Liadan_Tallie's blog

David Saga

So, this is not the end, but this is the end of this part. I've just realized, well today while I was writing, that this really is one long novel. It is in separate parts, true, but this all goes to a single long story. There is one interlude currently (Club) and will likely be another before I begin Dee is for David which is then next part.

That being said, I really have NO idea how long this story is going to be.

I can tell you all, that Dee is for David, part three in the story picks up two years after the events of My Name is David.

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Call me Donna - reprise

So, apparently when I was saying there were 8 chapters to Donna I was wrong. Somehow I duplicated chapter 4 and what I posted today I had as chapter 6. So, there are only 3 chapters left to this short tale.

Alternately, I've started up with My name is David again. Seriously considering posting there again, but putting up a spoiler alert the next 4 days.

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I'm not gone.

This is to let everyone know why "...never a Bride" has not had another chapter yet. Mostly it's because I haven't written it yet, but let me continue.

My wife and I love video games. She is a big gamer from way back, and I've just spent way too much time playing.

That being said, the works of BioWare seem to have fit a perfect nitch for us, in that it allows me the FPS light that I really enjoy (the Uncharted series is one of my favories) and gives her the ability to "pick the choices" which she loves as well.

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Whatever happened to Aaron Smith? Chapter 1 revised

I've had someone helping me with my new chapter of AJ's story, and because of that we've gone over the first three chapters. The revision of chapter one is now up. I simply replaced the old chapter 1 with the new text. This will be the same thing I do with chapters 2 and 3.

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