Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

D'Eon (et al.) Bio at $1

The Dollar Tree chain of stores in the U.S. and Canada brings in remaindered books on occasion which they sell (like nearly everything they carry) for a dollar. One I found there a couple of weeks ago might be of interest to folks on the site.

Title is Unlikely Allies: How a Merchant, a Playwright and a Spy Saved the American Revolution, by Joel Richard Paul (2009, Riverside/Penguin).

It's what amounts to a triple biography of American Silas Deane, French author Caron de Beaumarchais (Barber of Seville, Marriage of Figaro -- the successful plays upon which Rossini and Mozart based the operas), and the Chevalier d'Eon de Beaumont, who had relatively little to do with the whole thing but was too good a subject to pass up.


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Living up to my name

My online name, Ragtime Rachel, is perhaps a bit grandiose considering I play the piano rather poorly, but there is one piece I play rather well, and that's Scott Joplin's "Maple Leaf Rag." It was the song I heard Eubie Blake playing one day when I was twelve--he did it, as I recall, as part of a PBS special--and from then on, I was hooked, hopelessly, on ragtime. I had never heard anything quite like it, and endeavored to learn to play, simply to play that kind of music.

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The American Museum in Britain

My ex and I went to see this today. It's based at Claverton Manor just on the outskirts of Bath and literally down the road from the University of Bath - and the RSPCA dog and cat's home.

It's a lovely old house which houses the museum collection, and the most outstanding aspect is the collection of quilting, some of which are awesome and must have taken years to make. I was disappointed that they didn't have more Audobon prints but I suppose they have to change things around every so often.

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Just came home from my 2nd opinion

Well, I just came back from my 2nd opinion. They called me in just as I was leaving to see the endo doc. He's recommending me for the SRS. So now I just wait until December when I see my regular gender specialist, and he will put me on the waiting list.

I think I'm in shock, it doesnt seem real yet...

I'm so happy I'm crying

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Unexpected AZ Weather

Today the temp at 9:30 AM was 85 ° F and the sky was completely cloudy. Usually, even with cloud cover, the temp would be in the 90s. Right now, at noon, the temp is 75 ° and we've had light rain with little wind for 2 hours. I think most Arizonans who've been here more than a few years aren't too surprised by this weather, but I figure most of the country expects us to always have daily highs of 105 to 120 °.

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Doctor Visit

I went to the doctor for a follow up on my elbow and it seems it is not healing properly so it looks like a visit to th O R to put some screws in to hold it in place. I have more nuts & bolts in me than they have at
Home Depot. Think about this 100 years from now someone with a metal detector going over my burial sight is going to think they hit the jackpot or gold pot at the end of the rainbow because of all the steel & titanium I have in me

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Added the missing chapters for A Life Ever Changing 3a 3b

I am so sorry about that. Well, it is fixed now and I will be fixing the graphics as well, but they are not that important. The story is now ALL THERE thank goodness.

Huggles All

Angel Angel_Jeans_0.jpg

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Hello from Bob Arnolds sister

I was sorting throught papers and ran across the note with my user id and thought I would stop by and thank you all for all the kind words and thoughts after Bob's passing. We are getting by day by day but it seems harder this week knowing it has been nearly a year since he left us.

we are still dealing with the bill collectors and lawyers and the bank, but this too will pass.

We finally got up to sorting thru his varied collection of video tapes and dvd's, but there are numeros other things we haven;t had the emotional strenght to get to yet.

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In memory of ....

Thinking of ... one of my best friends. He was wonderful, caring, and accepting of me. He defended me against the bulling of others when in the Marine Corps.

He killed himself when in the throngs of depressions ... and I have missed him everyday since. I still remember his warm smile and beautiful blue eyes.

I miss him so much!

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Today I see the endo doc

Well, today I go to the endocrinologist today for a check up. Here is hoping I'm doing okay on the hormones. Its the last step before the 18th when I get my second opinion. I'm going to need a hobby or something to last the next 14 days, or I'll drive myself crazy thinking about that ....

Now would be a good time for my muse to come back from whatever party she's been crashing so I'll have something to do ...

Ah, well.

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Would you pay?

Hello everyone

I was just wondering if anyone would pay to read the finished copy of Nicole. If you would just email send me a pm. Also which are the good online publishers and do they allow authors to post on free sites like BCTS because I like writing here and i've noticed a couple of people here have stuff in the public domain thats available for sale as well. I won't stop writing for free but monetary appreciation would be welcome!

