The Family Girl #047: My Thirty-First Birthday

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #47: My Thirty-First Birthday and Still Counting, or  "My bathroom scale is now my new best friend"

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Some folks here know that it's my birthday today (or rather, tomorrow if you're back home since Manila is like twelve hours ahead).   Yep, thirty-one years on the planet.   Happy-sad actually, coz I currently have some problems, but that is something I have to work out for myself, and I won't lay my troubles on you, dear blog-reader.   I think I'll stick to the happy part of the happy-sad equation.
There was the usual hoopla in the office, and I got some small gifts.
One of the highlights of it all was a biiig three-feet-by-four-feet birthday card signed by all eighty-plus employees in the office.   It had one of those things that, when you opened the card, an electronic version of The Happy Birthday Song would play.   Sure, it's an old, tired and tacky gimmick, but still cute, and I appreciated it a heck of a lot, even though (the cynical part of my brain said) most of em were just brown-nosing.


Another one was the gift my driver-slash-bodyguard gave me after he dropped Moe and I home earlier tonight - three bright-colored necklaces threaded around each other that Manny's wife made just for me, with a small siver tag, smaller than a dime, hooked onto them, with a personal birthday message engraved on it (I hope you don't mind if I don't share it) from Manny and his wife. I was very touched.
Thanks to Tintin, to celebrate, there were several banoffee pies in the break room, enough that everyone would at least get a little slice. We kept the pies for the 10pm-6am evening shift in the two fridges in the break room for them to munch on later, while everyone else had a nice afternoon snack.   For me, I had a biiig slice.   Banoffee pies (or are they cakes? I never was sure) are my newest favorite dessert.   They make a reeeally scrumptious version in the Starbucks near the office, but Tintin got these pies from a place called Banapple, and they were even better.
I guess the pie put me above my minimum calorie count for the day, and Moe and my therapist will be happy to know that, I'm sure.   Here's another piece of good news - I am now just a hair above the magic number of 100 pounds!   Having put on these many pounds in a month is incredible (in my humble opinion only, of course. Heehee) and it's all thanks to Drill-Sergeant-Moe and my therapist... grrr...
Another upside is that I can still fit into most of my clothes despite the extra poundage, although a lot more more snugly.   According to Moe, tho, my stuff now fits me like a second skin, which Moe likeee a lot :)   I, in fact, have learned a few new Japanese words, coz Moe keeps on using them: sekushi-na, sekushidesu and kawaii.   (I won't translate them anymore)
I am also proud to say I am now a full-fledged B-cup instead of a "smallish B."   Well... actually just barely.   Gaining weight apparently means gaining weight in the boobies, too.   Coolness.
All I have to do now for the next six months, aside from keeping my weight a pound or two near 100, is to keep my weight steady.   Apparently, a fluctuating weight is as bad as no weight gain since it's (one) unhealthy, and (two) it just means I am not yet "stable" and I am not "exhibiting the proper change in lifestyle," as my therapist would quote from the latest APA-approved text.   Anyway, Moe will keep me in line, I'm sure. *sigh*

    Moe n I are not going out  tonight and just staying in, but we have a whole day of frivolity scheduled for tomorrow.   In the meantime, I have the bouquet of summer blooms she gave me to tide me over til then. :)

Anyway, I will be calling Ma and Dad later.   Funny that it's not them calling, but since I get to charge my celphone bills to the company, I have therefore been ordered by Brigadier General Dad (and Ma) to call them so I may receive my Happy Birthday on schedule, and thereby be put on notice that my parental units do indeed love me... Sir, yes sir!!! :))
I have been relatively quiet in the site for the past few weeks. I guess I am just not too keen on blogging, what with all this... stuff to deal with, plus all the frustrating, mauldin regular office nonsense that I am   sure you wouldn't really want to hear about.   But I am trying to put a deliberately positive spin on things, as you see lol.   When it gets a bit much, I just go to the office building's rooftop (my own patented way of gettin some alone time at the office, as you know), relax, take off my shoes and try to forget about my problems for a while. And afterwards, I would usually be good to go.   No negative thoughts! Especially today. Nosiree, Bob!

    Anyway. I am thirty-one years old today!   Yayyy!

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