Gwendolyn's blog

A little venting about the job hunt...

So I graduated with my M.S.W. in December. Now going on eight months of the job hunt. I guess I'm in a better position then some. At least where I live there are jobs to apply for. It's just frustrating sometimes. Was in the final running for a job I would have loved. Came down to three of us, but the department manager ended up going with someone who had just a bit more direct service experience then I do. Now I'm back at square one putting my resume in, and trying to keep building contacts. Doesn't matter how high your degree is.

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The girls of my life growing up

I was sitting here at the computer getting some things done for work, and while I was pondering things, some old memories hit me. Flashes from late toddlerhood, preschool, elementary, middle school, and I realized something I had not noticed before. I always had a girl my age that was a friend and role model for me. I had boys that I was friends with. At times I hung out with them a lot more, but growing up I always had that one girl that I looked to when I was unsure about how to act, or that I looked to when the boys I played with confused me or just got too rough.

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I've never been made in boy mode before...

I had a very interesting conversation this morning. I am finishing up a graduate degree at a local university. This morning while waiting for a class to start, a girl I know pretty well from my program comes up to me and asked me "Listen, this might be a bit forward but can I ask you something kind of personal? You can say no of course, but I'm curious." Of course it's rarely good when someone opens a conversation like that, but not totally new to me. I have a very obvious physical disability, so I get curious people brave enough to come ask a few questions from time to time.

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Mom is Mommy again

Ok, so I had a weird experience tonight. It started yesterday. I flew out to my parents place for Thanksgiving and got in yesterday afternoon. I made the final decision a couple of days ago that I was going to come out to my parents before the end of this vacation, even if had to hand my mom a letter before I boarded my flight home.

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Some stories hurt so much to read

I have been fighting to not post this. I did not want to introduce myself this way, but I feel that I have to. I have read so many great stories here over the last couple of weeks. Even those painful stories of abuse that I have read have been beautiful tails. They are emotional and I weep with the characters, but I am grateful for the experience.

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