Sydney Moya

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The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 4 Honeymoon Trips By rache

The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 4 Honeymoon Trips By rachel76m Delayed

By Stanman63
Rachel sent me a P.M. saying that the next chapter will be delayed due to work.

May Your Light Forever Shine

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Today mostly sucked

First I hear Andy Griffith died.

Then I had to go to work for the last day of a branch office we were closing.

Plus today in 1893 one of my grandmothers was born. Today in 1926 my late mother was born on her mom's 33rd birthday.

And 46 years ago today on my mom's 40th birthday -- her mom's 73rd -- my grandfather, my mom's dad, died.

July 3rd has mixed emotions for me.

John in Wauwatosa

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Are they just being polite?

I was just complimented by a very nice young man on the street today.

That can be a validating, life-affirming moment for any woman my age, let alone a trans one. A reassurance that a man still finds us desirable. It was just the thing I needed, in light of my recent struggles.

I turned and said, "Thank you...." and then my heart sank.

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Writing tips for novels

I am in a writer's group once a month and much to my surprise, one of the small group is a published author and has written a few novels that I think are doing well. J P Blackmer, does that ring any bells? He writes Scottish fiction set about 600 years ago.

So, now to the point. He said that when he writes a book, he writes a little bit here, and some there, and finally in the middle and when he thinks he has a story then he works out ways to join all the little bits together. Hmmm. I wonder if I should try that?


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Andy Griffith dead at 86

As much a part of U.S. culture through the 20th century as anyone could be, Andy Griffith has died.

Story here

Best known as Sheriff Andy Taylor, though not far behind was his role as lawyer Ben Matlock.

Edited to add: The first headline I saw about this read:

Sheriff confirms Andy Griffith dead at 86

And I just couldn't help but think... wait... wasn't HE the sheriff?

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Southern California, Come One, Come ALL!!!!

I had the opportunity of sharing lunch last month with Erin. One of the things we talked about is:

Is there any interest in a get together in the Southern California area for a potluck?? Erin and I were at one in the San Francisco Bay area last fall. It was a LOT of fun.

And even more fun?? Meeting with others who think the way you do, or who write/read the same genre of fiction!!

Come One, Come all!!!

If you're interested, let me know. We're probably looking at something the end of the Summer.

Hugs and Blessings,


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The Storm in the Midwest and how it affects me

I wanted to let you know that my internet is gone, it'll take a good week to get it fixed completely. I'm posting this at my brother's house. Of course this means I won't be able to post my stories as fast as I wanted to. I've got chapter 9 up of The Crossroads. I'm in the process of working on chapters 10, 11, and the final chapter, chapter 12, and I hope to get these posted as fast as I can. Sorry about that!

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I was laid of in Jan 2011 and have tried to find work without much success but thats the case all over the country,I did sign on with up with several employment agencies but have had approx 26 days of work to date.
With only my Army pension I found it difficult to pay the bills and ended up being evicted on 23 April this year so I am living in a tent along with my dogs somewhere on the Pennines.

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Scientific American has an issue out on gender differences

Well, the magazine "Scientific American" has done an issue on how men and women think differently, and to make things more interesting, they've included stuff on transgendered people. Its a well-written mag, you should check it out if you can.

As an aside, I wanted to thank everyone who sent me a birthday greeting. Thanks so much to you all!

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Vacation & late chapters

A have a number of chapters that will take longer to post. My poor laptop shuffled off to its mortal coil before I got on my plane :'( im on my smart phone now. Not really condusive to writing long stories :-) I'll be back by the end of the week.


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Tomorrow is my birthday

Well, tomorrow is my birthday, and I'll be an ancient 46 years old. I missed being a Canada day baby by a couple of hours, apparently, but ah, well.

I doubt very much that when my mom carried home this tiny baby boy she ever dreamed that 45 years later she'd be shoe shopping for Mary Jane flats with him ...

Her acceptance of me is one of the blessings in my life, but I have a lot of those, and I'm trying to remember to be more grateful for them. You never know when one of them may go away, after all.

Happy Canada Day, everyone.

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Just out there

I just Wanted to tell everyone that I have messaged since I created my Account That ur stories have kept me Sane & even more so since My ShadowFax was put to REST.So thanx I guess.

Oh PS I want to say I am sorry to everyone also for alway's bugging u all about when the next chapter of one of ur stories would come out

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Power outage

As a result of the storms that swept through the Ohio Valley on Friday night, we have been without power for about 36 hours now. They are currently giving estimates of 5-7 days for 90% restoration. Hopefully it will be sooner than that. I will be poking my head in as power and cell service allows.


