Greetings, dear reader. If you are new to TopShelf, I'd like to say welcome, and I hope you stay for a while and enjoy your visit. And, after reading some of the stories in the site, maybe the spirit will move you, and you would consider being a member and post your own tales.
But, if you're already a member and have visited this page hoping for some help in sprucing up your stories or posts with pictures, fancy text and font effects, well, you've come to the right place. (I hope, heehee)
As some know, when I was a new member, I tried to help by making up a little tutorial for a fellow member who wanted some pointers on how to put pictures in her stories. (Hi, Fleurie!) So I made up a little tutorial in MS Word, asked a friend to convert it into a portable Adobe Acrobat PDF file, and sent it to her, as well as anyone who wanted a copy. This became the "Topshelf for Dumdums" reference book.
That was some time ago, way back in November of 2009.
If you are at all interested, click on the picture-links below so you can go to the various blogposts that show how the book came to be written.
Anyway, Sephy, one of the first people to help me get settled here in BCTS, PM'd me a few days ago asking for permission to put a link in BCTS so that visitors to the site can get a copy of the book. So I offered to put up this post to make the downloading convenient for everyone.
Just click the picture of the book cover above and a copy of the book will be downloaded to your computer.
I surely do hope you find the book useful, and if you have any questions, feel free to send me a Private Message (PM).

To see Bobbie's blogposts, click this link:
To see Bobbie's stories in BCTS, click this link:
To see Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click this link:
To see Bobbie's old Working Girl Blogs, click this link:
Fonts I'm okay,, huh, urkk. Thought I'd have a looksee but it comes up Page Not Found.
workin' now
Taa hon.
Thanks Bobbie,
but I couldn't find the chapter on plotlines for the next thousand episodes of Bike, however,
I'm sure it'll help with my technophobia - I have to get the cat to upload/download things.
The TopShelf For Dumdums Book
Hope that this helps people out. Thanks Bobbie.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Problems Downloading
The TopShelf for Dumdums downloaded fine; however, the others downloaded as text files that are basically unreadable. I did a right click, save target as, and the only choice I had was to save as a text file.
Sorry 'bout that...
Hey, Portia.
Sorry about that. Those links aren't really to download stuff but to allow you to jump to the blogs that show how the book came about.
I've done some fixes. Can you try them again?
To see Bobbie's stories in BCTS, click this link: ÂÂ
To see Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click this link: Â Â
To see ALL of Bobbie's blogposts, click this link: ÂÂ
You're BACK!!!!!!!!!
Hey Nice job!!! It took a lot of work to put that together and I had NO problem downloading it and viewing it. My only suggestion would be to NOT forget the size/ quality of the images that you post. Not to be too critical but in web work EVERYTHING is about download time. Each page with text and images totals a certain amount of K-bytes. The object of the "game" is to make it as SMALL as possible. Case in point, your image of the cover of the new "book for Dumdums" is WAY TOO big" in many respects. It is 800x1036 pixels and 813K . For print that works well but for the web, every byte cost download time and assuming that not everyone has a T1 line is probably a good thing. Also, it is a .png file which would probably only be used when you need the transparency that PNG gives you. The same resolution saved in a .JPG format or a .GIF is about 80K (1/10 the size in bytes and therefore 1/10 the download time). As a rule of thumb, use GIF for flat color (like the cover) and JPG for Photos. Anyway, just thought aht I would throw in my $.02.
Oh yeah! Since you're back, is there a new DANNY in the future???? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.......... thanks and welcome back...................Adoy
Thanks for your verrry enthusiastic and positive response. Much appreciated! Your comments and suggestions are noted and appreciated. I'm waiting on Sephy, though, if she has further instructions, so I can do the changes just once. This post was largely because of a request from her. (You know Sephrena, of course? My original Layout Editor Extraordinaire, and one of the first friends I made here in BCTS. If anyone needs some editing or layout assistance, you can't go wrong by asking Sephy for help.) I will also include your suggestions in the second edition of the book, though I don't know when I can work on that...
Truth is, though, this old book didn't take too much time to make. It's just 21 pages, after all, and back then, I had time to spare for such things, unlike now. Things are getting pretty busy for yours truly lately, especially this June (as some BCTS citizens know). It's mostly good things tho, so no worries. Mite be visiting the Philippines again, and maybe Korea, India and New Zealand, too. (Don't ask - it's for work...) Mite also be gettin married, too... Heehee! Akkk! Gasp! Shocked silence... Maybe one of these days I should resume the Working Girl blogs and tell you guys all about it, given how this is starting to feel like one of my blogs.
As for my Danny story, yes, I'm working on it, as best as I can, and though unfortunately the writing is going glacially slow, I am, indeed, working on it. In fact, some BCTS Friends have gotten a sneak peek at the work-in-progress already (No spoilers, please, you guys! You promised!). The draft is currently up to 15,000 words now, and still growing, unfortunately. I'm also working on some new chapters for my Library and Witch stories, but for now, Danny is still the priority.
Y'know, Adoy, I have never really been away. I just haven't been posting much. But, y'know, all it takes to get a response from me nowadays is to send me a PM or something. (like I made this post 'coz of a PM from Sephy, right?) Just like I said in my blog.
Anyway, sorry for the long comment. Thanks again, and talk to all you guys soon!
By the way, it's good inflation hasn't caught up with that two-cents thing yet... heehee. Btw, how're the gas prices where you are now? Crazy, huh?
To see Bobbie's stories in BCTS, click this link: ÂÂ
To see Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click this link: Â Â
To see ALL of Bobbie's blogposts, click this link: ÂÂ
A tip of the Metaphorical hat to you dear one!
I have downloaded it and am currently using it to address my profound 'dumminess' (*grin*) Mille Grazie, mi nipote.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
glad to see you back.
just to let you know, still eagerly waiting the next chapter of your stories. if your not too busy. thanks