jacquimac's blog


Row on row they lie
In fields all around the world
They kept their word
And gave their all

They gave their lives
For the people
Sent by politicians
to defend their country

I Wonder what
They would say
If they were here today
The young of yesterday

"When you go home, tell them of us and say,
For your tomorrow, we gave our today"


Armchair critic

I saw this poem and soon realised it applies to most if not Veterans

He is an armchair critic
Who likes to watch the news.
Staring at his old TV,
He mumbles as he views,
And when the politicians speak,
He almost blows a fuse!

He disagrees with everything,
Or so it seems these days.
He doesn't like the news anchor
Or half of what she says.
It seems to him the world's gone mad
In oh so many ways.


ode of rememberance

They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.


Angel O'Hare story

Going through my portable hard drive to clear some of the rubbish we tend to accumulate and found a chapter of a story that Angel asked me to edit for her.
The problem now is what to do with the story, do I just delete it or is there somewhere or someone that is holding Angel's stories.
It seems a shame just to delete the chapter and I do remember her telling me that her stories were being held by somebody

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New Story

Well I have just submitted part one of my new story as there were no takers on my request for a collaborator. I'll just have to see how it goes and if it doesn't suit then I'll discontinue it and try something else. If after reading part one someone would like to join me with the rest of the story I would be only too happy to accomodate them.
For those of you that are still waiting for me to continue stories that are still ongoing, I apologise as i have not been able to get my PC out of storage at this time, the person who is storing for me is still on holiday as yet.


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I was laid of in Jan 2011 and have tried to find work without much success but thats the case all over the country,I did sign on with up with several employment agencies but have had approx 26 days of work to date.
With only my Army pension I found it difficult to pay the bills and ended up being evicted on 23 April this year so I am living in a tent along with my dogs somewhere on the Pennines.

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The Stars and Stripes Anthem

Somebody sent me a link to You Tube it was group of kids singing the Stars and Stripes and very well I might add.

Later on in the evening I thought that the situation in which the Anthem was written was funny.

Now don`t get me wrong I`ve nothing against the USA and have served alongside US troops when I was in the Army.

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Lest We Forget

Lest We Forget



On the 25th December most people will be celebrating and Christmas with their family and friends.

Let everyone in the Free World spend a few moments for those who are serving and dying in foreign fields,and those that have already make the Ultimate sacrfice.

I know there are a few Ex servicemen and Women that use Big Closet and like myself will know the hardships and reality of war in our attempts to keep our countries safe.

I found a poem on the internet that many may not of heard

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It`s that time of year again, Christmas is only a few weeks way and already the christian world is going nuts.

I hate Christmas with a passion and think it should be banned along with Easter.

The so called season of goodwill to all men yet we have people dying in Afghanistan for no good reason but to make the politicians look good.

I served 23yrs in the british Army and did duty every Christmas day, mainly because the married got the time to spend with their families. I didn`t mind that but why do we have to Christmas music deafening us when we go to the shops.

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Thanks everyone

I would like to thank everyone for the comments made for "Five Foot Two".
When I wrote this story I never imagined it would take off like it has.
I`ve received lots of personal messages form readers who have enjoyed this story.

I know I`ll never be able to write stories of the calibre of the majority of writers on BC especially Angel.

I would like to express special appreciation to Stanman63 and Jonelle for the editing they have done for me and advice they have given me.

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Story Critics

I often see comments about stories written on this site that are little more than a put down in some cases.
The vast majority of the Stories on BC are works of fiction and I often wonder if the person who makes some of these comments knows what the "FICTION" means.
The dictionary definition is;

fic ·tion”‚ [fik-shuhn]
1. the class of literature comprising works of imaginative narration, especially in prose form.
2. works of this class, as novels or short stories: detective fiction.

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