Creating a hypertext linked image

Can you link an image, YES

You can also place a link around a image, once that image is created in the "body block".
For example the following line will create a image of a book with the words ENTER HERE under it. (note: changed in part to reflect suggestion by DAW in first comment)

<div align="center"><img src="/topshelf/system/files/u4007/Book.png" alt="Book.png" /></div>
<div align="center">ENTER HERE</div>

You copy this line of text into a title page on your author page, create the link by highlighting the whole line and than using the MAKE LINK ICON Than add the URL for the destination and hit OK, the end result is a book that you can click on and send the reader there, for example to a similar title page within a universe. (see Listing a Story in more than one Book, a work around?)

The "Book" below will send you to a little story called Killer Heels, go ahead click on the book.

Killer Heels by Dreammaker