thinking about it, I had slipped into a very feminine posture. Even my mom noticed, and started calling me a teenage girl. So after my phone call, I started writing it down, and the story just flowed from there. I hope you all enjoyed it, and thanks to those who have commented.

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my first 1000 read story! And some thank yous!

So yesterday I took a look and my story, "Ithycca: Chapter 1," had reached 1000 readers. It's kind of a big moment to me. I'm so happy people are reading and commenting on my stories and appreciating what I do.

I've not been a member long- nearly two months. So to become a beloved and respected member here is really a blessing. I wanted to give out my thank yous. And, just ahead of time, if I don't personally name you, that doesn't mean I appreciate you any less!

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Little Golden Memories in a Little Red House

little red house 2.jpg

I’m not sure how long we stayed with Ma and Pa that time, not more than a few months I’m sure. We moved into a house in town that wasn’t much more than a shed for a short time and then into a place I called The Little Red House. It had asphalt siding made to look like red bricks and it sat between the schoolhouse and The Big Red House where another bunch of cousins lived.

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