This kind of fell between the cracks and didn't get announced but there were five winners in the April Fools and Other Wise Contest. Check here to see if you were one of the top four winners and then PM or email me to tell me what you want done with your $35 prize. Since there was only ONE vote between fourth and fifth place, we decided to go ahead and give five prizes.
A Change of Summer Camps by Jessica C
14% (45 votes)
The Suitcase by Maeryn
12% (41 votes)
Missed-communication by Tels
11% (37 votes)
April Fools or Are You Serious? by Angel O'Hare
10% (34 votes)
The Wanderer: Eating Dreams by HEather O'Malley
10% (33 votes)
Belated congratulations to the winners and now you know why I usually leave running these contests to Sephrena. :)