The Family Girl #076: Pimping My Story - My Upcoming Entry

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The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #76: Pimping My Story -
My Upcoming Entry for the May Contest

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Blogs, click on this link:

I decided to get on the "advertising" bandwagon, too, and advertise my story here in BCTS' blogs - it’s my entry to the "May Story Contest: Rebirth" contest sponsored by Asche, this May, 2016. Click on the Autobot graphic, and enjoy the trailer!

The TinyPic video will be gone in a few weeks so, if you want to watch it, better click on the link now.

The video trailer actually doesn't have much to do with my story, except that it's advertising the fact that my story's coming out around May 28, so that means you'll have until June 10 to vote on it via Kudos clicks. Apologies - shameless advertising and phishing, actually. lol

As usual, it's gonna be a biiig story - at least 150 pages - so be warned. Actually, my writing's going fast (well, fast for me, that is), so I might actually have it published before May 28. I am desperately trying to have it out as quickly as possible so that there'll be more time for folks to read it.

Cross your fingers!!

Lots of graphics in Bobbi's posts use publicly-accessible pics from the net: No ownership is claimed nor IP infringements intended

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