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046) I'm A Beauty School Girl

So I've been looking into the possibility of going back to school, and the interest was in Cosmetology. After some research, I concluded it was going to be either Toledo Academy of Beauty Culture, or Regency Beauty Institute - Toledo. My instincts told me I was going to be going to Regency, but I wanted to avoid any pre-bias before even giving TABC a chance, so I visited them first. Ghettoist Beauty School ever! So that was a... maybe, but prolly not.

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apology to Big Closet

I wanted to apologize to the Big Closet community as a whole. I have not been a very good friend of the site. Currently I have two stories that are incomplete (A Pinkilicious Birthday and The Cure) and that is quite poor of me. It's not that I intended to start them and not complete them, but that is what has happened. With being robbed and with the legal mess that I am currently going through, I am not in a good state mentally to write anything. Besides that, a slight change in living arrangements has made me even less inclined to write, but I think that is more of an excuse.

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Writing Future

I have a serious dilemma I've been plagued with as of late. My most recent story, Season of the Witch, is finally winding itself down and I've really enjoyed writing it but suddenly noticed its actually taken me nearly six months to do so. This is by far the longest time its taken me to write a story.

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A Big Thank You

To everyone who has supported my scribblings by buying either printed or digital copies of Gaby and all the other stuff.

Scaramouch, my publishing house, are celebrating selling 4000 units since they started in 2004, a copy of Wheels 2!

Whilst i'm never going to get rich, it does cover my internet connection costs, so thank you all very much.


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Our Box just got bigger. Misha Nova


To day we have started our move to a larger apartment and I am a bit on cloud 11 [better than 9] We will have separate bedrooms for the girls, I get a larger bedroom and a walk in closet, the kitchen and living room are larger and we now have a dining area.

The cherry on top of all of this is that it is just down the hall from our smaller apartment.

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More than a little pissed

Well, I'm upset, and it's upset occasionally when I think about it.

Why? Look at my signature. I've been on HRT for 22 months. You would think that I'd have tits, hips, SubCu fat, thinner face hair, and so on, right?

I don't. I still look like a boy in drag, and when my beard pokes through my makeup, I want to die of embarrassment.

I've been on 1.25 mg of Premarin the whole time. When asked to increase the dose, I was told "this is a marathon, not a sprint."

I had hoped that time would make the damned changes I want, and it hasn't.

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If I could be where you are

If I could be where you are

Where are you in this moment
Only in my dreams
You’re missing but you’re always
A heartbeat from me
I’m lost now without you
I don’t know where you are
I keep watching, I keep hoping
But time keeps us apart

Is there a way I can find you
Is there a sign I should know
Is there a road I could follow
To bring you back home

Winter lies before me
Now you’re so far away
In the darkness of my dreaming
The light of you will stay
If I could be close beside you
If I could be where you are
If I could reach out and touch you

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my muse has gone

Well, the creative crash I expected to hit after I finished my novella "Quest" finally hit, and after a couple or month of unbelievable output my muse has decided to take a break. Look up your daughters and wives, cause when she goes on the town, she usually ends up doing something I wish she wouldnt ...

Ah, well.

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Programs for writing

OK.. I admit it. I'm new to writing and would like some peoples opinion.

While I am working on my story I found that its almost impossible to keep track of my characters along with the story line. I'm not trying to do a SOTP story. I know where I'm going and all.

I've seen some programs that help with the structure, design and such. So what what programs do you guys use? Besides word that is.

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The Bodysuit In Fiction

The Bodysuit In Fiction

I have been using the all-purpose bodysuit in my stories to give my characters the bodies that they crave. Now, I know that such an invention would not be made due to the impact on medicine and society as well, it makes for a great story.That is why I am posting a story where it is first made, and why.

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Please help rename this story.

I would love some help with a story of mine, "Battle Field to Crib". So many people, including myself think that story title is well, lame. So, I would like some suggestions on a new name.

I think I am going to greatly extend this story to 2 or 20 chapters, and if I decide to try my luck selling anything on Amazon or where ever, it will likely be this story, after I publish it here. I like the sweet, gentle story line.

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need new editor (again)

Well I had it happen again. My second editor, Loki, the one who thoroughly understood the Whately Academy and Bleach universes has told me that due to IRL issues, he can no longer be my editor. The irony is he was exactly the editor I needed. So I ask for a third editor hoping that I get it this time. I need someone who isn't going to write off parts of the story I make as 'silly, goofy, and ridiculous' but who is going to see them as part of the universe. I also need a editor who is at least up to date with the Bleach dub (ep 257) or is beyond it.

