I'm not gone.

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This is to let everyone know why "...never a Bride" has not had another chapter yet. Mostly it's because I haven't written it yet, but let me continue.

My wife and I love video games. She is a big gamer from way back, and I've just spent way too much time playing.

That being said, the works of BioWare seem to have fit a perfect nitch for us, in that it allows me the FPS light that I really enjoy (the Uncharted series is one of my favories) and gives her the ability to "pick the choices" which she loves as well.

Currently we are in the middle of my umpteenth playthrough of Mass Effect 2 (her first time) and it is the first time we realized that this could be a cooperative effort. Quite fun actually.

That being said, like most BioWare titles, it isn't a short game. The fastest I've ever completed ME2 is in twenty-four hours of gameplay, and some of my games have had more than sixty hours clocked on them.

So, I'm a bit behind where I'd like to be in writing this story. Just thought I'd drop you allo a line and tell you that I hope to have another chapter up sometime this week, but for the first time in too long I'm spending some real quality time with my wife, and that takes precedence for me :)


And well it should!

Spend all the time with her that you need. We're not going anywhere. I remember some fun co-ops I had with my wife playing Diablo 2 and Guild Wars. :)

Good priorities!


But we'll be waiting for the stories!
