The TopShelf For Dumdums Book

Topshelf For Dumdums

Topshelf For Dumdums book

To download a copy of the book, just click this image.


Greetings, dear reader. If you are new to TopShelf, I'd like to say welcome, and I hope you stay for a while and enjoy your visit. And, after reading some of the stories in the site, maybe the spirit will move you, and you would consider being a member and post your own tales.

But, if you're already a member and have visited this page hoping for some help in sprucing up your stories or posts with pictures, fancy text and font effects, well, you've come to the right place. (I hope, heehee)

As some know, when I was a new member, I tried to help by making up a little tutorial for a fellow member who wanted some pointers on how to put pictures in her stories. (Hi, Fleurie!) So I made up a little tutorial in MS Word, asked a friend to convert it into a portable Adobe Acrobat PDF file, and sent it to her, as well as anyone who wanted a copy. This became the "Topshelf for Dumdums" reference book.

That was some time ago, way back in November of 2009.

If you are at all interested, click on the picture-links below so you can go to the various blogposts that show how the book came to be written.

Just learned something new

Just learned something new
October 25, 2009
 How to put pictures in your stories

School of Hard Knocks 101:
How to put pictures in your stories
October 25, 2009

New Book Coming Out

New "Book" Coming Out
November 2, 2009
TopShelf for Dumdums

TopShelf for Dumdums
November 11, 2009

 stories with pictures

Trying out something new:
stories with pictures
December 27, 2009

Anyway, Sephy, one of the first people to help me get settled here in BCTS, PM'd me a few days ago asking for permission to put a link in BCTS so that visitors to the site can get a copy of the book. So I offered to put up this post to make the downloading convenient for everyone.

Just click the picture of the book cover above and a copy of the book will be downloaded to your computer.

I surely do hope you find the book useful, and if you have any questions, feel free to send me a Private Message (PM).


To see Bobbie's blogposts, click this link:  
To see Bobbie's stories in BCTS, click this link:  
To see Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click this link:
To see Bobbie's old Working Girl Blogs, click this link: