Thoughts and Dreams and Hopes
"Crying is all right in its own way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later,
and then you still have to decide what to do." - C.S. Lewis

a blog by Andrea DiMaggio
As many of you may know, the trial of Jerry Sandusky is wrapping up as the case has been submitted to the jury today. I wanted to show my solidarity for the victims and for those of us who are the One in Five; the statistical demographic of survivors. I have chosen not to use the word 'alleged' since I'm not commenting as a legal expert but a survivor myself; albeit biased and totally subjective.
I submitted my poem, Don't Ask, Don't Tell, which was posted on the Daily Kos Tree Climbers Blog, which has featured coverage of the trial firsthand by folks from the Tree-Climbers Organization. If you don't mind; would you please visit the website via this link, and please feel free to leave a comment. The poem itself isn't important. As I told Roxine from Tree-Climbers, I've already forgiven my offenders, but the poem reflects the feelings that many of us who have survived abuse may have; the feelings of having no voice and being told that what we went through did't happen or wasn't as bad as we believed it to be.
For many of us here, there remains the sad fact that folks we know personally have been hurt by abuse as children. We may have a relative or friend in person, or an online acquaintance or friend who is a survivor. More over, some of us are survivors ourselves, and have experienced the feelings of helplessness. There is help, and not just online. Support groups and counselors and mentors as well as organizations like Tree Climbers. If you've been hurt, get help. Tell a friend or family member you can trust. The fastest way to begin healing is to tell someone that knows and will affirm that it wasn't your fault. No matter what you've been told, either by well-meaning people, and especially your offender, you didn't cause this nor did you ask for it.
I'm asking for something that is very hard for many of us to do; if you read this blog and you are a survivor, please PM me if you feel safe enough to share that, okay? And please, no matter who you are, please feel free to comment here; anyone.
The link to the poem is:
The link to Tree-Climbers is:
you know I'm also one of the One in 5
and your poem moved me greatly. Thank you for sharing it.
Andrea; One of his adopted sons made aligation today against him threw the media. Its on
Jail Time
I hope he get the maximum jail time and he dies in prison. He should also be in the general population as they don't take to child abusers very well. I little advice Jerry - don't pick up the soap.
That is my 3 cents on the whole sad story
i first read 'don't ask don't tell' when you posted at tree climbers, and it is as strong now as it was the first time i read it. i may never fully comprehend the agony you went through, but that will never diminish it. all i can do is offer unconditional love to try to help you heal.
Biggest Hugs and Kisses,