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Sorry - too late to do Bike tonight.

Apologies to all Bike fans, but I was late in from work (worked nearly 12hours) and then got caught with a long phone call from a friend who needed some reassurance. It's now nearly 11.30pm BST so too late to start scribbling, so I'm off to bed, normal service should resume tomorrow.

Angharad & >^^< x2


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some help, if possible

In a few weeks I go for my first appointment for HRT. I am anxious about it, but feel that it needs to be done. My therapist is under the theory that I won't know what my next step after HRT is until I am actually on hormones and I'm inclined to agree with him. There are a lot of hindrances in my journey, mostly my concern about how other people will view me and if I'll be labeled a freak. But it is still a step.

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memorable moments in Comics

In honor of the new Spider-man movie, I wanted to share some of the comics that have stuck with me.

Crisis on Infinite Earths - The first real deliberate ret-con in my lifetime was in my opinion, one of the most amazing comics written. The most memorable moment? At the last part of the last issue, the villain Psycho Pirate is locked up, and he says, "You never know who will die, and who will live."


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Experimenting with my look

think I've reached a point in my journey where I feel confident enough to try out different looks to see what one suits me best. For example, I've been wearing a very subtle plum shade of nail color, and today I decided to try a bold red instead. I'm also looking at hairstyles, to see what I can do with that as well, although I still have a bit of thinness at the front that I would like to cover over as much as it can be.

I think a good step forward for me, and kinda fun besides.

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A very BIG thank you to all my readers!!

I'd like to say a really big thank you to all the people that took the time to read, comment and Kudos on my 'To Make A Wish' story. I have been busy writing new stories, and one will be replacing 'To Make a Wish', so sadly you won't be getting much of a break from my writing (please feel free to run away screaming now)
I'd also like to say a super big thank you to SamanthaK for putting up with me and my writing, as without her help, I would have given up on my writing more times than I can count. Thank you Sammi *big Hug*

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Strani Amori

Strani Amori

I'm sorry I have to go away
But I knew that was a lie
How much time lost behind him
What a promise and then never changes
Strange loves that bring trouble
But, in reality, we love each one

An expect to a phone call
the adventure of the illogical
the madness of the magical
a poison without antidote
the bitterness of the ephemeral
just because he is not there

Strange love, fragile
captives also accomplice
Strange love, problematic loves
as you do, as I do

I'm sorry I have to go away
But I knew that was a lie
This time I promised I'll do

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'To Make a Wish' will be late this week.

This is just a quick message to let everyone that is still reading my 'To make a wish' story, that it will be a little late being posted this week. SamanthaK is busy today, and won't be back home until late, and she does all the proofing, editing, posting and a load of other stuff that makes it so you can all understand what I write.



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why do I still struggle with my identity?

Why do I still struggle with my identity? Well, there are a few reasons why. First, because there is nothing feminine in my body - no intersex condition, no lack of testosterone, none of that, which keeps me wondering where does this fem thing come from?

Second, because of my rape and other nasty events in my life, I would be a good candidate for gender issues if environment plays any role at all, so the question becomes, "Would I feel the same if I had been blessed with some positive male role models?"

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Tropical Storm Debbie

This storm is coming on shore at Cedar Key with is only about 20 miles away from my house . The good thing is at the center the rain and winds are light, we had are rain on Sunday 12 plus inches .This is a dry (wet) run for a hurricane and hopefully this is as bad as it get this year. I have lived here 6 years and this is the first tropical type storm we have had not to bad . Stay dry HUGS EVERYBODY -- RICHIE

That last line sounds like it should be on an AB site (stay dry huggies) LOL

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Seems the dead can still hurt you

We just passed the anniversary of the death of the person who made my life a living hell for 18 years. Through decades of neglect, he passed away due to lung and liver cancer. There was no way I could say that it couldn't have happened to a nicer person because no one should die that way.

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Blade Runner, The Final Cut

I just watched the last approx. 50 min. of Blade Runner, The Final Cut (2007), which I'd not seen before. I thought it was much longer the the original US theatrical version, but I looked it up; it's only one minute longer, 117 min. vs 116 min.

In the last part of the film, everything was happening more slowly and dramatically. The ending, with Deckard (Ford) and Rachael (Sean Young) driving north on the Pacific Coast Highway, was cut. There may have been other scene missing to give more time to the slower action.

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23 million hits!

