SaraUK's blog

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! & Thank you to everyone

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I just want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas, and also take a second to thank you all for reading and commenting or leaving me kudos to say you liked what I wrote. I also hope that you all have a wonderful time this festive season and enjoy the new stories I have my wonderful friend and editor SamanthaK proof and post in the new year.

Hugs and Love


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A very BIG thank you to all my readers!!

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I'd like to say a really big thank you to all the people that took the time to read, comment and Kudos on my 'To Make A Wish' story. I have been busy writing new stories, and one will be replacing 'To Make a Wish', so sadly you won't be getting much of a break from my writing (please feel free to run away screaming now)
I'd also like to say a super big thank you to SamanthaK for putting up with me and my writing, as without her help, I would have given up on my writing more times than I can count. Thank you Sammi *big Hug*

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'To Make a Wish' will be late this week.

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This is just a quick message to let everyone that is still reading my 'To make a wish' story, that it will be a little late being posted this week. SamanthaK is busy today, and won't be back home until late, and she does all the proofing, editing, posting and a load of other stuff that makes it so you can all understand what I write.



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Sorry about the mix up

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I'm sorry that the wrong story has been posted.
SamanthaK does all the posting for me, and she is visiting with a friend this week, and I think she was having a little bit to much fun when she made this mistake.
I've texted her and pointed out the problem, but I'm not sure when it will be fixed.
Please bear with us for the time being and I hope to have it fixed soon.



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WOW! and thank you so much

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All I can say is WOW! I never realised my writing meant so much to people.
I'm sorry for flying off the handle like I did the other day. I was having trouble with lots of little things, and had been feeling down for sometime, and reading that comment was the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak.

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Giving up writing

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I'd like to apolagise to all the readers here at Top shelf for having to put up with my stories for all this time. I've noticed a drop in the number of people reading my stuff, but I never realised that my writing was redundant and mundane. until it was pointed out to me in a comment, so I'll just stop writing and let other people that can write fill the space instead.

I'll be telling Sammi to post the parts she has left for the three stories that are on going, but after that there will be no more from me.



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No 'Project Guardian book two' this week

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I don't think there will be any new part being added to my Project Guardian book two this week due to SamanthaK having some real life stuff to sort out.
I've not seen her to speak to in a few days now, so I don't have any more details for you. I can only guess that real life has once again struck.

Sorry to the few people that were enjoying the story, and I hope that it will continue soon.



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A Question to the readers of my 'You Have It All Wrong 4'

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I'm Sorry to bother anyone taking the time to read this, who has also been reading my 'You Have it All Wrong four' But i've noticed a sudden drop in the number of people looking at it, and I'm begining to wonder if people have gone off it, or I've just pushed the story line as far as I can?
I would like to get some feed back as to whether or not I should just give up on it, and focus on other stuff instead. I also don't want to keep posting it and taking up space that better writers could use.

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Comment related writers block :(

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Due to a couple of comments left for my 'To Make A Wish' story I've been unable to add any more to it as they have given me writers block :(
Part of me thinks the person leaving the comments just didn't understand or follow the story very well, but then another part started to wonder if maybe they were right and I'm just not very good at telling it, so since then I've been unable to add any more to the story, and can't see me ever being able to in the near future either, as every time I try to add to it, I just start second guessing myself and have to give up.

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There will be more YHIAW By SaraUK

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I just wanted to thank everyone that took the time to read 'You Have it all Wrong 1,2.and 3' And leave a comment asking for more of it.
Well I'm pleased to tell you that I will be adding a 4th book to the series soon.
In the mean time I hope you take the time to read something a little different by me called 'Project Guardian'

Happy reading, and Chrissy and Co will return.

Hugs and Love


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