No 'You Have It All Wrong 4' This week.

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I did have more to say

I had a little more than what came up on the blog to say, but due to some sort of problem, it wouldn't post the entry to start with, then it posted it without the other text being added.

Samantha and I decided to leave trying to post part 3 this week due to Erin and pippa still working hard to fine tune the site. We hope to carry on posting the new parts Next Friday. :)

Sorry to all thouse looking foreward to reading the next part this weekend.

Hugs, Love and happy readying.


I will wait, SaraUK

BTW, VERY solid extension of the series. You clearly have a *feel* for each of your characters.

Look forward to more.

And your continuation of To make a Wish is somrthing I look forward to reading each time it posts.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

I am not Pippa! :P

Piper's picture

Just a FYI...

Pippa Kingsley (not me) and Piper (me) are two totally separate/different individuals. :)

This has long been a confusion that has happened on various message boards and chatrooms :)

N-E-Ways, -HuGgLeS-
-Piper/Kirstyn Amanda Fox/PiggilyTails

"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks

Sorry Piper

I'm really sorry for the typo Piper. I should remember your name with how many years I've known you :)
I was having some trouble with getting the blog entry to work though, so when I did finally do it, it sent up an empty blog entry, and I was in a rush to add a comment, so I ended up missing the typo. I almost called Erin, Erina as well, but I spotted that one. *giggle*

Thanks for all the hard work by they way that you and Erin are putting in on the upgrade of the site.

hugs and Love


Thanks for the update

Of course I'm disappointed that I didn't get my Friday dose of 'YHIAW' but I understand your reason. Take care, and I look forward to next week.
