Just thought I'd give people a quick update about what has been happening with me and writing lately. To be honest, I'm not sure what's happening to the DRU. I've tried to get my last two stories flowing but I just can't seem to get either of them moving. I'm not going to quit though, I'm just going to try brainstorming my way around the problems.
In the meantime, I've come up with something else I want to dabble with for a bit. Its not DRU or any other universe, its a stand-alone that was inspired by a manga I've been reading recently. So I hope everyone likes it :)
Good luck
I'd be quite surprised if I didn't like something you wrote.
Kaleigh Way
Me too!
Whatever it is, go for it!
Melanie E.
Writer's block
Believe me, we've all been there before. As long as you're a writer, whether it be an I-fiction, novel, blog, recipe book or scriptwriter, there will be good days where your ideas flow like water and there will be bad days when you would sit infront of the computer, not knowing what to write. Ended up you went and play games because it felt stupid to sit watching the computer screen for an hour without doing anything.
Hope you got your inspiration soon. Talk to me if you want. I don't read DRU, but don't be offended. I don't read anyone else's story, much. I have too much to write that that I felt like my time wouldn't be efficient if I keep reading other people's stories. Maybe I can give some kind of insight that you overlooked?