A couple of people have been wondering about where I've been...some people thought I fell off the face of the Earth and someone PMed me a while ago about nasty comments keeping me from writing but neither are the case. Its just that dreaded Enemy of all Writers...the Block. I just can't for the life of me figure out how to finish Season of the Witch. I've been plugging away at the latest chapter for a while now...about 5 pages into it so I'm making progress but I'm still trying to work out the rest of the story. I hope to have it done real soon.
In the meantime, I'm going to let Star Wars The Old Republic absorb the rest of my time for a bit :)
Star Wars
Are you talking about the original Videos? About 6 months ago, I rented all 6 of them and had a Star Wars marathon. Wow, it was fun!
Star Wars the Old Republic
Star Wars: The Old Republic is a MMORG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game) like World of Warcraft.
EOF: Glad to read you haven't fallen off the face of the earth. I think that would be rather unpleasant. :P
Hope you get the ol' muse kicking again.
Have a delightfully devious day,
Very odd tastes
Wow, I had no idea that there was a RPG for Star Wars. I must be really odd because I just do not get RPS's or Video Games of any sort. I like MS Flight Simulator because you can get real credit for certain parts of your flight time, and that there is no blood shed in the game.
It's confusing for me because, increasingly I just like real life feeling stories. What the hell is going on?
When I first started reading TG fiction (only about 10 years ago, so I'm still a newbie compared to some of the old hands around here) I mostly enjoyed reading the Sci Fi and magical transformation stories, since they tend to be more focused on the instant gratification of "boy is now girl" than the real-life stories.
After about three years of reading mostly only stories like that, though, my tastes started shifting more toward, well, I wouldn't so much call them "real life" stories so much as "enhanced life" stories, where things happen in a way that emulates the real world but gives the characters a more-than-average chance at being happy. C. Sprite's "I Can't Go Home Like This," and Maddy Bell's "Gaby" stories are the first two somewhat-real-life stories that really caught my eye, and since then magical or especially sci fi stories that attract my attention have become the exception rather than the norm.
Melanie E.
C Sprite, and Gaby
I started reading so called T stories some time in the 90's I think. FM was a really great source, but there were things going on that I did not understand and one day she just folded the site up and quit. Then I stumbled upon ASSTR for a while, but some of the stories there, I think must be so bad that they are illegal and I was worried about even getting caught with one on my computer. Not making any judgment here, but I do not want to go to jail.
Sometime along the way, I happened upon C. Sprite's site and loved her work also. It was her site that finally allowed me to publish my first story.
Later, for some reason, I came over to what is now BCTS. I do not know how it happened, could Sephrina have invited me? I have little memory of those years because I was completely mindless due to overdosage of psych meds, so I don't remember much. Anyhow, she introduced me to Skype, and I am thankful for her doing that also.
I'll never be one of the stars here, but I enjoy the site and am thankful for it.
We was worried about are favorite girl. The fact that you are OK is OK , but girl I wish your muse could kick some butt and put fire back under your Keyboard
Writing Update
Have fun!
May Your Light Forever Shine