I've just noticed on the hit counter at the bottom of the page that we've now exceeded 23 million hits (plus an extra 9,000) since 16th June 2005. Yay us! :D

That works out at about 3 ¼ million hits per year, nearly 9,000 hits per day, 370 hits per hour or 6 hits per minute (have I ever mentioned I like playing around in spreadsheets?)

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wishing I had someone to hold me while I shake

The worst part of not being in a relationship right now? Not having someone to hold me while I shake during a PTSD moment.

They're scary sometimes, and hurt all the time, and I ache afterward, but the worst part is going through them alone, when all you want is someone to put their arms around you so you can feel safe.

I love my online friends, and I'm super grateful for their support, and I've been pretty lucky at finding someone to talk to when things have been bad, but I ache sometimes for a pair of actual arms around me, holding me and supporting me.

Ah, well.

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Every time I think of SRS I cry

Since the possibility of me being able to get SRS has gone up, I find I've been reacting super emotionally to the subject. I tear up talking about it, and even just writing about it is hard because I start crying. I'm scared of the pain, the discomfort, the whole thing, but I want it, I NEED IT ....

Oh crap. Here comes the water works ....

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Cathartic measures

I ecently blogged I was willing to let another author work on my unfinished stories. Somme one suggested I hold on to them and when I felt better complete them. Today I opened one of my stories and spent some time following the them I am writing about and within two hours I felt better and my story is close to completion.
It was nice to have that cathartic feelng of accomplishing an endeavor.

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Well they are telling us after days of saying the storm was going west that now it might come east , in any case we are having very heavy rain (even for Florida standards)since this morning about 6" and the rain will be here for the next 24 to 48 hours.
So if anybody has the plans for an ARK pleases foward them via BCTS - PM the RICHIE2 @ this web site THANK YOU

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Information about Through the years

When I first wrote this, I was afraid to put the name of the town down for some reason I can't recall anymore. Now, almost a year later I don't have that issue. For those wondering where Through the years takes place, Tracy's current home is halfway between Palermo CA and Oroville CA.

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Marital Equity

Conservative Right get something correct, for once.

Suze Orman Is a economic expert from Chicago and one of her expertises is women and their money.

Suze Orman show today on CNBC News channel, had a long feature on the Money worries of gay and to a lesser extent "other" marriages. I think if you are going to have a life partner type of relationship or have one, you need to see this...

(Maybe some thing for USA only but good advice for most)

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Strani Amori


Mi dispiace devo andare via
Ma sapevo che era una bugia
Quanto tempo perso dietro a lui
Che promete e poi non cambia mai
Strani amori mettono nai guai
Ma, in realtá , siamo noi

E lo aspetti ad un telefono
Litigando che sai libero
Con il coure nel lo stomaco
Un gomitolo nell’angolo
Lᬠda sola, dentro un brivido
Ma perchᨠlui non c'á¨

Strani amori, fragili
Prigionieri, liberi
Strani amori che non sanno vivere
E si perdono dentro noi

Mi displace devo andare via
Questa volta I’ho promesso a me
Perché voglia di un amore vero
Senza te

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Has the time come for a "mainstream" TG comic strip?

The venerable American comic strip doesn't seem as popular, or as influential, as it had been when people hung on every word of Dick Tracy, L'il Abner, and Pogo. This led some to make gloomy pronouncements about the end of that art form. Is the real problem, though, not that the medium itself is dated, but that its policies regarding appropriate content are stuck in 1953?

I'm inclined toward the latter view.

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Started stories but am wiling to let someone finish them

I have several stories I have begun but they need to be finished. I'm going through a rough depression and am unable to remain concentrated to finish the stories. They are all meant for solo's but if somebody wants to expound or embellish I have no problem.

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Gathering Dust and Hidden Treasures

There are many very accomplished writers who have posted works here in years past; however, their works languish under layers of dust, and are relegated to the seldom accessed stacks. Our membership has increased greatly over recent years, and tastes of the readership have changed quite a bit. The stories with a few exceptions are leaning towards themes that are reflected in younger society in general. Vampires, gothic adventure, super heros seem to dominate the contributions.

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my hopes for my 2nd opinion

As strange as it may sound, I'm rather hoping that the doctor who will do my 2nd opinion does more than just rubber-stamp me onto the SRS waiting list.

I hope he takes the time and effort to make sure of me, because sometimes I'm less than sure myself, and having a medical person confirm my status would help me deal with those anxieties.

But, only time will tell - 3 weeks and 4 days, to be exact.

