Kendra Manderscheid's blog

ha, I am looking for a story ...

The story starts in the 1960's and involves a long "lady" who runs away from home and finds life .... She meets a detective and his wife who run a motel and she becomes a detective/military ... Jump, emt ..... and eventually becomes an officer in the Airforce.

Any help?

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I miss Robert ....

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I was rereading Julie O, and saw that Robert Arnold edited/proofed many of her stories. I miss him so much, he touched my life is so many ways. That started me thinking of others who are not with us any more, and I realized I could have been one too. I still have my moments of doubt and suicidial thoughts, and wonder if I will always be haunted by that siren call.

I have so much to be thankful for ... my life is slowly getting back into order and my sunshine filled days far out weigh my demon plague nights.

Is it always like this? I need someone cuddle with.

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I did not realize ....

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that I did 63 therapy sessions this last year. I met with my (wonderful and talented) therapist today and we had to submit more paperwork for my VA disability claim and was amazed at how much work I have done. She told me not to read the neurological report on me as it would likely upset me (great thing about being in the military is obeying directions/orders). If all goes well I will get my 70% disability raised to 100% in the next 3 months.

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there is a story ... (of course there is)

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and of course I did not bookmark it ....

The main characters ... there are two ... one is human and starts out male and a truck driver ... the other is an elf (female) that rides a dragon ...

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After 2 years and 5 months

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The VA has decided I have PTSD and that the military caused it. I am 70% Disabled. I have mixed feelings ... I am happy; I feel vindicated. I am slightly depressed; I did not want to be taumatized and live with the results of the abuses I have experienced.

I am thankful for the rating. My medical coverage is completely covered by the VA now. So there are silver linings in these emotional times.

Wow, I did not realize how much stress I was carrying.

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This is what the DSM V will be stating:

Gender Dysphoria (in Adolescents or Adults)**

A. A marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and assigned gender, of at least 6 months duration, as manifested by 2* or more of the following indicators: [2, 3, 4]**

1. a marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and primary and/or secondary sex characteristics (or, in young adolescents, the anticipated secondary sex characteristics) [13, 16]

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In memory of ....

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Thinking of ... one of my best friends. He was wonderful, caring, and accepting of me. He defended me against the bulling of others when in the Marine Corps.

He killed himself when in the throngs of depressions ... and I have missed him everyday since. I still remember his warm smile and beautiful blue eyes.

I miss him so much!

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looking for a story ...

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... that is about a family (of course) ... the child plays a guitar (really, really) good, and is accepted as TG'd. She plays spanish music, and the instrument is an old ... and can anyone help me?

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A glimpse into my life ...

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In the past 5 months I have realized I am as a flower ... like a seed planted in the ground I only existed, struggled with my life and hid from myself. Potential was there, waiting for me to realize living was not a punishment, but a gift from god. When my spirit was woken the seed cracked and I became aware of myself and a little of my surrounding. As time progressed the sprout broke through the ground and I was no longer hiding from myself and my surroundings. However, it was not until I formed my bud that I realized the true potential I had in my life.

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A fitting tribute

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I have been fretting all day over the news of Bob's passing away. While I did not know him, I knew of him, how can you not ... story edited by, site maintained by and the list goes on. I wish I had the words to express the sorrow I feel within, but I am not that good with words. All I know is he will be missed terribly.

So, here is to Bob's memory, his work and legacy. God speed and may your rest be peaceful.


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I am blessed

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I just wanted to share ...

... how blessed I am. About 3 weeks ago I met the most amazing person and he has accepted me with loving arms and a warm, spiritual, and special home for me. He has two dogs and a cat (who is more affectionate than any cat I have ever met) and has made his home open to me. He is wonderful!! Okay I know, anyone in love feels that way, and I am able to say ... I am in love with him. We complement each other and he lets me cuddle and more with him. It feels so special.

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