So The Underappreciated kind of ran its course with me. I'm still writing it but its going a lot slower than I would have wanted. So I've kind of put it on the back burner for the moment.
That could be seen as bad news to the few fans of the story but possibly good news to fans of the DRU. Yep, that's right---I'm back into the monster game. Expect a new DRU story in a couple of days. Its a short one but it stars a familiar character. After that I'm going back full blown into the DRU....I have a story about a minor character that will put her to the forefront then I'm going to try the third Kylie story again. I'm bound and determined to conquer that :)
So that's my update for today...I'm just glad its not another rant lol.
I will miss the
I will miss the Underappreciated update but am glad that you got several DRU stories are in the work. I will look forward to anything you submit.
me too
I am really enjoying The Underappreciated. I can wait as long as I know more is to come.
Cassie Ellen
Publish or Parish
There are some authors here that seem to be on that sort of bent. Those of us who are not writing geniuses can't keep pumping the stories out. We start with a lot of ideas; however, the writing sometimes is faster than the creation of ideas. The wellspring of ideas can only produce so much at a time.
Quality, not quantity: that's what matters. Don't force it, you're to good a writer to put out something that is not up to your standards just so you're putting out a word count.
I've been working on a novel for nearly a year. It might be 2/3 completed, and I suspect it will be well into next year before it's ready. When it's ready, then I will publish it. Not an instant before. I can see the results in not publishing for a while as my readership has fallen way off. I know there are many readers out there who might enjoy my stories; however, until I publish something new, I won't get new readers. So be it.
Yeah, I'm a comment and reader count whore, but I'm getting over it - not really, but it sounds good.
Portia, thankfully ...
Next year is still a bit over a day away, so we will not have to wait over a year?
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
Which one?
So, Portia… Which Parish do you pray in when you can’t get anything published? :3
Where is your mind?
The Underappreciated is different than your usual fare, and more slow moving. Still the episodes from 1-6 got 106,89,88,80,77, and 69 kudos respectively. I must say to you that your lowest score is more than twice mine.
I had rather thought that this would be a romance of some type set in Medieval times. I was rather enjoying it. I just don't understand your attitude. I am very ill with pneumonia and other ailments and my patience is low.
I'm thinking he means it as....
Not being low, pre se, but low when you consider the kudo count that he normally gets on his stories. At least, that's how I see it. That and the ammount of comments might be slightly lower than what he normally gets. Still successful by the standards that I use, but who's to say he doesn't hold himself to a higher one?
Peace be with you and Blessed be
I'm one of those "few fans" of The Underappreciated, and I hope it is just going on a short hiatus and not being consigned to the bin of Great Unfinished Stories. I understand some the heartbreak of little praise for hard work (most of my humor posts have failed to gain an audience), but an even greater heartbreak for me is to invest my time and emotion into reading a story and then have it left orphaned, unfinished. (Admiral Krunch and Alyssa Plant, where are you?) I really meant it when I commented that the Underappreciated was my favorite work of yours, and I hope hope hope that you find your muse to finish it. I appreciate you, EoF! XOXO **Sigh**
Sighs are the natural language of the heart.
-Thomas Shadwell
The Underappreciated
I'm not ending the story...I'm just not writing it as fast as I want. The ideas are still flowing with it :) I did say I wasn't going to post it until it was done :) What I am doing though is writing other stories as well. This is all that this blog was telling people. That The Underappreciated is still coming but that there will be DRU stories as well :)
Sorry for the confusion.
I will...
...look forward, then, to when you are able to get more of it written. ^^ Good luck, and sorry for some of the negativity that's been floating around. ^^; Yours tend to be very enjoyable reads.
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"