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Jerry Sandusky found guilty on 45 of 48 counts

Well, Jerry Sandusky, the former assistant coach at Pen State, has been found guilty on 45 of 48 counts relating to abuse of kids. Its my hope that the victims will get a chance to speak at his sentencing.

In a way, they will be speaking for all of us who never got a chance to do so.


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a MAU-MAU-MAU mau mau ma mau ** no not that song!!

As I performed my normal look over at Fictionmania for what stories and chapters were new today I noted that Danielle J and/or Elrod W posted MAU - Rules and Author's Notes in which they give the backstory, the rules, and some FAQs about the Morphic Adaptation Units, Mark V, for the MAU universe, along with some final notes about 'reserved' characters.

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Bob Arnold

I am Bob Arnold's has been almost a year since he has been gone and it seems like only yesterday i was getting advice from him about my laptop....he would be so upset with me right now for being off the computer for all most a year but it was so hard for me to even get on and look at anything he did or helped with. I am still healing and I am getting better....I thought I would just drop in here and let everyone know that the family is glad that his site is still up and going and that ppl still know and speak of him.

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Rien ni vas plus

Some of the peepz here know this already. I have been having problems at work for a few years now. For one due to the fact that they don't want to admit that there's a problem.

So one of the last steps in this drama happened tuesday when I got called before the retirement commission. Due to the fact that there isn't a dossier against my direct supervisor I'll be retired in a maximum of 3 months (so before october and this only if the main office doesn't decide to retire my as of next month against advice of the commission).

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mixed day - good, better, then bad

Well, yesterday was a bit of a mixed day. First, I went to my daughter's grad, and it went really well, which was the good part of the day. Best of all, I wore female clothes, (abet very androgynous ones), and didnt have an issue with my ex or my daughter.

The better happened about halfway through my shift - Some of you might remember me blogging a couple of years back while I was working for Zellers about working in the Health and Beauty section, and getting depressed looking at the pretty women on the boxes.

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The Family Girl #047: My Thirty-First Birthday

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #47: My Thirty-First Birthday and Still Counting, or  "My bathroom scale is now my new best friend"

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Some folks here know that it's my birthday today (or rather, tomorrow if you're back home since Manila is like twelve hours ahead).   Yep, thirty-one years on the planet.   Happy-sad actually, coz I currently have some problems, but that is something I have to work out for myself, and I won't lay my troubles on you, dear blog-reader.   I think I'll stick to the happy part of the happy-sad equation.

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Thinly veiled TG sentiments.

I am reading a certain main stream Author's stories again after 25 or so years. He has one series of books about 12 books long and with my experiences in the intervening years, I am more sensitive in recognizing certain tendencies that seem to be common among TG genre folk.

The way he and his team of researchers have handled certain subjects in these books makes me suspect that a good many of our stories right here in BCTS could survive and perhaps do well in the main stream market, especially those with relatively mild and brief TG content.

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Aging in the Transgender population: A report and dialogue

This is a study detailing the unequal access to medical and other resources by the aging trans population. As is noted in the link, it is a pdf file and has some substance to it.

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Wishful Thinking - latest update

Well, the latest page is up, I hope that you enjoy it, if you do or you have anything constructive to say please leave a comment, I don't know if I am making a mess of things or not otherwise :).
Here is a link to the latest episode.


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Ooff...I made it!!

Woot!! I did it. Finally after a little over three years I finally finished my Ranma fic. There is no excuse for that story for taking this long, but I think it was worth it. I loved Ranma for a long time and this really was very fun to give back to the fandom of something that helped me cope back when Ranma was about the only pseudo trans person I could find. So, to finish this story is a big deal for me. Now all I really have hanging over me is 300 Rains and that shouldn't be too tough to take care of... right?

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Meteors stop fight against a Forest fire?

Okay. A news story this morning has me wondering, nay, in fact astounded!

It seems that there is a forest fire somewhere in the U.S. Not unusual, right? However! the report stated that some aircraft which were involved in fighting the fire were grounded because of METEORS in the sky, which would have endangered the aircraft!

Is this the beginning of some subtle invasion from "out there" somewhere... the beginning of the raprture again? The harbinger of the forecasted end of the world on Dec 21st?


METEORS interrupting the battle against a forest fire??

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I need a collection or hobby

I need to start collecting something or starting a hobby, but I don't know what so I was hoping for ideas.

I use to collect Christian Music CDs but with the internet and downloading, that has gone to the wayside. I wanted to collect awards for writing, but I haven't gotten one yet. But now that I have the house, it needs something with personality.

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